Min CC 10/18/1979 CIBOTO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 18, 1979 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M.., Mayor John A. Sippel 2. QUORIM CHECK: Mayor Sippel, Councilmembers: Nirdier, Smith, Wiederstein, Swen- son; Council appointee Gerald Thurman. Building Inspector Andrew Tolle, Chief of Police Jeronimo Marin, Jr. and Barbara Glenewinkel, City Secretary. 3. INVOCATION: Bill "Wlederstein 4. MINUTES: Sig Swenson (Marge Smith) moved the minutes of the previous meet- ing we approved with the one year guarantee understood on the subdivision ordinance concerning the Schneider Industrial Park, under New Business, Section E. All approved. 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: None 6. NEW BUSINESS: A.Sig Swenson (Bill Wiederstein) moved Mr. Gerald Thurman be appointed as the new Council memberto serve out the unex- pired term of Albert Robison. All approved. B.Mayor John A. Sippel administered the oath of office to Mr. Gerald Thurman. C.Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shoaf attended the Council meeting to request a solution to their sewer problem. A letter written to Mrs . Shoaf in May, 1979 was read to the Council. Mr. Sippel discussed the representatives of the Federal Flood Insurance Study Group and the Soil Conservation Service who recently attended a Council meeting to discuss the building in flood prone areas and the regulations on septic tanks in these areas. Mr. Sippel had talked with the County Health office and they had not known the Shoaf property was in the City limits of Cibolo, therefore the permit the Shoafs had received was not valid. After a lengthy discussion, the council agreed to discuss the p-roblem, with the possiblility of granting a variance to the subdivision ordinance for the Shoafs to lay their own line and hook up 2 houses . D.Construction Bids on North Main St. The sealed bids recieved for the construction work on North Main Street were opened. They are: Henk Paving Co . - $ 17,850.00 in 90 days Scheutz Const . - ' 28,900.00 in 45 days John Luce Const .- 31 ,315.00 in 30 days Sig Swenson (Josie Nirider) mods a motion the Henk Paving Co . be awarded the paving contract subject to the approval of the finar-t- cial advisor. The Council was polled: Josie Nirider - in favor Gerald Thurman - in favor Marge Smith in favor Sig Swenson - in favor Bill Wiederstein - in favor Motion carried. There was a suggestion the school be notified so that school buses could be rerouted during construction. Mayor Sippel asked Andrew Tolle if he would run checks on the progress of the paving. Page 2 E. The Council asked Mr. Thurman to be the representive to the Cibolo Valley Planning Advisory Committee filling the place vacated by Mr. Robison. Mr. Thurman accepted. F. Mr. Sippel read the letter from the Highway Department in- forming the City of the Dept .'s intention to remove-the sect- ion of 1103 now known as N. Main from the Highway Department to the City of Cibolo for maintenance effective October 15, 1979 G. The Council asked Mr. Thurman if he would be the Council member in charge of the Water & Sewer dept. Mr. Thurman accepted. H. Dobie Middle School Sewer Charges were discussed. The city had received a letter from Mr. Nalls, Supt. of schools, requesting the Middle School be put on a 3 winter months average and that the school district be given a credit on overpayment. He also requested the school be given a summer allowance for watering the grounds . This request was denied and a letter will be sent explaining this . 7. BILLS TO BE APPROVED: Marge Smith (Gerald 'Thurman) moved the bills be approved with the exception of the Insurance Policy. All approved. Sig Swenson suggested the insurance program be put out on bid. He will-look into the matter . 8 . ADJOURNMENT: Marge Smith (Josie Nirider) moved the meeting adjourn at 10:40 P.M. All approved. The Council went into executive session. - - L JrA. SIPPEL, MAYOR / C BARBARA L. GLENEWINKEL, SECRETARY FRO POSA L-FORM I, Jamas A. Hank of Henk .Pavinr-, Co.. Inc. corporation, j_g� � will rebuild North Main Street, Cibolo, Texas, from 347' North of F.M. 1103 for 1700' as per plans and specifications for the lump sum of $ 1.7.850.00 I will complete this project in q0 working days . I understand that after this number of days I will receive no payment until completion. Company Henk Paving7 Co.` Inc. By � PROPOSAL FORM f a company, corporation, joint venture or individual, will rebuild North Main Street, Cibolo, Texas, from 347' North of F.M. 1103. for 1700' as per plans and specifications for the lump sum of $4e?,add"O b I will complete this project in working days . I understand that after this number of days I will receive no payment until completion. Company P- V PROPOSAL FORM of LVC a company, will rebuild North Main Street, Cibolo, Texas, from 317' North of F.M. 1103 for 1700' as per plans and specifications 5+, It5 . 00 for the lump sum of $ I will complete this project in working days . I understand that after this number of days I will receive no payment until completion. Company JQ is hl V 1\ �\J By W'C- J BILLS TO BE APPROVED OCTOBER 18, 1979 TELEPHONE Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. Telephone $29.67 INSURANCE Tri-City Policy Renewal 283.00 PO LIC E City of Schertz Gasoline 95.99 City of Shhertz Dispatcher 100.00 Cibolo Self-Serve Gasoline 6.00 Jeronimo Marin,Jr. Clothing Reimb. 20.00 PARK & TRACTOR Cibolo Self-Serve Gasoline 21.10 r - PUBLISHING The Valley News Ordinance Publishing 38.95 FLEA MARKET Herald Publishing Co . Ad 14.80 'MTER & SEAR Green Valley Water Supply Purchased Water 15.84 Cibolo Self Serve Gasoline 1.15