Min CC 12/02/1976 MINUTES CITY COUNCIL MEETING CIBOLO, TEXAS REGULAR MEETING, THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 2, 1976. 1 . CALL TO ORDER: Mayor F. S. Schlather. 2 . QUORUM CHECK: Mayor F. S. Schlather. 3 . Present: Mayor F. S. Schlather Mayor Pro Tem Edward Ling Alderwoman Marge Smith Alderman Fred Niemietz Alderman Stephen Dykes Absent: Alderman Marvin Kierum 3. INVOCATION: The invocation was given by Edward Ling. 4. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. 5. OLD BUSINESS: A. Linda was directed to request Mr. Bock to obtain a 180 day extension of the City's option to purchase a water well site from Mr. Robert Hierholzer. B. Mr. Jesse Graham appeared to brief the Council on CCMA's activity in the 208 Planning area and provide the justification for their office in the AACOG building. Mayor Schlather asked Mr. Graham concerning the status of the $700.00 owed to Cibolo as a result of the sewer construction. He stated they were awaiting a court decision. Mr. Graham also explained fully "users charges" to CCMA customers. A motion was made by Ed Ling (Stephen Dykes) to pay the $50 .00 per month to COMA to help defray the cost of office rent in the AAOG building by CCMA. The vote was 3 for and 1 against . C. The water contract with Green Valley was discussed. There had been no word from Green Valley since the last meeting. Ed Ling was to call Mr. Tschirhart to try to get this matter underway. D. The Council set Dec . 24 and 31 as holidays for City employees. The holidays for 1977 will be discussed at the next meeting. E. Mayor Schlather discussed the status of FM 1103 ROW acquisition. Mr. Toye Fox e has been selected as appraiser. F. Jerry Marin reported the required fire extinguishers could be obtained from Mr. Fritz Rusch at the least price considering the service available. He was directed to purchase them. 6. NEW BUSINESS: A. On the recommendation of our auditor, a motion was made by Ed Ling to require two signatures on all checks, either Linda's or Glady's and either Mayor Schlather's or Fred Niemi_etz' s. The motion was seconded by Marge Smith and passed unanimously. B. A motion was made by Marge Smith, seconded by Ed Ling and passed unanimously to approve payment of the attached list of bills . C. The Council agreed to pay the cleaning expense for Jerry Marin's uniforms . D. Mr. Fetter announced that he was closing his business here and moving to West Texas . A motion was made by Marge Smith(Stephen Dykes)and passed unanimously to authorize Mayor Schlather to contact Mr. Sisk to carry on the cases Mr. Fetter had been handling. December 2, 1976 F_.- E. The Council discussed the proposed Christmas Party, but since no agreement could be reached, the party was cancelled. 7. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 11 :15 P.M: F. S. SCHLATHER MAYOR -e4-) �7. Z'V;-,M, TINU N. LING CITI S2PETARY T,-