Min CC 12/07/1978 CIBOLO CITIN COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 7, 1978 1. CALL TO ORDER: John A. Sippel, Mayor 2 . QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Sippel, Council members Smith, Wiederstein, Swenson. Jeronimo Marin, Jr., Chief of Police; Andrew Tolle, Building Inspector; Barbara Glenewinkel. 3. INVOCATION: Bill Wiederstein 4. MINUTES: A. Sig Swenson (Marge Smith) moved the minutes of November 16 be approved mith the amendment of New Business Section A to read: the letter from SAFE's will be put on bills to be considered. All approved. B. Marge Smith (Bill Wiederstein) moved we accept minutes of the November 28 Special Meeting with the City Auditor. All approved. 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: No citizens appeared to be heard. 6. NEW BUSINESS: A. Industrial Park Sewer Ordinance - Mayor Sippel read a letter from C.0.M.A. concerning the industrial park with a copy of the City of Schertz ordin- ance. Council members will review the ordinance at the next meeting. B. The Housing & Urban Development Implementing Agency - The Council dis- cussed having the Community Council asked to be the City's implementing agency. Barbara. was instructed to contact the City of Marion about the arrangement their City has with Community Council concerning this . Action on this matter was postponed to next meeting. C. Andrew Tolle - Building Inspector 1) John Reasor has requested water & sewer be extended down Elm Street to his property. It was decideid to have Mr. Reasor contact property on both sides of proposed lines to suggest they share cost. 2) Paving of Town Creek Road - Mr. Tolle suggested County Commissioner Ackermann be written regarding the County's plans for paving Town Creek Road. The City would like to run water lines across the read to property before paving is done. 3) A letter is also to be written to Town Creek Development Corp. re- questing a copy of recorded subdivision plat showing the new Town Creek Road boundaries. 4) Ordinance # 220 Exhibit A - Sig Swenson ( Marge Smith ) moved that: Ordinance #220 Exhibit A be amended to read 4" minimum or larger lines for single family residence be used instead of the6" line required by the Ordinance. All approved. D. C.C.M.A. Pump Test 1) Andrew Tolle reported on the pump test conducted this morrning Dec. 7, at the Town Creek lift station. He had readings of gallons actually pumped. No decision will be made until C.0 .M.A. furnishes the calculations . 2) Sig Swenson ( Bill Wiederstein ) made a motion the sewer connection fee will be $225.00 (CCMA fee) plus cost of installation, plus 10% of cost of installation to go to the City. Same fee applies to water connect- ion with the exception of the CCMA fee. All approved. 7., BILLS TO BE APPROVED: Sig Swenson (Bill Wiederstein) moved the bills be approved for payment. All approved. 8. ADJOURNMENT: Bill Wiederstein (Marge Smith) moved for adjournment at 9:20 P.M. All approved. R a SIPPEL, Y0R BARBARA L. GLENEWINKEL, CITY SECRETARY BILIS TO BE APPROVED DECEMBER 7, 1978 UTILITIES: City of Cibolo Water & Sewer - City Hall 24.37 City of Cibolo Water & Sewer - City Park 36.06 G.V.E.0 . Electricity - City Park 25.06 G.V.E.0 . Electricity - Community Bldg. 19 .53 G.V.E.0 . Electricity - City Hall 34.62 CITY TRUCK: Cibolo Self-Serve Gasoline 16.05 INSURANCE: �. Tri-City Insurance Park Bldg. Insurance Workman's Comp. 70 -00 OFFICE: South Texas Printing File folders & Dividers 12.80 d Donald Cale Reimbursement for Keys made 6.72' West Publishing Vernon's Civil Statutes 10.00 Ralph Giles Transfer slips 1.00 PROFESSION&L: Robert F. Koennecke Audit & Related Services 15215.00 POLICE: Kustom Signals, Inc. Radar Payment 16.55 Seiler Fire Equipment Fire Extinquisher 5.80 CiboloSelf Serve Tire Repair and Case of Oil 23. 0 City of Schertz Gasoline 6 .23 City of Schertz Dispatcher 100.00 PUBLISHING EXPENSES The Valley News Revenue Sharing .Publicbtion .20 due MISC . EXPENSES: Cibolo Florist Flowers - Timber Tech Opening Fred Niemietz 30.00 STREETS: Servtex Gravel 11.33 DUES: Texas Municipal League Dues 10.00 WATER & SEWER: Sippel True Value Hardware Propane Torch 9.25 Transtex Supplies 217.89 Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority Sewer Treatment 1030.09 City of Schertz Purchased Water 564.40