Min CC 11/01/1979 CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 1--, 1979 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. by Mayor John A. Sippel 2. QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Sippel, Councilmembers Nirider, Smith, Swenson, Wiederstein, Thurman. Chief of Police Jeronimo Marin, Jr. Barbara Glenewinkel, City Secretary 3. INVOCATION: Bill Wiederstein 4. MINUTES: Marge Smith (Bill Wiederstein) moved the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as read. All approved. 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: None 6. NEW BUSINESS: A.The matter of water and sewer lines to Gloria Heubaum Shoaf property was discussed. A letter explaining the conditions to Mrs . Shoaf was read and appraued for mailing to her. Sig Swenson (Marge Smith) moved the City approve the variance to the subdivision ordinance being granted to Mrs . Gloria Shoaf. All approved. B.Possible dates for a joint meeting between Green Valley Water Supply Corp. and The City Council were discussed with no definite dates decided on. C.Councilman Swenson reported he has an appointment with an insurance yepresentative to discuss insurance rates . D.Mr. Sippel reported to the Council that Mr. Tom Anderlitch, the fin- ancial advisor, had okayed the paving contract figures and the con- tract withHenk Paving Co. to pave North Main St . were signed and delivered. E.Marge Smith asked what it would cost (approximately) to start working on the rest of the streets in town. Sig Swenson stated he will contact the contractor when he can come to tour the streets and give estimates. 7. NEW BUSINESS: A.The City Council voted on the Guadalupe County Appraisal Board. Discussion of the candidates was followed by : Sig Swenson (Bill Wiederstein) moved each member receive 3 votes and Mayor Sippel recieve 2 votes in deciding the votes . All approved. The votes were cast in the following manner: Sig Swenson - 1 vote each for McClure, Cale, & Reinhard Gerald Thurman - 1 vote each for McClure, Cale & Reinhard Bill Wiederstein - 1 vote each for McClure, Cale & Reinhard Marge Smith- 1 vote each for McClure, Cale & Reinhard Jo Nirider - 1 vote each for McClure, Cale & Reinhard. Mayor Sippel - 2 votes for McClure. B.Marge Smith (Jo Nirider) moved the council pass a resolution by the City of Cibolo stating the City casts its ballot in the following manner: 5 votes for Donald Cale 7 votes for John B. McClure 5 votes for Theo Reinhard All approved. C.Repair on city tractor was discussed. Mr. Swensonwill see about having it repaired at Gene Bielke's Ser. Station in Marion. For the time being it will be at Sig Swenson's house. 8. BILLS TO BE APPROVED: Marge Smith (Gerald Thurman) moved the bills be approved for payment. All approved. 9. ADJOURNMENT: Josie Nirider (Big Swenson) moved the meeting be adjourned at 9:00 p.m. All approved. ) //z,_,� 717 S I , YfR / „ _ . T . F C®nstructi®n Ca, ANDREW A. TOLLE JOHNNY FRIESENHAHN "WE CARE ENOUGH TO BUILD THE BEST" P. O. BOX 276 AC 512 - 658-5385 CIBOLO, TEXAS 78108 ;�epteraber J err -7(- R Ca_ty !Jr --ibo'_U Cibolo., Tes;asm781 06 Re : Pr_olposed charc;es for Wate-,- & During Fbn--Fri .. Overtime Pay Scale Req._ City Cham After t> 3^n e:v s: Tree,<.encts . T�,nt:,re�:,= 8. 00 2:7 . 0") — Johnny Fri esenhalln. 9. 00 1 S. 00 7 .')^ -F!er_ma:.n Fri.esenhabn 5 . 75 71. 50 1.7 . 25 1,e=,7Albrecht 5 . 75 11. .50 '.7 . 25 1,arry T a r r e r 5 . 50 '1. . 00 ?_6. 510 i -usene Bie1]>e 5 . 00 1-0. 90 15 . 0 ' tea ri_y Biel?-e C . 50 0.00 1.