Min CC 04/21/1977 i MINUTES CITY COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 21 , 1977 -"' 1 . CALL TO ORDER: Mayor John A. Sippel 2. QUORUM CHECK: Linda N. Ling, City Secretary Present: Absent: Mayor John Sippel None . MayorK_ProETem Ed Ling Alderman Fred Niemietz Alderman Marge Smith Alderman William Wiederstein Alderman Sig Swenson 3. INVO CATION: a. The invocation was given by Ed Ling. 4. CIT IZ ENS TO BE HEARD: a. Mayor Sippel welcomed the many citizens and landowners who were attending the meeting in connection with the proposed widening and rerouting of FM 78 through and around Cibolo . He explained that by law the City or the County is required to obtain the Right of Way for any such project but that the State will bear all construction cost . If the City were to choose to not obtain the amount of Right of Way required by the State for open drainage then the City must bear the cost of curbs and gutters. After this brief introduction ex Mayor Schlather was asked to bring to the citizens a more detailed discussion of the four(.) routes through town as proposed by the Texa; Highway Dept. It was made clear during the meeting that the City couldn't afford to purchase all of the Right of Way for any of the routes. Several citizens offered to donate their portion of the Right of Way. The general concensus of the citizens present was the desire to press forward with this project and not to widen FM 78 in its present location through the center of town. 5. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: a. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. 6. OLD BUSINESS: a. Mayor Sippel reported that the well was in the process of drilling. b. Linda reported that the Community Development Block Grant for Street Improvemennn-'C' had been disapproved. - - c. The Council again discussed the need for some type of protective barrier on the legs of the water tower to protect it from vandalism. Mayor Sippel agreed to con- tact four welding firms to obtain proposals for such a barrier prior to the next Council meeting. d. A motion was made by Sig Swenson (Ed Ling) and carried unanimously to table further disucssion of FM 78 ROW acquisition until a special meeting can be held with Mr . Ehlers. e. Linda was requested to contact Mr. Anderlitch on water and sewer rate schedules. 7. NEW BUSINESS: a. A motion was made by Ed Ling (Marge Smith) to.w'pay:-o:r the renewal of the Southern Pacific ROW lease. Fred Niemietz, William Wiederstein, and Sig Swenson voted against. The Council agreed that Linda should contact CCC to determine if they would like to renew the lease at their expense. b. The Council agreed to table action concerning the Planning & Zoning Com. until the next meeting. c . A motion was made by Marge Smith(W. Wiederstein) and passed unanimously to elect Ed Ling Mayor Pro Tem for a period of one year. d. Linda requested of the Council approval to hire Mr. Andrew Tolle as City Bldg. In- spector. A motion was made by Fred Niemietz (Ed Ling) and passed unanimously to hire Mr. Tolle effective immediately. 8. ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made by Sig Swenson(W.Wiederstein) and passed unanimously to a 'ou:rn the Council meeting at 11 :55 P.M. T MAY JOHN A. SIPPE L LIN N. LING C ARY BILLS TO BE PAID APRIL 21 , 1977 GVEC Lighting at City Park $7,616.37 Blue Ribbon Painting of Water St. Tank 9,150 Fred Wiedner Judge- City Election 32 .60;.1. Mrs . A. Brietzke Election Worker 27 .60 =i, Mrs . T. Meek " " 27 .60 s Mrs . Geo . Sassman " " 27 .60 Mrs . S. Flores " " 27 .60 L Roland Elbel Hauling material 32.00 ry So . Pacific RR Renewal on Lease 96.00 !�-tw,_�.1. Pronto Printing Letters on FM78 ROW 4.73 Willie 's Garage Police Car 100.48 Cibolo E & Trans . Police Car 50.50'---- W.H.Mullins 0.50,W.H.Mullins Inc . Inspecting Water Tank 110.00` W.H.Mullins Inc. Prep. of Specs . & rebid documents 250.00' ¢'o W.H.Mullins Inc . Prep. of Specs . & bid documentsWT 750.00 W.H.Mullins Inc. Prep. Plans Specs . bid docu.WWell 850.07., So .Texas Painting Maintenance Agreement 45.00 Frank Schmidt Recording deeds on FM1103 ROW 18 .50 So . Bell Tele . Co . Bill 22 -73 kq Amfac Bulbs for City Hall 48.00 Pia. Golden Rule Creat. Patches (Police Dept.) 60.75 �9at- ` 9 .a FINANCIAL REPORT ENDING MARCH 31 , - 1977 YEARLY SIX INCOME BUDGET MONTHS AACOG TITLE II (REMMLER& TANEJ $1370.07 AACOG TITLE VI (HAPM&PFEIL) 1056.02 CITY HALL RENT 1200.00 600.00 REVENUE SHARING 3000.00 1867.00 INTEREST WATER DEPT. SALES(WATER & SEWER) 24000.00 11546-94 DEPOS ITS 588.00 NEW METER CHARGES -0- 326.47 INTEREST -0- 1109.15 STREET RENTALS 2300.00 1613.55' SALES TAX 10000 .00 6873.23 FILING FEES 12 .00 6.00 PERMITS 600.00 201 .00 TAXES 14000-00 16303-75 REIMBURSEMENTS 48.00 285.96 TRAFFIC FINES 9600.00 1398.38 $ 65348.00 $ 43448-37 s, i FINANCIAL REPORT ENDING MARCH 31 , 1977 DISBURSEMENTS YEARLY BUDGET SIX MONTHS POLICE PROTECTION SALARIES $ 8250.00 $ 3 .50.00 t OPERATING EXPENSE 5380.60 2799 .49 6249.49 OFFI CE EXPENSE SALARIES 5300.00 2680.00 SALARIES(PART TIME) 1300.00 1401 .26* SUPPLIES & EQUIPME'NT 2400.00 864.67 ELE CT ION EXPENSE 300.00 66.13 PUBLISHING EXPENSE 156.00 68.20 5080.26 LEGAL EXPENSE LEGAL FEES 1000.00 - 14o6-17 SURVEYOR & ENGINEER 500-,QO 271,.00 1677-17 A ECOUNT.I�tG -0 1423.00 1423.00 INTERGOVERNMENTAL EXPENSE TML 130.00 37 .50 AA COG 400.00 125-00 MISC. -0- 293.71 456.21 STREETS SALARIES -0- 3142 .85* _J' REPAIRS 1000.00 1053.40 MOWING 350.00 152.75 4349 -00 UTILITIES 1100.00 714.74 714.74 TAX -0- 648 .96 648.96 CITY PARK 700 OG ANNUAL PAYMENT 1700.00 -0- SUPPLIES 300.00 76.00 76.00 INSURANCE 1200.00 2352 .50 2352 -50 BUILDING CODE EXPENSE SALARY 525-00 62 .50 SBC. 75.00 40.00 102.50 SALARIES(COUNCIL) 500.00 158.00 158.00 CITY TRUCK 325.00 137 .98 137 .98 TnIATER VORKS SALARIES -0- 198-75 CCMA & SCHERTZ EXPENSE 4800.00 2368.05 PURCHASED WATER(SCHERTZ) 2712 .00 2855.13 SUPPLIES 500.00 2525-17 REFUNDS ON DEPOSITS 168.00 -0- 7947-10 DEBT RETIREMENT 14190.00 6602.71 6602.71 LAND (ROW 1103) -0- 2918 .001, 2918.00 TOTAL $ 54561 .60 $40893.62 $ 40893.62 3: Reimbursed by AACOG (CETA) TITLE II & TITLE VI Being reimbursed by Schertz-Cibolo Industrial Park