Min CC 09/02/1986 C I T Y O F C I B O L O MINUTES OF. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING September 2 , 1986 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Bill Little called the meeting toorder at 7 : 10. p.m. 2 . INVOCATION. T. J. Harris presented the invocation. 3 . ROLL CALL. i Council Members Dannie Bishop, T. J. Harris, Tex Farnsworth, Fred Niemietz , and Mayor Bill Little were present . Council Member C. R. Jupe was absent at roll call' but arrived shortly thereafter. 4 . CITIZENS TO BE `HEARD. (LImit 3 Minutes ) • i Steve Liparat.o wanted to find a legal way of putting the basketball hoop back in the same place. Mayor Little told Mr. Liparatojthat the City could not allow children to play in the street because this would cause the City to be responsible in case of an accident at that location. 5-. APPROVE CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. MINUTES OF `PUBLIC HEARING, SEPTEMBER 2 ;- 1986, 6: 30 P.M. B. MINUTES OF :REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 2 , 1986, 7 :00 P.M. C. MINUTES OF WORK SHOP MEETING, SEPTEMBER 9 , 1986 , 7 : 00 P".M. i D. BILLS TO BE� APPROVED. Dannie Bishop ( Tex Farnsworth) moved to approve the minutes with elimination of the proposed Work Shop meeting from the Planning and Zoning Minutes of August 26 since the meeting was set for September 10 , 1,686 which is after today' s Public Hearing and which therefore cannot be held. Tex Farnsworth asked that comment number 15 be corrected to read that he will be asking for another surliey at the next Safety Meeting in place of his conducting a traffic survey. All approved the consensus items with the corrections noted. Motion Carried. OLD BUSINESS: NONE TO BE DISCUSSED. NEW BUSINESS: 6 . RALPH KARAM OF COMMERCIAL LEASE EXCHANGED PRESENTATION FOR RANDOLPH METROCOM REGARDING BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT, INTRA COMMERCE AND INTRA CITY DEVELOPMENT. Ralph Karam did not appear at the Council Meeting. 7 . APPROVE/DISAPPROVE REQUEST FOR VARIANCE FOR ENCROACHMENT OF 111" INTO FRONT, SETBACK AREA IN PLACEMENT OF BUILDING ON LOT 15 , BLOCK 3 , THISTLE CREEK SUBDIVISION, 334 SUNROSE LANE,' CITY OF CIBOLO, .GUADALUPE COUNTY. 8. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE REQUEST FOR VARIANCE FOR ENCROACHMENT OF 116" INTO FRONT SETBACK AREA IN PLACEMENT OF BUILDING ON LOT 16, BLOCK- 3, THISTLE CREEK SUBDIVISION, 330 SUNROSE LANE, CITY OF CIBOLO, :GUADALUPE COUNTY. PAGE 2 CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 2 , 3.986 Mayor Littlereadthe letter from,:Pulte Homes assuring that all future homes in Thistle Creek by Pulte Homes will be staked in the future by an engineer. T. J. Harris (;Tex Farnsworth) moved to approve numbers 7/8 as one but with the caution that in the future any encroachments and other building errors may not receive approval. All approved. Motion Carried. 9 . APPROVE/DISAPPROVE REQUEST TO APPROVE ENCROACHMENT INTO ELECTRICAL EASEMENT IN PLACEMENT OF BUILDING ON LOT lb, BLOCK 3 , THISTLE CREEK. SUBDIVISION, 330 SUNROSE LANE, CITY. OF CIBOLO, GUADALUPE COUNTY. Dannie Bishop -(Tex "Farnsworth) moved to stable the approval of the electrical encroachment until such gime Guadalupe Valley Electrical C8operative has issued a letter clearing the City of all liability., All approved the motion. Motion carried. i 10 . APPROVE/DISAPPROVE REVISED SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE. i Dannie BishoR ( Fred Niemietz ) moved to table the approval and discussion on the Subdivision Ordinance.' All approved. Motion carried. 