✓. aC';}roe 7 50 h Load?e.r 1.0 a 0:) Crane I aintJanier 7e50 Truck 7 5 0 it - p- C COMMISSION STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ENGINEER-DIRECTOR A SAM WALDROP, CHAIP4'AN AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION B L. DEBERRY DEWITT C GREER P. O. BOX 29928 RAY A BARNHART San Antonio, Texas 78284 OCL-ob(!r 5, 1.979 IN REPLY REFER TO FILE NO District 15 Removal of Section of Highway From Highway System Control 1-268-2 FM 1.10 3 0I:Id;I11IITe Cmllfl y I'b� Ilurlu> ,Ib l�' Julrn A. S,11)pe.l. , Mayor of Cibolo C i.ty 11,111 Cibolo, Texas 78108 ` Dear Mayor Sippel: State Department of Highways and Public Transportation Commission Minute No. 70751 dated November 25, 1.975 (copy attached) provided that upon com- pletion of new section o1: 1M 1103 that the existing section would be re- turned to the City of Cibolo for maintenance. Provisions of this Commis- sion Minute were accepted by City of Cibolo Resolution dated December 4, 1975 (copy attached). Before we return a section of roadway to a city or county for maintenance, we resurface, restripe and generally try to place in good condition. Since this resurfacing, etc. , was recently, completed, we plan to return this existing section to the City" of Cibolo for maintenance effec- tive October 15, 1979. s Your usual fine cooperation is sincerely appreciated. Sincerely yours, R. E. Stotzer, Jr. District Engineer Walter E. Ehlers Supervising Resident Engineer WBC:mr Attachments AS a )PE V Wow Nq CIR • 0 T,I J.) T.I K VJY 0 C PC Zia Lo 0, tc rhu Amwy aqd the Qt) 01 .f , 1.1 turn 1 ph all 'q _;Y clear Of 0&,PYnCL!, n: ot coqt to the a 0 propod=n o f ) I &."' �! . Le r ' ho nrou "' 0112 1 191- prop" En V Lhis uIring roal constrwrion on r) C o n -q yacni n- thav Mo, for plynyononce nc I in LO MOrke L Road 7f Alsad- -2 At such tj,, thin cnndjVi,, Onunty and the rit, 0 hall accept lun of this Ordor rnd a" C"10 0 Ing of 111 ....q ,, We Lo the furnish- ( ) 1,: n, ('( 41 l'J' "' li'W k""Inver-MvencLar In dirgetell au VuLlontril cost f HelucrtLion Alwaista.,, v and conpiructiun ok the project j, "WhIc and ecanowical manner at pn tltE ),loaf Luthorized W Lhe., U7.5 coat Of $107,000 as Fnnn to "kat Road and ME SYCtEM Rgadn' Program, am CO Mumne the rnad Of thu construcrEan, fOr SWO rimintanaDee u,,, The provLRion nud cundltion of Win Order nre aubjact tea .......... by "601''Pa County and " "Y nf MOW ond if nal 90 daYS Of LhM date hereof, accepted Whin Mnticnlly chnWIC& tha action heretn cu,tv1,,j h,11 be auto- DIMrIcA flo, 1.5 SAN ANION10, TcXA�; NOU, 'S 11975 v Wo J`X:1111111"d Intl rotoninwiWed !,y V_ csawwumv Y Lamm ('Dili rlis�io ner 0751 We 5 'N'4e 'Phis N'rw i- IN" AND FWAC mAns'Gal Qy P1 -Court} Distric, No- I- In MAWUPq 01C. C, C:+ F"M VR, QpruAjmnL ly 0,0 f ;,, GuadalUP0 Wonly nnd the Cir, ," 0 Lh righL of cay cl,,, f ,,, QQ, acquibitidn Vroce&JUMn mill Le c nq HL L; Lc 4>... ,1 and StateCaLit, 1 1" 90varulno vhe mcqnj,jL.11 , property and Kovided Lho C;jX,pj,qj rtyll, consh"cLi.on 0. th, Ab,,, 31. a T, rt- uir o U) LO Market Hond Vorkup kaxid M3 At Puch timn r7'd Gundalupp CoUnLy nod 1ho WRY of COOK 0011 the condition and provision W UP OrdnC W anrov W the furnim,-1 inn Of the requirLd righL & wvy, Lhn "aincer-Wri-vLor is direct, , tO Proceed with the e,,i.... ,, �1, an estimated cost of $500, and coNeWntion ASSWUnLe a, nspructi,, , h, feasible and ecOnDwical manner at an 5tj,,t,0 ,,, Q L authorized in the 1975 T,,,, fZ Farm to Haikat Road and Otf syst,, ROM; Program, and to assume the road for State n,j,t...... .. of the construction. The proviRion andcondition ot KIM Ordcr ji " by cundaln,, CQnty and nnd 90 days Of the We heroop, MKIrally canc, jj,d. H W 7n U! BMW by" OP,Aw tided by (THE) Program Engineey Armond C:Sfit,jdi:hv,,y'7n„rir»f:�,.. Cb lbk 00 RE.ULUI :'t!N 1r_rTII��.I I i�!'11TC T l 1C f:.E i IC OF STATF GLr''AR 2i "CF � _ HUP - Y . P0 PULIC TRANSPO1�7rI i ^/ NMISSiCA A'_iISI,'T_ �OPl.'�-rl_. THE STATE O TEXAS IQUL.0 TEXAS COUiIi �' OF CLiADA`I ofF 1975 MOTION was ri adu by � i 7(!.r�,l.eL_i!l(1 and s c•c. n d e d.. by' Fdwa rd _.—,__ tha ;:he City Council o the C-1 iv ofCitoIo _ CtLC;r�)t the PrOVi s i LM contained in Mute UI COY. No. 707ST— ___-- 1~he State La ar;_'-er t of Ni cil-wa!ys and Public Trans,,ortat ir,n c,n Plovember 25 , 1975, for the irprovemant by tl'};, State Department of H1C','��'<layS and Fubi •i(: Trans urta(.ion of the road aesr,rib_�d belc�,. ✓ In the City of Molo from Farm to Market Road 1103, 0.9 mile Northwest of Falm to Market Road 7L, ,Southwest to Farm to Market Road 78, a distance of approximately 0, g Mi I . a ' VOTE on the motion! was as Follows : it}'el cl Y"%1 I-ix: Ay(- Marge With Aye Frad Niemie ? _r.'