Min CC 01/18/1979 CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, JANUARY 18, 1979 1. CALL TO ORDER: John A. Sippel, Mayor 2. QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Sippel, Council-members Niemietz, Smith, Wiederstein, Swen- son, & Robison. Barbara Glenewinkel, Secretary. 3. INVOCATION: Albert Robison 4. MINUTES: Marge Smith (Bill Wiederstein) moved the minutes of the January lath Council meeting be approved as read. All approved. 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: No citizens appeared to be heard. 6. OLD BUSINESS: A) Mayor Sippel reported on his meeting with Dan Nelson, the Stew- art Oxygen Service Representative. B) Fire Ordinance - Sig Swenson will study sample ordinance sent by T.M.L. to determine whether or not parts of it can be includ- ed in the City's proposed ordinance. C) C.C.M.A. Pump Test - Mayor Sippel furnished the Council members with copies of the recent pump test on Town Creek Lift Station and read a letter he received from Tom Weaver of C.C.M.A. con- cerning the test results. According to calculations by C.C.M.A. the City- has been overcharged $2,478.90 from March 31, 1976 to Dec ., 1978. The suggestion of credit on each monthly bill at the rate of 1/12th of the amount for a twelve (12) month per- iod was discussed and mutually agreeable to the Council. D) It was reported there is an Industrial Waste Ordinance in the. Ordinance Book dated December, 1972. 7. NEW BUSINESS: A) Street Repair - Andrew Tolle attended the Council meeting to give an estimate on repair and graveling of City Streets. He reported he would use 3 men and 3 machines and weather per- mitting, it would require about 1 week at an approximately $1500.- 2000. Sig Swenson (Marge Smith) moved that Andrew Tolle patch all asphalt streets, grade and gravel the unpaved streets beginning as soon as weather permits. All- approved. B) Mayor Sippel read a report on Mr. Cage's reviewal of sewer rates. Mr. Cage reported the City os losing $860.00 per year with the present sewer rate. It was decided to postpone action until the new sewer usage figures are available in March. C) The stray dog problem was discussed. It was decided to apply to the County dog-catcher Fred Beutnagel to come to the City and pick up all stray dogs. D) Sig Swenson (Fred Niemietz) moved the polling place for the upcoming City Electio on April 7 be the City Hall. All approved. E) Joint meetings with other groups was discussed. Possible meet- ing nights and agenda items were discussed. No action was taken until further discussion with groups wanting joint meetings. F) Sig Swenson (Albert Robison) moved an ordinance manual for use in City Hall be ordered at the cost of $10.00 All approved. G) Sig Swenson suggested the City employ someone full time (40 hour work week) for general maintenance at $3.00 per hour. It was decided to run an ad in the local papers. 8. BILIS TO BE APPROVED: Fred Niemietz (Albert Robison) moved the bills be approved. • All approved. n JANUARY 18, 1979 MINUTES, CONT . 9. ADJOURNMENT: Sig Swenson (Marge Smith) moved the meeting be adjourned at 10:15 P.M. All approved. JO A. SIPPE L, YOR BARBARA GLENEWIML, CITY SECRETARY • BILLS TO BE APPROVED JANUARY 18, 1979 TELEPHONE Southwestern Bell Telephone 29 .78 OFFICE Seiler Fire Equipment Co . Extinquisher Inspection 1.75 Ralph Giles, Tax Assessor Transfer Slips •75 Municipal Election Law Manual Supplement 7.50 T & F Construction Co. Copies 18.64 POLICE City of Schertz Telephone Calls (Made by Jerry) 10.7 . Kustom Signals Radar Payment 46.55 WATER & SEWER Trans-Tex Supply Supplies 264.53 Ace Plumbing Co . Pipes 5.98 SALARIES: Gladys Pfeil Bookkeeping 20.00