1 11. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE REVISED ORDINANCE MAKING IT AN OFFENSE TO FAIL - TO APPEARIN ANSWER TO A SUMMONS; FIXING, ESTABLISHING, AND ADOPTING RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR, V'FINE THEREFOR. T. J. Harris moved to change the wording +in a part of the Ordinance from "may send ten ( 10 )--' days notice) " to "will send ten ( 10 ) days notice. ) " After discussion, Mr. Harris withdrew his motion. 1,.Danni6Bishup (Tex Farnsworth moved to approve the motion withdrawal. All approved., Then Fred Niemietz (Dannie Bishop) moved, to approve the revised Ordinance as ! is worded -- making it an. o;ffense to Fail to Appear in answer to , a Summons . All approved. , Motion carried. 12 . COMMENTS BY MAYOR. Mayor Littleiwent on record regarding the news coverage from the Herald Newspaper. Mayor Little stated that he has been asked by 'citizens and the Planning and Z;orling Commission to print a new-sletter .regarding the actions of the Council since the local newspaper, which is suppose to be a community oriented paper, has not been printing the complete business acted upon by the Cibolo City Council. Mayor Little pointed out that there were sixteen items on the last agenda and the only :tem'.reported on by Mr. Mike Fannin was the attendance of residents from Thistle Creek. Mayor Little did not object to what had been reported only that the rest of the business was not reported. Tex Farnsworth concurred with Mayor Little stating that only when. the Council errs does it make. the newspaper. Dannie Bishop agreed and went on record reminding the Council that the Seguin Gazette has been appointed the official paper for the City of Cibolo and since the paper is now more avail- able in this area and should consider having our legal notices printed in the Seguin Gazette. Mayor Little also commented on the land fill editorial stating that he had taken a reply to the editorial department of the Herald Newspaper for printing in the September 10 editorial section. PAGE 3 CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 2, 1986 j 13 . COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS , Dannie Bishop reported on the TML Meeting at Del Rio and stated that insurance ,was the subject discussed. TML cautioned the City needs a certificate of insurance on for all contract work_ in the City. Also that the City Attorney cannot participate in a suit of a citizen vs City, employee vs City, and City vs employee or citizen. Mr. Bishop also reported that TML Insurance does provide coverage to Council Members and employees for decisions or action that 'may result in a suit . Tex Farnsworth asked about .Dietz Road. Mayor Little reported that the City of Cibofo are enforcing the limits on one side of Dietz Road. A ;previous agreement with the; City of Schertz made FM 3009 entirely within the jurisdiction of Schertz and Dietz Road to be within the City of Cibolo. Mr. i� Jim Brannon, Commis- sioner, told Mayor .Little that the County has relinquished all , claim to Dietzi Road. Mr. Bishop said he felt the City should take responsibility for the entire Dietz Road before improvement takes place.' Mr. Farnsworth will check with the City of Schertz to make an agreement. regarding Dietz Road. Mr. Farnsworth reported that a radio system -is being worked on and a frequency obtained for the;.City. i Equipment for the police was discussed and'; Fred Niemietz stated the City should be safety minded. I � 14 . THE CITY COUNCILiMAY GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 6252-17, V.T.C.S . ,. SECTION 2_ (e ) WHICH MAY INCLUDE DISCUSSIOT OF LITIGATION; SECTION 2( f) WHICH MAY 'INCLUDE 'DISCUSSION OF -CONTRACTS; AND SECTION 2 ( g) iWHICH MAY INCLUDE DISCUSSION CONCERNING PERSONNEL. i The Council did not enter executive session. i 15 . RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION AND TAKE ACTION ASINECESSARY REGARDING EXECUTIVE SESSION. No action to .be taken. 