Min CC 11/04/1976 MINUTES CITY COUNCIL MEETING CIBOLO, TEXAS { REGULAR MEETING, THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 4, 1976, 7:00 0"CLOCK P.M. 1 . CALL TO ORDER: Mayor F. S. Schlather. 2 . QUORUM CHECK: Mayor F. S. Schlather. Present: Mayor F. S. Schlather Alderperson Marge Smith Alderman Fred Niemietz Alderman Marvin Kierum Absent: Mayor Pro Tem Edward Ling Alderman Stephen Dykes 3 . MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: a . Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. 4. OLD BUSINESS: NONE. 5. NEW BUSINESS: a . Discussion of the Cibolo Centennial Day, Oct. 17 outcome. Approximately $2200 net profit, not counting the committee's cookbooks and the T Shirts . b. Marge Smith discussed the 208 Planning Meeting with AACOG she had attended today. c . Marvin Kierum reported on the GVEC Tour in La Grange he had taken today. d. The Council moved to change the City Council meeting time from 7:00 to 8:00 P.M. on the first and third Thursday of each month. The vote was unanimous . e. A motion was made by Marvin Kierum, seconded by Fred Niemietz and passed unanimously to hire Jeronimo Marin, Jr. on a 90 day temporary probation at a salary of $650.00 to begin. Salary will be negotiated after the 90 _ day period. 6. ADJOURNMENT: a . There being no further business the meeting adjourned. The Council meet in a work session immediately after the meeting. F. S. S CHLATHER MAYOR,17 LINIA N. LIN G CITY S ETARY