Min CC 11/18/1976 CITY OF CIBOLO
NOVEMBER 18, 1976
I. CALL TO ORDER: F. S. Schlather.
III:= QUORUM CHECK: F. S. Schlather. All present except Alderman Marvin Kierum.
III. MINUTES: The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented.
(a) The Green Valley Water Contract was discussed. Mayor Schlather had contacted
Mr. Harold Tschirhart and hopefully the contracts will be finalized soon.
(b) The Water Tower was discussed. Bids will be resubmitted and will be opened
the first week in December.
(c) The Water Works Dept. was discussed. An inventory of all water equipment
will be taken by the first of the year and extra supplies for future breakage
in water lines will be purchased. Barricades, a stand pipe and valve prices
are to be checked.
(a) Debbie Ponder of CCMA was at the meeting to discuss the letter from Jesse
Graham concerning the need of funds for rent and utilities on an office
at AACOG for two CCMA employees . The Council did not take any action at this time .
(b) The following bill was brought to the Council's attention for approval:
T & F Construction $336.76 Water Dept.
T & F Construction $292 .00 Street Dept.
Total $628.76
A motion was made by Edward Ling, seconded by Marge Smith and passed unanimously
to pay this bill.
(c) The Council approved purchase of (1)fire extingusher for the Police Car and
(1) fire extingusher for the City Hall. To purchase oxygen equipment for the
Police car was approved by the Council.
(d) A motion was made by Stephen Dykes, seconded by Marge Smith to,,-designate the
25 and 26 of November as Thanksgiving Holidays . All were in favor except Alderman
Fred Niemietz . The motion carried.
(e) A motion was made by Edward Ling, seconded by Marge Smith and passed unanimously m
to pass Resolution No . 1033 concerning the R-O-W of 1103. A motion was made
by Stephen Dykes, seconded by Fred Niemietz and passed unanimously to give y
Mayor Schlather the permision to hire a certified appraiser to appraise thi .._J"
property on R-O-W of 1103 .
(f) Jeranimo Marin Jr . was officially sworn in as Chief of Police of the City o�_'Cibolo .
(g) The City employees Christmas Party was planned for December 16.
VI. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M.