_Y'`...___ Marvin Hurum Aye —_--- "tephen Dykes Ayre plflCi{C_lii UN the moti-n was 0eclar!_(a carr ivd. r I hCruby cprt.i fy that tie foregoing is a true aq•d correct copy of ordEr [:asscd by t' a City Council of the city of Cibol0 --Guadalupe—.-...--- Crr'unty , Texas on December q 1676. � I �V� seal �. ------- City --City seclefgy, Citof Cibolo ( ib-J lo, lexa.j r CITY OF CIBOL® P O ]SOX IZO KION F. 658-9900 CIBOLO, TEXAS 78108 November 5, 1979 Mrs . Gloria Heubaum Sho of 251 Shelburn San Antonio, Texas 78220 Dear Mrs . Shoaf, ; Since your property in Cibolo has an unusual situation, the Cibolo Cit- Council at it's regular meeting on November 1, 19793 approved a variance to it's ordinance _," te.permit your contractor to do the following: l.Tap the sewer line manhole at the southeast corner of your property and run a sewer line to said corner of your property. Said tap and,' line to your property shall be 'a 6 inch line. From your corner ofthe property, you may run a sewer line on your J,rfilJorby of, Pid"J'Jo' J rtb Ed—zo W clfl(�c.1li31`ilEl(�,Ato two (2) oi.tiglo fAmily' dwellings to be constructed on your property. Said tap and line construction shall be 'done by 'your contraQtor and your engineer at your cost and subject to inspections' and'.app'mval by the,City of Cibolo inspector. A copy of a recorded easement for this sewer line on`your` r6perty ` shall be required by the City of- Cibolo,before a permit is issued. . The sewer line from the manhole to your property (i.e. that part - on the public property of the street) shall become the property of the City of Cibolo . That portion of the sewer line on your property will 1.be your property and subject to your maintenance and repair. It is expressly areed and understood that this variance, is issued for a maximum of two single family dwellings on said line. 9 2-Permission is hereby granted for your contractor to bore, a 3/4_ " 'water' line under Main Street to your property line. -The use of this line is restricted to one (1) single family dwelling. The cost of this bore shall be yours and subject to the inspections and approval. of the City of Cibolo inspector. This line shall become the property 'of the City of Cibolo . There will also be a metter setting charge (to you) in accordance with our regular water department connection fee. It is expressly agreed and understood that this line is limited to ,the use of one (1), single family dwelling. A second dwelling will require an additional 3/4" line and bore. ' A building permit will be required for your dwelling construction on your property in accordance with the Southern Building Codes . Since part of your property may be subject to flood plain designations, your plans will require an engineer's certification in regard to proper eleva- tions of the structure. This applies to plans submitted 'and also certi- fied upon completion. A building permit is good for 6 months. If,no work is done within 6 months, a new permit must be applied for. If we can help you with any additional information that we may have, we will be { happy to share it wits you. Many of the rules and regulations may seem severe - - and unnecessary, and I hope they will not be misinterpreted in any other way than a City having to meet the requirements of State and Federal regulations . - I am sure you will find Cibolo a very pleasant place to live. I know I have for over thirty-five years . Sincerely, s' JOHN' SIPPEL, MAYOR ' CITI&F CIBOLO JAS:blg Al BILLS TO BE APPROVED , NOVEMBER 1, 1979 UTILITIES: G.V.E.C. PARK $20.13 G.V.E.C. CITY HALL 57.86 G.V.E.C. COMMUNITY BUILDING 21.88 CITY OF CIBOLO CITY HALL W/S 26.82 CITY OF CIBOLO CITY PARK/WATER 49 .1 CITY HALL: SIPPEL TRUE VALUE HARDWARE SUPPLIES 21.69 SALARIES: GLADYS S. PFEIL BOOKKEEPING 6L 2 hours 258 .00 MISCELLANEOUS TELEPONE CALLS MADE BY GLADYS PFEIL 1.25 STREETS: CIBOLO LUMBER CO. SUPPLIES FLEA MARKET: NEW BRAUNFELS HERALD ADS 12 .10 'IER & SEIAER: CITY OF SCHERTZ PURCHASED WATER 689 .69