Min CC 08/02/1979 CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUG. 2, 1979 1. CALL TO ORDER: (7:00 P.M.) John A. Sippel, Mayor 2 . QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Sippel, Council members: Smith, Wiederstein, Robison, Nirider. Swenson arrived later. Chief of Police, Jeronimo Marin; Barbara Glenewinkel, City Secretary. 3. INVOCATION: Bill Wiederstein 4. MINUTES: Marge Smith (Bill Wiederstein) moved the minutes of the July 19, 1979 meeting be approved. All approved. 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: None 6. NEW BUSINESS: A. Oath of Office: Mayor Sippel administered the Oath of Office to Mrs. Jo Nirider who has been appointed to serve out the unexpired term of Council member Fred Niemietz. B. Mobil Home Request: Albert Robison (Bill Wiederstein) made a motion the Council grant a permit contingent on the fact the mobile home meet the standards of our building code and of our building inspector. C. A postcard from Rudy Hracha was read. Rudy is on a leave of absence in Alaska. D. A thank you letter from the Consistory of St. Paul United Church of Christ expressing tl-eit appreciation for the use of the City Park was read. E. The T.M.L. Region 7 meeting at Uvalde on August 24 was discussed. Those wishing to attend should notify Barbara by August 20 so the reservation may be made. F. Marge Smith (Albert Robison) moved the final public hearing on the proposed City budget for the fiscal year 1979-80 be held at 6:30 P.M. August 16. All approved. G. The Council decided to ask Mr. Rex Williams to attend the Council Meeting on August 16 to discuss the Flood Insurance Study Flan. H. Bill Wiederstein (Marge Smith) made a motion we authorize T.M.L. to represent the City in the rate case and that the 2¢ per capita be sent to T.M.L. All approved. 7 . BILLS TO BE APPROVED: Albert Robison (Marge Smith) moved the bills be approved for payment . All approved. 8. ADJOURNMENT; Marge Smith (Albert Robison) moved the meeting adjourn at 8:20. All approved. The Council then went into executive session. r JOHNS SIPPEL,'-MAYOR, CTS Y 0 ' CIBOID\\\ /6,L • BARBARA L. GLE WIlUKEL, CITY SECRETARY BILIS TO BE APPROVED, AUGUST 2, 1979 UTILITIES: G.V.E.C. PARK ELECTRICITY 12.21 G.V.E.C. COMMUNITY B IDG. ELECTRIMITY 12 .63 G.V.E.C. CITY HALL ELECTRICITY 49.34 CITY OF CIBOLO PARK WATER 25.62 CITY OF CIBOLO CITY HALL W/S 23.39 OFFICE: DONALD CALF REALTY COPIES 15.70 BARBARA GLENEWINKEL MISSION MOTORS CAR RENTAL REIMBURSE. 69 .90 BARBARA GLENEWINKEL GASOLINE FOR RENTAL CAR REIMBURSEM. 20.49 COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. COKES (15.00 case) 6.91 TAMARAC OFFICE PRODUCTS--0FFIC'.J SUPPLIES 15.77 PUBLISHING: THE VALLEY NEWS ORDINANCE PUBLISHING 16.20 PARK: CIBOLO SELF SERVE GAS FOR MOWER & TRACTOR 16.86 POLICE: CIBOLO SELF SERVE OIL 19 .64 JERONIMO MARIN, JR. CLOTHING REIMBURSEMENT 10.00 FLEA MARKET: NEW BRAUNFELS HERALD AD 12.40 NORTHSIBE RECORDER AD 14.56 WATER & SEWER: CIBOLO SELF SERVE GAS/METER READER'S CAR 5.00 SIPPEL TRUEVALUE PROPANE TANK FOR RAKING SAMPLES 1.98 -, C.0.M.A. SEWER TREATMENT 435.83 61TY OF SCHERTZ WATER 827.21 CIBOLO LUMBER CO. WATER DEPT. SUPPLIES 7.05