16 . ADJOURNMENT.. T. J. Harris ( Dannie Bishop move to' adjourn at 9 : 00p.m. All approved. Motion carried. e Bill Little, Mayor ATTEST: Gladys Pfeil, City Secretary CITY OF CIBOLO B ILLSTO BE APPROVED September 16, 1986 Robert Raetzsch Municipal Court Attorney. 150.00 Roy Richards Municipal Court Judge 150.00 City of Universal City Police Dispatch - August 300.00 Guadalupe Valley Electric City Hall 142.06; Park 36.55 242.92 Water Tower 15.30; Warehouse 15.74 Comm. Bldg. 33.27 GVEC Mercury Vapor Lites 84.00 Randolph Tire Battery 49...95 Gifford Hill Stone Flex Base 41.49 Schertz Animal Hospital Animal Control 9.00 ' Steelman Office Products Office Supplies 36.30= Tri-County Office Products Office Supplies 25.70 City of Cibolo Water: City Hall 34.00 73.00 Park 39.00 Winns Office Supplies , 9.41 Hardy, Schwartzman et al; Legal Services 275'.00 Guadalupe County Appraisal Fourth Quarter Cost Allocation 1,221.57 Employees Retirement SS Deposit 638.89 Cibolo State Bank Federal WH Deposit- y ., 827.00= Wuests of Seguin Animal Control-bait 3.64 Diamond Shamrock Gasoline 34..01 South Texas _Printing Service Contracts on Canon Typewriters 239.95 178.00 and office supplies i City of Schertz Shelter Rental 10.00 Pronto Publishing Inspection Forms 86.25 Dannie Bishop TML Meeting Expenses 99.99 City of Schertz SAFES- Ambulance Service74th Qtr. 629.21 i S &-P Communications Replace Channel Selector Police Radio 29.00 Paranty Tire Tire Repair 6.00- Industrial Radio New Lamp in Charger 4., 21.38 GBRA Water Samples 20.00 CTX Conmunications Voice Pager Service 99-.75 Roland Elbel 3/4 Base - Park 54.00 Jeffrey Vaughan Refund Overpayment of Citation 10.00 ' Ace Plumbing & Hardware Misc. tools and water repair fittings 60.7.8 Schroeder Distributing Pass Through 5.46 Dickies Work Clothes Rental Uniform Service - August 52.26 Du Good Upholstery Repair Ford Seat, Arm Rest, Floor mat 50.00 - r l CITY OF CIBOLO BUDGET - FISCAL YEAR 1985-1986 REVENUE ADMINISTRATIVE: INTEREST $ 16,500 STREET RENTAL 16,500 SALES TAX 56,000 BUILDING PERMITS 17,600 CONTRACTOR/PEDDLER PERMITS 450 AD VALOREM TAXES/PENALTY & INT. 97,000 SUBDIVISION FEES 1,,800 OTHER INCOME 500 TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE REVENUE BUDGET $ 206,350 POLICE: TRAFFIC FINES/WARRANTS $ 34,500 COURT COST 8,500 AUTO/ANIMAL REGISTRATION 100 ACCIDENT REPORTS/OTHER RECEIPTS 35 DOG/ANIMAL REGISTRATION ,1350 BURGLAR ALARMS 345 TOTAL POLICE REVENUE BUDGET 43,830 PARK: RECREATION BLDG/PICNIC GROUNDS _ 525 " BALL FIELD/LEAGUE FEES 1,600 - TOTAL PARK REVENUE BUDGET 2,125 WATER/SEWER FUND: WATER SALES $ 103,000 SEWER SALES 59,500 GARBAGE COLLECTION 47,700 PENALTIES 2+;800 TURN ON FEES. 6,500 WATER LINE TAP FEE 71,800 SEWER LINE TAP FEE 70,700 PLUMBING PERMITS 5,000 INTEREST 28,000 OTHER RECEIPTS 50 TOTAL WATER/SEWER REVENUE BUDGET 395,050 'DOTAL REVENUE FROM ALL FUNDS $ 647,355 CITY OF CIBOLO BUDGET — FISCAL YEAR 1985-1986 EXPENSES POLICE DEPARTMENT SALARIES $ 34,000 SOCIAL SECURITY 2,430 T.E.C. 272 WORKMAN'S COOMPENSATION 1,360 .UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 400 -DISPATCH SERVICES 21450 CRIMINAL JUSTICE/L.E. FINES' 8,500 ATTORNEY — MUNICIPAL