Min CC 04/19/1979 CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 19, 1979 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor John A. Sippel 2. QUORUM: Mayor Sippel, Council Members: Robison, Swenson, Wiederstein, Smith, Niemietz. Chief of Police Jeronimo Marin,Jr. ; City Sec. Barbara Glenewinkel. Zoning Board Members: Chairman Claude Smith, F.S.Schlather, E.C. Wiederstein, Lewis Borgfeld, and Dale Wilson. 3. INVOCAATION: Albert J. Robison 4. MINUTES: Sig Swenson (Marge Smith) moved the minutes of the April 5, 1979 meeting be approved. All approved. Albert J. Robison (Fred Niemietz) moved the minutes of the April 9, 1979 Special Meeking be approved. All approved. 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: None 6. OLD BUSINESS: A. City 1% Sales Tax Allocation Albert J. Robison (Fred Niemietz) moved a resolution be made by the City Council stating opposition to re-allocation of the 1% City Sales Tax. All approved. B. Donald Cale Realty Rent Albert J. Robison (Fred Niemietz) moved the rent on Cale Realty be increased from $100.00 per month to $150.00 effective May 11 1979. All approved. 7. NEW BUSINESS: A. Oath of Office The Oath of Office was administered to Mayor John A. Sippel; Councilman Sigfrid Swenson and Councilman William Wiederstein by City Secretary Barbara Glenewinkel. B. Zoning Board Presentation Chairman Claude Smith presented for recommendation the W.E.Little and Norman Drisco rezoning requests: l/ W.E.Little requests rezoning from residential to commercial the portion of his property fronting on N. Main. 2/ Norman Drisco requests rezoning from residential to commercial his property on corner of Pfeil Ave. and Elm Street. Claude Smith asked the Council to set a Public Hearing for propose re-zoning. Fred Niemietz (Marge Smith) moved a4Public Hearing be set for,.the propefty on Main St. Bill Wiederstein (Marge Smith) moved the previous motion be with- drawn and that the two (2) requests be referred to a, joint meeting between the City Council and Planning & Zoning Board. All approved. Albert J. Robison (Sig Swenson) moved the joint meeting (workshop) with the Zoning Board be held April 25,1979 at 7:00 P.M. All approved. C. Disabled Veterans Procalamation Mayor Sippel read a letter from the Veterans Administration asking the City to adopt a proclamation concerning Vietnam:_ Veterans. May 28th was proclaimed by the Council as Vietnam Veterans Week. The resolution was signed by Mayor Sippel. Fred Niemietz (Bill Wiederstein) moved we adopt the proc.l'ilmation declaring May 28 week as Veitnam Veterans All approved. D. Mayor Sippel read a. letter from Mrs. Gloria Heubaum Shoaf concern- ing utilities for her property. Mayor Sippel stated he would reply E. Bell park lighting was discussed. Albert J. Robison (Marge Smith) moved we install automatic timer clock to control the lights and install new breakers ($160.00) at ball park diamond. All approved. S F. Sig Swenson reported on trains speeding through town. Bill Wiederstein (Albert J. Robison) moved the city issue a directive to Chief Marin to check sgeed on trains traveling V, through Cibolo. All approved. 8. BILLS TO BE APPROVED: Albert J. Robison (Marge Smith) moved the bills be approved for payment. All approved. 9. ADJOUNMENT: Marge Smith (Albert J. Robison) moved the meeting be adjourned at 9:15 P.M. All approved. r JO SIPPEL, TOR / c BARBARA GLENEWINKEL, 'CITY SECRETARY BILIS TO BE APPROVED - APRIL 19, 1979 UTILITIES: SOUTHWESTERN BELL CO. TELEPHONE $ 27.06 INSURANCE: TRI-CITY INSURANCE POLICY PREMIUMS 187.00 CITY TRUCK: CIBOLO SELF-SERVE GASOLINE AND OIL 8,.16 CITY HALL: SOUTH TEXAS PRINTING CO. TYPEWRITER CONTRACT 15.00 STREETS: T. &, F-CONSTRUCTION STREET REPAIR 877.69 SERVTEX MATERIALS STREET MATERIAL 121.92 PARKS: CIBOLO SELF-SERVE GASOLINE 5.36 UES: TEXAS MUNICIPAL LEAGUE ANNUAL DUES 250.00 INSPECTIONS: T. & F. CONSTRUCTION BUILDING INSPECTIONS 30.00 WATER & SEWER DEPARTMENT: CIBOLO SELF-SERVE GASOLINE 5.00 T. & F. CONSTRUCTION REPAIRS 718.30