Min CC 05/24/1979 CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, MAY 242 1979 1. CALL TO ORDER: John A. Sippel, Mayor - 7:00 o 'clock p .m. 2 . QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Sippel, Councilmembers: Robison, Smith, Wiederstein, Niemietz. Councilman Swenson arrived at 8:00 P.M. Chief of Police Marin, Barbara Glenewinkel, Secretary. 3. INVOCATION: Albert Robison, Councilman 4. MINUTES:. Fred Niemietz (Albert Robison) moved the minutes of the May 3rd Council Meeting be approved. All approved. 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: Mr. Jesse Doane, who resides on Santa Clara St., Cibolo, reported on street conditions in front of his home. Mr. Doane contends there is too much dust due to heavy traffic on Santa Clara and Lamar Streets. Mr. Doane stated if the City would post speed limit signs of 10 m.p.h. and also enforce them the dust would not be so bad. Mr. Doane also stated oiling the streets would help with the dust problem. Mr. Niemietz stated he had complaints when the streets had been oiled before. Mr. Robison suggested a poll be taken of the -people who live on the street to see if there would be any objections to oiling the street . It was decided to also poll the residents as to a proper speed limit on street. 6. NEW BUSINESS: A. Mayor Sippel reported on fire insurance rates in Cibolo . Cities within 5 miles of San Antonio are entitled to lower insurance rates and although some insurance agents are not aware of this, the insurance company should be contacted by the individual policy holder to obtain the cheaper rate. B. Gravel trucks on S. Main St .: The problem of gravel trucks on S. Main St . was again discussed. Chief Marin will patrol the streets to stop the trucks to warn them. C. Age Box Co . Sewer Connection: Mayor Sippel reported that due to the building inspector being out of town, Walter Dietz had been asked to inspect sewer lines for the City at Age Box Co . D. Water Rates: Mayor Sippel suggested the Council do a study on the water rates charged to big water users. E. Resignation: Mayor Sippel read a letter from Zoning Board member F.S. Schlather in which Mr. Schlather stated he was resigning from the board. Bill Wiederstein (Marge Smith) moved the resignation of F.S. Schlather be tabled. Motion carried. F. Rezoning of Little Property: In a meeting May 23, 1979, the Zoning Board voted 3 - 1 to recommend to the City Council the property of W.E. Little on N. Main St., Cibolo, be rezoned from residential to commercial. Chairman of the Zoning Board Claude Smith and member Lewis Borgf eld were present as well as Mrs . W. E'. Little. The Council discussed the rezoning of the property with Mr. Smith . Albert Robison (Marge Smith) moved the Council abide by the decision of the Zoning Board and approve the rezoning of the Little Property from residential to commercial. The Councilmembers were polled: Albert Robison - for rezoning Sig Swenson - for rezoning William Wiederstein - against rezoning Marge Smith - for rezoning Fred Niemietz - against rezoning. The motion carried. G. Public Hearing Minutes: ' 1. Sig Swenson (Bill Wiederstein) moved the minutes of the public hearing 5/21/79 concerning the Drisco property be accepted. All approved. 2 . Bill Wiederstein (Albert Robison) moved the minutes of the public hearing 5/21/79 concerning the Little property be approved, with the names of Mr. & Mrs . Fred Wiedner removed from the opposition list and placed on the no objection list, Councilmembers Smith, Wiederstein, Swenson, & Robison voted in favor of accepting the minutes . Fred Niemietz voted again; the minutes being accepted. H. Mayor Sippel was handed a letter which he read to the Council. The letter was a resignation letter from Councilman Fred Niemietz in which he stated he was resigning from the council. Sig Swenson (Albert Robison) moved the letter of resignation of Councilman Niemietz be tabled until further consideration® All approved. 7 . BILLS TO BE APPROVED: Albert Robison (Marge Smith) moved the bills�be approved: The motion passed with Sig Swenson abstaining due to a bill from him on the list. 8. ADJOURNMENT: Marge Smith (Bill Wiederstein) moved the meeting be adjourned at 9:15 p.m. All approved. The council then went into executive session. v' z� JOHN( SIPPEL, MAYO1., OIT� Or CIE0L0 u BA ARA L. GLENEWINKEL, CITY SECRETARY • BILLS TO BE APPROVED CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 24� 1979 TELEPHONE Southwestern Bell Telephone Co . Telephone $28.31 CITY TRUCK Cibolo Self-Serve Gasoline 13.86 OFFICE Coca-Cola Bottling Co . Cokes 31.01 Schlather's Inc . Insect Strip 2.20 Texas Surplus Property Agency Office Furniture 92 .70 United Copy Service Copies 18.36 South Texas Printing Co,. Supplies 15.85 Ralph Giles,Tax Assessor' Transfer Slips .25 Frank .Schmidt, County Clerk Posting of Notice 2 .00 POLICE City of Schertz Gasoline 77.85 City of Scherts Dispatcher 100.00 DUES Texas Tax Assessors Association School & Dues (Barbara) 50.00 Texas Tax Assessors Association School & Dues (Gladys) 40.00 PARK Cibolo Self-Serve Gas for Mower/Tractor 18.88 Sig Swenson Electrical work 160 .00 FLEA MARKET Herald Publishing Co . Ads 14.8o United Community Newspapers Ads 9.00 WATER & SEWER Cibolo Self-Serve Gasoline for Meter Reader's Automobile 5.00