COURT 1,800 JUDGE — MUNICIPAL COURT 1.,,8Q0 VEHICLES: REPAIRS/TIRES/BATTERY' 6,543 GASOLINE 4,200 OFFICE 900 MEMBERSHIP/TRAINING/SEMINARS 150 PRISONER SUPPORT ANIMAL CONTROL 2,800 EQUIPMENT 2,840 ` REPAIRS 1,500 WARRANT .FEES 1,500 OTHER SUPPLIES 250 INSURANCE 3,100 SAFES 2,750 TOTAL POLICE DEPARTMENT EXPENSES $ 80,445 e S• • i CITY OF CIBOLO BUDGET — FISCAL YEAR 1985-1986 EXPENSES ADMINISTRATION: SALARIES OFFICE/COUNCIL $ 40,100 SOCIAL SECURITY 2,860 TEXAS EMPLOYMENT TAX 320 WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION 200 CAR ALLOWANCE 1,-200 OFFICE EXPENSE 7,.000 EQUIPMENT — COPY MACHINE MAINT. 600 ELECTION EXPENSE 475 PUBLISHING EXPENSE 1,200 DUES 1,400 SEMINAR FEES 800 APPRAISAL DISTRICT FEE 4,200 REIMBURSEMENT--OFFICE CAR <,50 UTILITIES 1,650 TELEPHONE 1,500 INSURANCE 800 REPAIRS--MAINT. CITY HALL 200 ` BUILDING INSPECTION EXPENSE 200 .BUILDING INSPECTOR 8,000 i PROFESSIONAL FEES: LES, 5,000 ENGINEER/SURVEYOR 3,000 ACCOUNTING 2,500 DEFERRED PAYMENT: CERTIFICATE OF OBLIGATION—PRINCIPAL 2,000 c CERTIFICATE OF OBLIGATION—INTEREST 1,.800 MISCELLANEOUS/OTHER EXPENSE 500 TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES $ 87,555.00 CITY OF CIBOLO BUDGET - FISCAL YEAR 1985-1986 EXPENSES STREET DEPARTMENT: STREET IMPROVEMENTS $ 20,000 STREET REPAIR 2,000 STREET SIGNS 2,500 CERTIFICATE OF OBLIGATION - PRIN. 10,,000 CERTIFICATE OF OBLIGATION - INT. 14,850. OTHER STREETS EXPENSES -- SALARIES 7,200 SOCIAL SECURITY 510 T.E.G. "60 UNIFORM ALLOWANCES 240 WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION 600 CITY TRUCK .(GEN. REPAIRS/GAS/TIRES/ BATTERY) 700 INSURANCE (VEHICLE/BLDG./GEN., & PUB. LIAB. ) 1,000 EQUIPMENT 3,000 TRACTOR/MOWING/WEED CONTROL 800 � . i WAREHOUSE UTILITY EXPENSE 500 OTHER EXPENSES - MAINTENANCE . 500 TOTAL EXPENSES - STREETS $ 64,460 PARKS: SALARIES $ 3,200. SOCIAL SECURITY 225 T.E.C. 25 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 8Q WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION 300 CITY TRUCK (GEN. REPAIRS/GAS/TIRES/ BATTERY) 400 INSURANCE 900 TRACTOR/MOWING/WEED CONTROL 700 PARK CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 3,000 PARK UTILITIES 2,500 NORMAL REPAIRS/OPERATIONAL REPAIRS 1,500 TIME WARRANT - PRINCIPAL 1,000 TIME WARRANT - INTEREST 165 TOTAL EXPENSES - PARK 13,995 TOTAL STREETS AND PARK EXPENSES $78,455 a CITY OF CIBOL -0 BUDGET - FISCAL YEAR 1985-1986 EXPENSES WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENTS: SALARIES $ 15,080. SOCIAL SECURITY 1,070, T.E.C. TAX 120 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 240 WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION 800 PURCHASED WATER 47,000 WASTEWATER TREAT ENT 40,500 GARBAGE COLLECTION 35,000 SEWER CONNECT FEE 62,500 REPAIRS/SUPPLIES/EQUIPMENT ' 11,000 INSPECTOR @ 50. 650 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,000 OTHER EXPENSES 1,000 . LEGAL FEES i 5,000 ENGINEER 1,000 MEMBERSHIP/TRAINING 100 BOND FEES 350 CITY TRUCKS - REPAIRS/GASOLINE/TIRES/BATTERIES 1,000 EQUP.MENT/IMPROVEMENT 14,000 - INSURANCES 300 DEFERRED PAYMENTS: JR. LIEN PRINCIPAL SEWER BONDS - PRINICPAL '5,000 CERTIFICATE OF OBLIGATION - 82 SERIES 5,000 CERTIFICATE OF OBLIGATION - 85 SERIES Q JR. LIEN - INTEREST 2.,400 SEWER BONDS - INTEREST 2,809 Y, CERTIFICATE OF OBLIGATION = 82 SERIES - INT. 8,525 CERTIFICATE OF OBLIGATION - 85 SERIES - INT. 66,656 AQUIFER PERMIT 1,000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT RESERVE-WATER MAIN IMP. 71,800 TOTAL WATER AND SEWER EXPENSES $ 400,900 t CITY OR SPECIAL DISTRICT: City' 0� Ciba�a CALCULATION OF EFFECTIVE TAX