Min CC 12/21/1978 CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 21, 1978 1. CALL TO ORDER: John A. Sippel, Mayor 4 2 . QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Sippel, Marge Smith, Bill Wiederstein, Sig Swenson, Albert Robison, Police Chief',Jeronimo Marin, & Barbara Glenewinkel. 3. INVOCATION: Albert Robison 4. MINUTES: Marge Smith (Albert Robison) moved the minutes of the Dec . 7 th Council Meeting be approved as read. All approved. 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: No citizens appeared before--the Council. 6. OLD BUSINESS: A. Paving of Town Creek Road - Barbara reported Malford Ackermann had contacted City Hall to say the County had no immediate plans to pave Town Creek Road before the middle of summer and possibly not even then. B. Mayor Sippel read the letter from C .0.M.A . concerning the recent pump tests conducted at the Town Creek Lift Station and Dietz Creek Lift Station. 7 . NEW BUSINESS: A. Industrial Waste Ordinance Bill Wiederstein was asked to study proposed ordinance. B. Modification of Haecker/Gursky Sewer Connection Agreement Bill Wiederstein (Albert Robison) moved in favor of a modifica- tion to include one sentence: "In the event the property is transfered to Mrs . Gursky from Marvin Haecker or is transfered to Marvin Haecker from Mrs. Gursky this stipulation will not apply and either of the parties will have use of the free C.0 .M.A . connection." All approved. C. Sig Swenson discussed with Council a possible ordinance provid- ing residents inform the fire department before burning brush or other open trash fires and also have water available in case the fires get out of control. D. Mayor Sippel read a letter from C .0 .M.A. concerning the modifi- cation to difine the initial point of entry of the City to the C .0 .M.A. Town Creek Lift Station. E. Letter on proposed addendum providing sewer service for Ind- ustrial Park was read by Mayor Sippel. One item was in question and Mayor Sippel will discuss item (Article IV, Item 3) with C .C.M.A. Fo Sig Swenson (Marge Smith) made motion Police Chief Marin attend the Randolph Community Traffic Safety meetings held at Randolph Air Force Base, and that he be reimbursed for his expenses. All approved. G. Marge Smith (Bill Wiederstein) moved Mr. Robison be appointed to represent the City of Cibolo on the Guadalupe County Board of Direct- ors of the Community Council of South Texas, to meet every other month in Seguin. All approved. H. The Stewart Oxygen Contract was discussed. It was decided again not to renew the contract and to refer the representative to Mayor Sippel. I. Timber Tech sewer rates were discussed. Sig Swenson (Albert Robison) moved we charge Commercial rates figured on 90% of water usage (due to fact Timber Tech has greenery - 10/ can be figured as being used on greenery) . All approved. Commercial sewer rates are: $9.00 for lst 33000 gallons; .90 per 1,000 over minimum. J. Sig Swenson (Albert Robison) moved we accept the resignation of Marvin Remmler' as Maintenance Assistant. All approved. K. Mr. Hamm's working hours were discussed. Mr. Hamm will be on call and work as needed and/or as available . _____ MINUTES, DECEMBER 21, 1978 - CONTINUED 8. BILIS TO BE APPROVED: Marge Smith (Albert Robison) moved the bills be approved. All approved. 9. ADJOURNMENT: Marge Smith (Sig Swenson) moved for adjournment at 9:10 P.M. All approved. Jo . Sippel, Mayor Barbara L. Glenewinkel, City Secretary BILLS TO BE APPROVED TELEPHONE Southwestern Bell Telephone Co . Telephone 27 .50 INSURANCE Tri-City Insurance Police Renewal 819.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES Ralph Giles,Tax Assessor-Collector Transfer Slips •75 INSPECTIONS zv,.3 T.&F. Construction Co . Sewer Inspections STREETS Servtex Materials Co . Gravel 11.72. POLICE U 'ted Co]�y Service Co rt Complaint Forms 13.98 0 �— SALARIES Gladys S. Pfeil Bookkeeping - 9hours 36.00 WATER 8, SEWER The Rohan Co . Supplies 392 .01 T.& F. Construction 709 .91