Min CC 07/05/1979 CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, JULY 59 1979 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor John A. Sippel, 7:00 P.M. 2 . QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Sippel, Councilmembers Robison, Swenson, Wiederstein,Smith. Chief of Police Jeronimo Mar in,Jr.; Barbara Glenewinkel. 3 . INVOCATION: Councilman Bill Wiederstein. 4. MINUTES: Marge Smith (Bill Wiederstein) moved the minutes of the June 21 meeting be approved. All approved. 5- CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: None 6. OLD BUSINESS: A. Paving of Santa Clara St. & Lamar St. done in an agreement with the county was discussed as a possible solution to the traffic and dust problems on these two streets. No decision was made . B. Water Tower drainage was discussed. Councilman Robison will check with Fred Niemietz about the procedure. 7. NEW BUSINESS 2 A. Mr. Robison brought up the rent being charged in Darnell Estates . He had been approached by a man who lives there, to see if the Council could check into the rent increases and possibly do some- thing about it. The council has no control over private property. B. Mayor Sippel read a letter to the Council concerning the sewer charges and billing for Dobie Middle School from C.0.M.A. C. Mr. Robison reported on his efforts to clean the signs in town. D. Mayor Sippel read a letter concerning Timber Tech, Inc . being nominated for the Governor's Expansion Award for 1978 by the Greater Randolph Area Chamber of Commerce. E. Board of Equalization Albert Robison (Bill Wiederstein) moved Sylvia Strey and Leora Swenson be approved for appointment to the Board of Equalization (to serve with Claude Smith, who remains on the Board).: Motion carried with Sig Swenson abstaining. F. Public Hearing on Budget Planning Albert Robison (Sig Swenson) -moved August 2, 1979; 6:30 P.M. be _set as the time and date for the public hearing for citizens input on the proposed 1979-1980 budget. H. A letter from Southwestern Bell Telephone Co . was read concerning their rate increase. 8. BILLS TO BE APPROVED: Albert Robison (Marge Smith) moved the bills be approved for payment. All approved. 9. ADJOURNMENT: Marge Smith (Albert Robison) moved the meeting adjourn at 8:30 P.M. All approved. An executive meeting followed. I ({ y✓/ / fb 3 /y JOHNI. SIPPEL, MAYOR, �I?Y OF CIBOLO BARBARA L. GLENEWINKEL, CITY SECRETARY BILLS TO BE APPROVED JULY 5 1979 UTILITIES CITY OF CIBOLO CITY PARK 19.91 CITY OF CIBOLO CITY HALL 23.39 G.V.E.0 - CITY PARK 9 .41 G.V.E.0. COMMUNITY BUILDING 22.59 G.V.E.0. CITY HALL 38.60 PUBLISHING EXPENSES THE VALLEY NEWS ORDINANCE PUBLISHING 11.10 CITY HALL CIBOLO LUMBER CO . SUPPLIES 1.26 SOUTH TEXAS PRINTING CO . SUPPLIES 16.89 DONALD CALF REALTY COPIES 8.30 COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. COKES (BOTTLE RETURN) 6.88 POLICE BIEGERT FEED & SEED ANIMAL TRAP 58.30 S . & P. COMMUNICATIONS CAR RADIO REPA-IR 107 -95 JERONIMO MARIN5 JR. CWTHING REIMBURSEMENT 20.75 PARK ROIAND ELBEL EIGHT LOADS HAULING 72 .00 STREETS BRAUNTEX MATERIALS, INC. GRAVEL (18.83) HAULING (14.12) 32 -95 FLEA MARKET SOUTH TEXAS PRINTING CO. TWO RECEIPT BOOKS 7 .88 THE VALLEY NEWS AD 28.o0 NORTHSIUE RECORDER AD 14-56 REPORTER AD 9.00 NEW BRAUNFELS HERALD AD 12 . 0 WATER & SEWER THE ROHAN CO. SUPPLIES 32°79 CIBOLO LUMBER CO . SUPPLIES 13.98 C.C.M.A . TWO CONNECTION FEES 450.00 C G.M.A. SEWER .TREATMENT 279.67 CITY OF SCHERTZ PURCHASED WATER 600 .46