Min CC 03/01/1979 CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, MARCH 15 1979 1. CALL TO ORDER: John A. SiFp el, Mayor 2. QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Sippel, All Council Members present; Chief Marin, Barbara Glenewinkel. -- 3. INVOCATION: Bill Wiederstein 4. MINU'T'ES: Fred Niemietz (Albert Robison) moved the minutes of the February 15 th meeting be approved. All approved. 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: Earl Cooley - Past Commander; Mrs. John Huston; Commander John Huston of American Legion Post #'667, Universal City, Texas attended the meeting. Mayor Sippel, representing the City Council,_was_presented a Cit- ation of Appreciation for upholding high Community Standars of Law and Order. An invitation was extended to Police Chief Marin and the Council to attend the 60th Birthday Party of the American Leg- ---ion/law and Order Day Ceremonies to be held March 173 1979, 2:00 P.M. at the American Legion Post #667, Universal City, Tx. 6. NEW BUSINESS: A. Permit to Operate: 1. Greg Watson appeared before the Council to obtain an operating permit and to discuss rezoning of property of Harold Berry Property on F .M. 78 on which the Church building is located from Commercial to Residential. a.) Albert Robison (Sig Swenson) made a motion the specific use permit to operate be transfered from Rick Watson to Gregory Watson with the following provisions: 1. No excessive operations that cause noise pollution no earlier than 7:00 A.M. and no later than 8:00 P.M. Operations within the confines of buildings are-per- mitted so long as no excessive noises are permitted. 2. No prolonged storage of used equipment and vehicles so as not to cause the appearance of a junk yard. 3 . Grounds will be kept in a neat and orderly condition. 4. No appreciable fumes and 'no paint shall be allowed to escape from building and/or grounds . The above provisions are issued to Mr. Gregory Watson and those connected with the business he operates. This permit shall be null and void in the event of change of ownership or business conducted on these premises. All approved. 2 . After discussion, it was decided by Mr. Watson not to ask for rezoning. B. Andrew Tolle, building inspector, attended the Council Meeting to discuss water and-sewer connection costs. 1. Norman Drisco - Property on Pfeil Ave. 250' - 6" water line - $3,000.00 Sewer - 500.00 Fire Plug 1,000.00 CCMA Conn. 250.00 Water $4,000.00 _ 750.00 Sewer 2 . Gloria Shoaf - Property on N. Main & F.M. 1103 6" trench across N. Main - - -2,000.00 6" bore under N. Main - - -5,000.00 Water connection 8" pipe 10 ft. from present manhole at corner of property 600.00 250.00 CCMA connection • For further extension: $ 18.00 per ft. plus 1,000.00 for manhole if extension is greater than 300 ft. These figures are estimated only and cannot be held firm under any circumstances. Minutes, Cont. C. Office Rent - Sig Swenson brought up the subject of Donald Cale subleasing office space. Utility bills for City Hall was dis- cussed and it was decided Mayor Sippel would discuss Donald Cale _ sharing utility expenses with City Hall. - ' D. Mr. Robison gave a report on the Community Services Board meeting he attended in Seguin. The board is in charge of the County services programs. E. The Council decided that Mr. Rudolf Hracha should be contacted about employment, due to Marvin Baker quitting after 8 days employment. If Mr. Hracha accepts, he should start work Monday March 5. 7.BILLS TO BE APPROVED: Albert Robison (Marge Smith) moved the bills be approved. All approved. 8.ADJOURNMENT: Albert Robison (Marge Smith) moved the bills be approved. All approved. e S J A. SIPPE R 13ARBARA L. GLENEWINKEL, CITY SECRETARY BILLS TO.BE APPROVED MARCI a., 1979 UTILITIES G.V.E.C. ELECTRICITY (PARK) 9 .51 G.V.E.0 . COMMUNITY BUILDING 23.89 G.V.E.0. CITY HALL 95.19 CITY OF CIBOLO CITY HALL 23.10 CITY OF CIBOLO CITY PARK 58.1 . OFFICE RALPH GILES,TAX ASSESS . PROPERTY TRANSFERS (2) .50 PAUL ANDERSON CO. 3M COPY PAPER 52 .65 POLICE JERONIMO MARIN, JR. CLOTHING REIMBURSEMENT 17 .85 STREETS SERVTEX GRAVEL 9 .01 SERVTEX ASPHALT 73.4 H.L.EATON 71-2 HRS . BLADE 'WORK (PFEIL STREET) 90.00 ($12 .per hr.) WATER & SEWER CITY OF SCHERTZ PURCHASED WATER 192.28 C.C .M.A. SES ER7-'TREATMENT 518.63 February 27, 1979 TO: CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS Attention: Mr. John Sippel, Mayor and the Cibolo City Council SUBJECT: Permit to operate- a business " PROPERTY: - On Farm Road 78 currently operated as a paint and body shop and zoned •Commercial", and owned by Harold, J. Berry and wife Jane C.' , Berry. According to the action of the Cibolo City Council taken on April 6, 1978, the permit to operate the business at the subject property shall be null and void upon the change of ownership of said property. I am proposing to buy this property and it is thereby , requested that a permit be granted to use the propei-y for the operation of a paint and body shop and for the repair of automobiles. It is further requested that consideration be given to rezoning the east 67 feet from commercial to residential as I would like to use it for my residence. Also, we need to know whether a permit would be granted , in the future to build additional space for the enlarge- ment of the business.' Gregory D. Watson February 27, 1979 TO: CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS Attention:. Mr. John Sipp el, Mayor and the Cibolo City Council SUBJECT: Permit to operate a business PROPERTY: On Farm Road 78 currently operated as a paint and body shop and zoned "Commercial", and owned by Harold J. Berry and wife Jane C. Berry. According to the action of the Cibolo City Council taken on April 69 1978, the permit to operate the business at the subject property shall be null and void upon the change • of ownership of said property. I am proposing to buy this property and it is thereby requested that a permit be granted to use the property for the operation of a paint and body shop and for the repair of automobiles. It is further requested that consideration be given to rezoning the east 67 feet from commercial to residential as I would like to use it for my residence. Also, we need to know whether a permit would be granted in the future to build additional space for the enlarge- ment of the business. Gregory D. Watson