RATE, ESTIMATED UNENCUMBERED FUND BALANCES, AND SCHEDULES I, GLADYS PFEIL _ `IAX ASZESEW/031111= for CITY OF CIBOLO , in accordance with Sec.26.04, Property Tax Code, have calculated$ 1� per$100 of value as the tax rate which may not be exceeded by more than three percent by the governing body of the City ofCabolo without holding a public hearing as required by; the code. 1 _0_ The estimated unencumbered fund balance for Maintenance & Operation fund: $_0_ The estimated unencumbered.fund balance for Interest & Sinking fund: $ The following schedule lists debt obligations that 1986 property taxes will pay: Get. of Cblig., 1975 Series,i City Hal-1-,Bldg- Can_ of Cblig., 1982 Sa ies, 1 1-10 i S`t:eat & � 1fl-09() 13,750 Time 4�ts, Cibolo City Parc ! 1'�) Cert. cf Cb1ig., -985 Series! Water S`t�'a� Task 5,000 19'300 $18,000 $34$34 0 CALC ' LATION.:,OF EFFECTIVE TAX RATE e' Tax Assessor/Collectcr � i "TION (M O) TAX .RATE ,.n►. 96 097. 58. 1. 1985 total tax levy (1985 tax rate: M&O $.2424+ jl&s $.22 1= $ --/$100) Q 46,362. 6861J.. $ 2. Subtract 1985 debt service (I&S)i levy . •4, • • • • r $ -Q_ — 3. Subtract 1985 taxes on property in territory no longer in unit in 1986 i $ -0- 4. Subtract 1985 taxes for propert� becoming exempt in 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i. . . . -0_ raised at.less than market value in 1986 — $ — 5. Subtract 1.985 taxes for propert� app I 6. Subtract 1985 taxes used to !regain lost 1984 taxes because of appraisal -0- roll errors ' i $ 49,734.8939 7. Adjusted 1985 M&O levy (subtract 92, 43.,#4, #5, and 96 Irorn #t) !I $ 2.6 .166 188 8. 1986 total taxable value of all property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • •, • .� ' ' ' ' — 110895,693 �. $ 9. Subtract 1986 value of new improvements added since t/ 1 /85, . • • 422,355 10. Subtract 1986 value.of annexed property added since I/1 /85 $ 23,848. 14-0 i 11. Adjusted 1986 taxable value for M&O (subtract #9 and #10 from #8) 12 Divide the adjusted 1985 M&Q levy (#7, above) by the adjusted 1986 fixable $ ,0020$5 value for M&O (#11 above) ($ 49, 734.£939 - _ -_-23$-¢$,_14Q� { x $100 13. Multiply by $100 valuation .I.. • • • " " 1, ,208 $100 14. Effective M&O rate for 1986 j INTEREST AND SINKING (I&S) TAX DATE $ 52,84_Q,_.•_ 15 1986. I&S levy needed to satisf�, debt . . . . . . . 16. 1986 total taxable value for all 'property 17. Divide the 1986 I&S levy (#15 above) by the 1986 total taxable value (q 16 above) $ ,002019 ($ 52,840 _ $ 26, SR 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x $too • 18. Multiply'by $100 valuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • ?019 /51QQ i ! . . . . 19. Effective I&S rate for 1986 ,• • •• • • • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . . . APPRAISAL ROLL ERROR RATE I 20. Rate to raise the 1985 levy because of appraisal roll errors hI�A /$100 ($ - $ ► x $100 $ 21. Add rate to regain 1985 taxes lost because of appraisal roll errors 1 + $ N/A /5104 ($ - $ i 1 x $100 . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N/A /5100 ' $ -22. Total rate to adjust for appraisal roll errors . . • • • • • • • • • • • TOTAL EFFECTIVE TAX RATE FOR'1986 $ .2085 1$100 23. Effective M&O rate (#14 above). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • + $ 2019 /5100 24. Add effective I&S rate (#19 above) . . • • • • • • • • NIA /_�UQQ 25 Add rate to adjust for appraisal roll errors (#22 above) . . . . . . . $ __.4104 -1S14.Q 26. 1986 Effective Tax Rate 1986 Effective Tax Rate ,s the rax rate published as required by Suc 26.04, Property T,1x Code • ,4 aa�7