Min P&Z 05/23/1979 ZONING BOARD MEETING - CIBOLO CITY HALL, MAY 23, 1979 MEMBERS PRESENT: Claude Smith, Chr.; E.C.Wiederstein, Dale Wilson, F.S.Schlather. Chairman Claude Smith called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. Chairman Smith stated the purpose of the meeting rias to act on the results of the public hearing held Monday May 21, 1979, concerning the rezoning from residential to commercial the property owned by W. E. Little, North Main St. Cibo to, Tx. The rezoning of the property of Mr. Drisco had already been decided and voted on after the public hearing on May 21, 1979. An account of this action is reported in the minutes of the public hearing. The board members were polled as to their feelings on the rezoning. Claude Smith, Dale Wilson, E.C. Wiederstein stated for the rezoning. F.S.Schlather stated against the rezoning. F.S. Schlather moved the petition be denied due to the opposition of the property owners in the area. The motion died due to lack of seconding. Dale Wilson (E.C. Wiederstein) moved the petition be accepted. The motion carried with Dale Wilson, E.C. Wiederstein and Claude Smith voting in favor of the motion; F.S. Schlather voting against it. A short discussion was held during the meeting concerning the revising of the zoning map and a board meeting will be held in the near future to do further work on the map so it can be presented to the council. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 P.M. a_ a4Z", ilx� CIAUDE SMITH, CHA=A.N, ZONING BOARD BARBARA L. GLENEWINEEL, CITY SECRETARY