Min CC 03/15/1979 CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, MARCH 15, 1979 1. CALL TO ORDER: John A. Sippel, Mayor 2. QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Sippel, Council-members Robison, Swenson, Wiederstein, Smith, and Niemietz. Chief of Police Jeronimo Marin, and Barbara Glenewinkel. 3 . INVOCATION: Albert Robison 4. MINUTES: Sig Swenson (Marge Smith) moved the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted. All approved. 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: None 6. OLD BUSINESS: A.Mayor Sippel reported that Norman Drisco and Mrs. Gloria Shoaf had been informed of the water & sewer connection charges. Mayor Sippel also reported he had spoken to Donald Cale about sharing utility expenses on City Hall Building. 7. NEW BUSINESS: A.Mobile Home in Green Valley Park A motion was made by Albert' Robison (Fred NiEmietz) to send a letter to James Whiteley containing the following information: "The Cibolo City Council, after study, has found no violation of present City Ordinances of Cibolo in regard to placing mobile homes on the South side of Country Lane, county road in the Green Valley Trailer Park.;" All approved. B.Dave Cavendish rezoning request was discussed. Mr. Cavendish was not present, but the Council decided he would have to present his application plans to the Zoning Board. C.Mayor Sippel read a letter from C.C.M.A. manager Tom Weaver- stating the rate of sewer return for billing on the Age Box-Company will be 90% of the metered water. D.Councilman Swenson suggested the possibility of purchasing property on Dietz Creek for a lift station if one is needed in the future. No action was taken. 8. BILLS TO BE APPROVED: Albert Robison (Marge Smith) moved the bills be approved. All approved. Sig Swenson (Albert Robison) moved a bill be sent to Schertz-Cibolo- Universal City I.S.D. for the $35.00 ambulance service charge of Min Long, an employee of the School Disturict; also that Milton Long be sent a letter stating if he did not remit the $35.00 ambulance service charge with in 10 days, it would be filed with the Small Claims Court. All approved. 9. ADJOURNMENT: 8:30 P.M. Bill Wi.ederstein (Albert Robison) moved the meeting adjourn. All approved. SIP i;, MAYOR n BARBARA L. GIENEWINKEL, CITY SECRETARY BILLS TO .BE APPROVED MARCH 15, 1979 TELE PHONE: SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO. TELEPHONE 26.12 ^,ITY TRUCK: CIBOLO SELF-SERVE GASOLINE, ETC. 27 .96 OFFICE SUPPLIES.: SOUTH TEXAS PRINTING OFFICE SUPPLIES 3 .00 UNITED COPY SERVICE COPIES, NEWSIBTTER 15.00 ELECTION EXPENSES: HARTGRAPHICS OATH OF OFFICE FORMS 4.68 POLICE: CIBOLO SELF-SERVE 2 .90 CITY OF SCHERTZ GASOLINE 68.68 CITY OF SCHERTZ DISPATCHER 100.00 KUSTOM SIGNALS RADAR PAYMENT 46.55 S.A.F.E.'S . S.A .F .E.'S. AMBULANCE (EMS) M/M MILTON LONG 70.00 PD. PARK/FIFA MARKET: CIBOIA LUMBER CO. MATERIAL FOR TABLES 82.50 HERALD NEWS PA PERS FLEA MARKET AD. L.80 STREETS: H. L. EATON BLADE WORK (152 hrs . @12 .00) 186.00 PD. SERVTEX ASPHALT 54.84 WATER & SEWER: HELPING HAND HARDWARE PIPE WRENCH 14.09 GREEN VALLEY WATER CORP. PURCHASED WATER(TOWN CREEK) 22.19 MERCANTILE BANK OF DALLAS PAYMENT/WATER & SEWER BONDS 1,5 .1.00 C.0.M.A. SEWER TREATi�ENT (LESS ADJ.) 347.75 UNITED COPY SERVICES WATER BILL LABELS 7 .50