Min CC 12/16/1976 MINUTES CITY COUNCIL MEETING REGULAR MEETING, THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 16, 1976, 8:00 O'CLOCK P. M. 1 . CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pro Tem Edward Ling. 2 . QUORUM CHECK: City Secretary Linda N. Ling Present: Mayor F. S. Schlather Mayor Pro Tem Edward Ling Alderwoman Marge Smith Alderman Fred Niemietz Alderman Marvin Kierum Absent: Stephen Dykes 3. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: a. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. 4. INV 0 CAT ION: a . The invocation was given by Edward Ling. 5. OLD BUSINESS: a. Approval for extra gravel for streets . Council was in favor . 6. NEW BUSINESS: a. A motion was made by Fred Niemietz(Marvin Kierum) and passed unanimously 1 � to take action as necessaryto complete the work on-the water storage tank VU due to the emergency situation caused by lack of storage water for fire pro- protection. Mayor Schlather is to talk with Mr. Mullins to see if extra fees will be charged because of resubmitting bids . Also, he is to check b - to see if possibly we will get better inspections of work done to the water storage tank. b. A motion was made by Marge Smith,(Fred Niemietz) and passed unanimously to pass Ordinance No . 230 setting two dates for public hearings concerning the Community Block Funding for 1977• The public hearings will be held on December 27, 1976, and January 3, 1977, for the purpose of obtaining citizen input pertaining to City problems . c . A water well resolution was brought to the Council's attention by Mayor Pro Tem Edward Ling. After discussion, a motion was made by Marvin Kierum seconded by Marge Smith and passed unanimously to pass Resolution No . 1034 to request bids for the proposed new water well. d. A motion was made by Marge Smith (Fred Niemietz) and passed unanimously to pass Ordinance No . 231 pertaining to appointing Linda N. Ling as Tax Assessor-Collector for the City for a period of two years . She will be sworn in at the next City Council meeting. e. Mr. Hugo Ackermann was present at the Council meeting to discuss police relations . f. Linda brought to the Council's attention that possibly an intern could be acquired thoough STSU in San Marcos . Mr. Tom Willimas of STSU had discussed with Linda that funds were available in the future through HUD 701 (Federal) or now through CETA with is (County) . Linda was advised to look further into this matter. g. The Council advised Linda that a post office should be set up in the City HA11 and that the City Council minutes and aggnddawould be picked up on Monday before the Council meeting on Thursday. _ 7 . ADJOURNMENT: j a. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. F. S. S CHLATHER MAYOR LTN N. LING CIT S TARY