Min CC 10/05/1978 MINUTES CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CIBOLO,TEXAS OCTOBER 5, 1978 1. CALL TO ORDER: John A. Sippel, Mayor 2 . QUORUM CHECK: All members of the Council were present. Chief of Police, Jeronimo Marin, Jr., Gladys S. Pfeil and Barbara Glenewinkel. 3. INVOCATION: Bill Wiederstein 4. MINUTES: Bill Wiederstein '(Marge Smith) moved 'to approve the minutes. All approved. 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: No citizens appeared to be heard. 6. OLD BUSINESS: A. Mayor Sippel reported on the contract with Timber Tech. Easement deeds, sewer contract and obligation bond copies were reviewed. B. The merger of the School District Tax Office with the City of Schertz Tax Office was discussed. Sig Swenson will be informed of meetings and will attend as representative of the Council. C. Fred Niemietz (Albert Robison) moved the raise in salary decided on for Barbara in August be accepted and back pay for August and September be paid. All approved. D. Sig Swenson (Albert Robison) moved to accept the resignation of Gladys Pfeil as City Secretary. All approved. 7. NEV BUSINESS: A. Sig Swenson (Bill Wiederstein) moved to hire Gladys Pfeil as bookkeeper for the City as needed at a salary of $4.00 per hr. All approved. B. Marge Smith (Fred Niemeitz) moved to appoint Barbara Glenewinkel as City Secretary. All approved. C. Fred Niemeitz (Bill Wiederstein) moved the hours and salary as proposed for City Secretary be accepted. The motion passed with Sig Swenson voting in opposition. D. Mayor Sippel administered the oath of office to the new City Secretary. E. The speed limits for F.M. 1103 was discussed. Sig Swenson (Marge Smith) made a motion the speed limit be set at 45 MPH and 50 MPH to comply with strip map. All approved. F. Fred Niemietz (Sig '6wenson) moved the speed limits on N. Main St. be posted at 30 MPH and increasing at Schlather St .to 35 MPH to Borgf eld Road. All approved. G. Sig Swenson (Bill Wiederstein) moved not to renew the contract with Stewart Odygen Service. All approved. H. Bill Wiederstein (Albert Robison) made a motion the names of Marge Smith and Barbara Glenewinkel be . added to signature list at Cibolo State Bank, with one employee and one Council member co-signing checks . I. Discussion was held on the sewer flow readings of C.C.M.A. . A work session will be held Oct. 18, 19783 7:00 P.M. prior to the next council meeting to discuss sewer rates. J. Discontinuation of CETA funds was discussed. Mayor Sippel read 2 letters from AACOG concerning this. i K. Fred Niemietz brought up the subject of keeping an inventory of water and sewer replacement parts., and a card file be kept on supplies to avoid unnecessal-y trips for parts. L. Marge Smith (Albert Robison) moved to pay bills presented for approval. All approved. OCTOBER 5, 1978 COUNCIL MINUTES, CONTINUED 8. ADJOURIWENT: Albert Robison (Marge Smith) moved for adjournment at 10:00 o'clock P.M. with council entering executive session to consider employee openings. 1 E � Jo A. Sippel, 4yor i Barbara Glenewinkel, City Secretary • DILLS TO BE APPROVED OCTOBER 5, 1978 UTILITIES City of Cibolo City Hall $ 23 .95 City of Cibolo City Park 25.98 G.V.E.C. City Hall 61.62 G.V.E.C. City Park 12 .10 G.V.E.C. Community Bldg. 17.37 INSURANCE Tri-City Inusrance Notary Bond 20.00 CITY TRUCK Cibolo Self-Serve Gasoline 28.77 POLICE Cibolo Self-Serve Tire Repair 4.69 Willie's Garage Car Repair 126.75 City of Schertz Gasoline 77.13 City of Schertz Dispatcher 100.00 Jeronimo Marin, Jr. Cleaning Reimbursement 13.30 SUPPLIES South Texas Printing Office Supplies 139 .39 ' Ralph Giles Transfer.-Slips .75 County Clerk Quit Claim 5.00 T.&F. Construction Copies 17.96 TAX Schertz-Cibolo-UC School Dist. Tax Assessing 60.00 STREETS Cibolo Lumber Co . 2 .20 PARK Cibolo Self-Serve Tractor-Mower Supplies 95.00 Cibolo Lumber Co . Tools (Rake,Shovel,etc .) 11.80 Tolle Mfg. Park Equipment 15.60 FLEA MARKET New Braunfels Herald Ad 5.40 WATER & SEWER City of Schertz Purchased Water 733 .10 CGvIA Sewer Treatment 918.10