Min CC 06/07/1979 CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, JUNE 7, 1979 1. CALL TO ORDER: John A. Sippel, Mayor 2. QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Sippel, Councilmembers Robison, Wiederstein, Smith, Swenson. Chief of Police Jeronimo Marin,Jr., Barbara Glenewinkel. 3 . INVOCATION: Councilman Bill Wiederstein 4. MINUTES: Marge Smith (Albert Robison) moved the minutes of the May 243 1979 meeting be approved. All approved. 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: A.Oiling of Streets . Mrs . Naomi Armstrong, Jesse Doane and Erwin Flugrath spoke to the council about the oiling of Santa Clara St . Mrs. Armstrong is against it due to the fact it causes oily dust to get in her air conditioner and into her house. Mr. Doane and Mr. Flugrath are for oiling the streets . Mr. Doane suggested lowering the speed limit on Santa Clara St. and Lamar St . to 10 miles per hour, to slow down the traffic and thereby keep the dust under control. Mrs. Armstrong suggested the residents pave the streets themselves, each resident paying his or her share of the cost. Mayor Sippel said he would be glad to recommend contractors 'or even accompany contractors to the street for advice and estimates . Albert Robison (Marge Smith) made a motion the City Council pass an or- dinance establishing 10 miles per hour as the speed limit on Santa Clara Street and on Lamar Street with four (4) signs posting this speed limit being erected on said streets. All approved. B.Mrs. Jo Nirider asked the Council if it had plans to spray for mosquitoes, and if not would there be any objection to her spraying her property. There was no objection. There was a discussion on drainage problems on Bee Alley and North Main in front of her home and also the large rocks that were left on the edge of her property when the street was graded earlier in the year. No de- cision was made on the drainage problem but -,the problem with the rocks will be looked into . 6. NEW BUSINESS: A.Cibo'lo Creek Municipal Authority .Advisory Board The City was asked to appoint members of the Cibolo area to serve on the advisory board being established by C.C.M.A. The requirements are: 1. an elected or appointed official 2 . a citizen with no conflict of interest 3 . a member from an interested group 4. a representative from a substantial interest. Bill Wiederstein (Albert Robison) moved C.C .M.A. be notified that Cibolo plans to participate on the advisory board and will furnish 4 members. B.Marge Smith (Bill Wiederstein) moved the council have a budget and utility rate workshop on July 12, 1979 at 7:00 p.m. All approved. C.It was decided after some discussion to hire parttime help this summer to work for the city in the park. D. Police Chief Marin requested equipment to use in the Police Department. It was decided to by a cat trap to make it easier to catch stray cats. 7 . BILLS TO BE APPROVED: Marge Smith (Albert Robison) moved the bills be approved for payment. All approved, with the Flea Market Ad bills checked for mistake. 8. ADJOURNMENT: Marge Smith (Albert Robison) moved the meeting be adjourned at 10:10 P.M. All approved. JV7A. SIPPEL, MAYOR'/ BARBARA h. G WINKEL, CITY SECRETARY BILLS TO BE APPROVED, JUNE 72 1979 UTILITIES CITY OF CIBOLO CITY HALL 23.39 CITY OF CIBOLO CITY PARK 20.78 G.V .E.C. CITY HALL 31.96 1_ G.V.E.0. CITY PARK 18.95 G.V.E.0 . COMMUNITY BUILDING 14.54 CITY TRUCK RUBEN'S AUTO REPAIR INSPECTION 7.00 CIBOLO SELF-SERVE GASOLINE, ETC. 15.80 CITY HALL CIBOIO LUMBER CO . REPAIR ON FILE CABINET 4.10 COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. COKES 11.91 TEXAS SURPLUS AGENCY OFFICE FURNITURE 31.00 POLICE DEPARTMENT JERONIMO MARIN, JR. CLOTHING REIMBURSEMENT 18.75 SA LAR IES GIADYS PFEIL BOOKKEEPING 35 HRS. @ 4. 140-00 OFFICE DONALD GALE COPIES 11 .90 UNITED COPY SERVICE COPIES 2.52 CIBOLO POST OFFICE BOX RENT 8.00 FRANK SCHMIDT, COUNTY CL. PLAT COPY 3.50 PUBLISHING EXPENSES THE VALLEY NEWS PUBLIC NOTICE 1.10 CITY PARK CIBOLO SELF-SERVE GAS FOR LAWN MOVER/TRACTOR 12 .63 FLEA MARKET HERALD PUBLISHING CO. ADS 20.80 THE VALLEY NEWS ADS 16.00 NEW BRAUNFELS HERAID ADS 11.60 WATER AND SEWER CIBOLO SELF-SERVE GASOLINE 5.00 CITY OF SCHERTZ WATER 501 .73 C.0 .M.A. SEWER TREATMENT 546.67