Min CC 08/04/1977 - Public Hearing MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING August 4, 1977
The hearing was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Mayor Sippel.
Mrs. Nirider asked what was planned to eliminate the drainage problem
along F.M. 1103. The problem has been caused by raising the level of
F.M. 1103 over the years, per Mrs. Nirider.
After discussion, the Mayor agreed that the problem-will be taken to
the Texas Highway Department. He stated that the proposed budget did
not contain funds for this work for two reasons. Funds in that mag-
nitude were not available and it was totally a state problem at this
Alderman Niemietz commented that installation of culverts under
driveways may be the answer after the road becomes a city street.
There being no further discussion the meeting adjourned at 8:00 P.M.
Jo S'ppel, May r
Lin a N. Iangs City Sec tart'