Min CC 07/21/1977 MINUTES CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 211 1977 'IEGULAR MEETING 3 � 1 . CALL TO ORDER: Mayor John A. Sippel 2. QUORUM CHECK: Linda N. Ling, City Secretary. 3. INVOCATION: William W. Wiederstein. 4. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: a . The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. 5. OLD BUSINESS: a . 911 Emergency No . Ricky Hernandez briefed the Council concerning the 911 Emergency No . program. After considerable discussion and questions a motion was made by Sig Swenson, seconded by Edward Ling and passed unanimously to pass Resolution"No . 1037 agareeing to support the program. 6. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: a. Gary Weaver appeared before the Council to make known Timber Tech, Inc.'s intention to expand their plant. He requested assistance from the City in obtaining a sewer line. No action was taken pending further discussion with the City Engineer and Financial Advisor. 5. OLD BUSINESS: b . A motilin was made by Marge Smith, seconded by William W. Wiederstein and passed unanimouslyto accept the terms of the Green Valley Water Corp. as stated. c . A motion was made by Sig Swenson, seconded by Marge Smith and passed unanimously to approve the rent payment to Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority. 7. NEW BUSINESS: a . The TML dinner in Seguin was discussed for August 1,2 . b . The Council discussed the plat plan and water and sewer lines in the Town Creek West Subdivision. c . There was some discussion concerning the safety on FM 78 due to being slick on the curves . 8. There being no further business, a motion was made by Sig Swenson, seconded by Marge Smith and passed unanimously to adjourn the meeting. J A. SIP MAYOR LI DA N. LING tITY VCRETARY BILLS TO BE PAID AuEst 4, 1977 11� �. G.V.E.C. City Park $7646.37 Kustom Signals Radar 46.55 Re. Shar. Ad. Ser. Handbook 3500 Southwestern Bell Bill 23.21 Tri City Ins. 49375608 35.00 26531646 Zimmermans Pharmacy Film (police) 8.37 City of Cibolo Water Department City Hall 11.72 City of Cibolo Water Department City Park 6o-52 Jerry Marin Cleaning 18.70 Cibolo Lumber Co. City Park (paint barrells) 9.50 R. F. Hamm Supplies for Mowers (12.35) 27.78 vi Supplies for Mowers ( 7.93) Labor ( 7.50) G.V.E.C. Com. Bldg. (12.08) 80.44 City Hall (52.90) Park (15.46) City of Schertz Purchased Water 913.37 Cibolo Self Serve City Truck 35.62 Cibolo Self Serve Police 10.75 The Valley News Publishing 14.36 Servtex Asphalt 96.66 So Tex Printing Supplies 2.80 City of Schertz Police (gasoline) 5ti.85 (� S Eugene B. Sisk Court Attorney 75.00 City of Cibolo Interest & Sinking Fund 267.50 City of Cibolo Reserve Fund 454.',29 Green Valley Water Corp. Legal work 300.00 Hill Country Water Final Bill 15839 .33 - -� TO THE MAYOR AND GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS: The undersigned owners of the hereinafter described tract of land, which is vacant and without residents, or on which less than three (3) qualified voters reside, hereby petition your Honorable Body to extend the -present city limits so as to include as a part of the City of Cibolo, Texas, the following territory, as described in Exhibit "A" a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if the same were fully set out herein. We certify that the above described tract of land is contiguous and adjacent to the City of Cibolo, Texas, is not more than one-half (1-2) mile in width, and that this petition is signed and duly acknow- ledged by each and every person or corporation having an interest in said land. LIZi THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF GUADALUPE Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared SHELBY J. HARRIS , DONALD CALE , and known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instruments and each acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. -,V Given under my hand and seal of office, this 2nd day of Augiis 1977 Notary Public, Guadalupe County, Texas BILLS TO BE PAID JULY 7, 1977 i ' Cibolo Self Serve City Truck $ 29.92 CCMA Bill 416.92 CCMA (Rent) July Rent 1_50-.00 -/City of Schertz (water) Purchased water 453.04 , GVEC City Hall 31 .90 -GVEC Park 17-38 ,GVEC Comm. Bldg. 10.88 The Valley News Publishing 2 .36 ,,Sippel's Hardware Lawn Mower 149 .95 --City of Cibolo Water Dept. City Hall 11 .00 ,--City of Cibolo Water Dept. Park 44.77 -Tommy Smith Repair lights on Police Car 8.00 �,Cibolo Lumber Co . City supplies 7.84 --Photogenesis Pictures 81 .55 .-Harts graphics Office Supplies 26.05 Frank Schmidt Recording deeds 9.00 �Servtex 2 loads of material 22 .18 Eugene Sisk Municipal Court 75 .00 ,_City of Schertz Gasoline (Police car) 60.21 City of Schertz Dispatching 100.00 i T & F Construction Co. City Park (curbs) 10.00 /Kustom Signals Co . Radar 46.35 .So . Texas Printing Inc . Supplies 27 .25 ,,. GR&M copies in June 17.05 ,,,Henry Pfeil Mowing 50.00 �_T & F Construction Co . 2 window forms(City Park) 44.00 I CIBOLO-SCHERTZ DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, INC. 109 S. MAIN CIBOLO, TEXAS 78108 July 21, 1977 City Council City of Cibolo Cibolo, Texas 78108 Dear Council: It is the desire of the Cibolo-Schertz Development Corporation, Inc. to have all of their property, locally known as Schneider Industrial Park, incorporated in the city limits of Cibolo. At this time, an undetermined amount of the western portion of this tract appears not to be in the city limits. If we can be of assistance to you in this matter, please feel free to call me. 1 - Sincerely, DONALD CALE President DC:bm