Min CC 11/15/1979 CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, NOVEMBER 15, 1979 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7 p.m., Mayor John A. Sippel 2. QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Sippel, Councilmembers: Nirider, Smith, Wiederstein, Swenson. Chief of Police Marin, Barbara Glenewinkel, Secretary. Councilman Thurman was absent due to conflicting meeting with the C:C.M.A. Advisory Board. 3. MINUTES: Marge Smith (Josie Nirider) moved the minutes of the previous council meeting be approved. All approved. 4. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: None 5. NEW BUSINESS: A. DOBIE MIDDLE SCHOOL SEWER RATES Mr. Sippel reported on his meeting with School Superintendent Nalls concerning the sewer charges for Dobie Middle School. Mr. Nalls is objecting to the high bills he has been getting for sewer service at the school.He has requested a winter average and this he will take up with C.C.M.A. The City would be charged a set rate for the year for sewer service to Dobie and the City in turn would charge Dobie for this same amount of gallonage, but on a commercial rate. All members agreed to this and Mr. Sippel will discuss the matter with C.C.M.A. B. Mr. Sippel reported on a discussion with Bill Salters, president of the Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City School Board concerning the proposed re-appraisal of all property in school district. Mr. Salters wanted the city to help in the $9 .50 per plat cost on property in the City of Cibolo . Sig Swenson (Marge Smith) moved Cibolo does not share in school tax re-appraisal coat of $9 .50 per plat. All approved. C. Sig Swenson reported on insurance policies study. Mr. Lynn Boyd has been to City Hall to review the policies presently held by the city. He recommends the City go with Texas Municipal League for Employer's Comp. Ins . for a discount of approx. 25%. Bill Wiederstein (Sig Swenson) moved the City put all insurance policies out on bid with one beginning and ending term, and authorizing Mr. Swenson to handle the matter. All,_ approved. D. Marge Smith (Josie Nirider) moved the park be put on garbage pickup servi ce beginning Dec. 1, 1979 . All approved. E. Closing of North Main until paving is complete. Sig Swenson and Jerry Marin will look into the matter. 6. BILLS TO BE APPROVED: Josie Nirider (Marge Smith) moved the bills be approved. All .approved. 7. ADJOURNMENT: Marge Smith (Josie Nirider) moved the meeting adjourn at 9:10 p.m. All approved. 1 JO SIPPEL, OR BARBARA L. GLENEWINKEL, SECRETARY C.C.M.A. REPORT BY MR. THURMAN (15 Nov. 79) - SUBJECT: Expanding the present wastewater plant. A. Due to the proposed population growth in the Universal City, Schertz, Cibolo & Selma area and the Industrial proposed growth, the present Wattewater plant will have to be expanded by 1985. B. At present the plant has a capacity of 3.15 M.P.D. servicing capacity of 15,000 people. The new proposed plant will have a capacity of 5.82MOD and servicing capacity of 83,000.people. C. The planning, design and construction of the plant will be broken down in Three Steps . They are as follows: Step . #1 planning estimate cost $125,000 to 200' 000 and will take approx. 12 to 18 months . Step. #2 Design estimate cost 275,000 and will take 12 months from the end of the planning portion. Step #3 Construction estimate cost $1 ,600,000, and it will begins when population of Industrial demands are near. A total of $5,000,000 dollars to complete the 3 steps. D.Who will pay for the proposed W/W. plant? 75% of the %5,000,000 is an E.P.A. grant, which is approximately $3,750,000. C.C.M.A. or Bonds will have to get the rest of the $5,000,000 which is 1,250,000. E.Industry or whatever can speed up the demand for the new plant. F. The two Engineer firms are 1T.H. Mullins Inc . Hays & Lindsey Inc. G. M The Texas Dept . of Water & Resources will review and/or approvec the plant -1 Jan. 80. H. David Dennis will be the coordinator for this project. All inputs will by submitted to him at C.C.M.A. I. Systems now owned by the cities that need replacing will be covered by the same :px grant 7510 E.P.A. Note: Cities have ; to apply for it . J. Problem areas fo.rseen by Engineers: 1. septic tanks near CCMA flood plan 2 . Fox Run area 3. Industrial waste Garden Ridge - Selma K. Irrigation with primary & secondary effluent of Farm Land south of the present plant was discussed briefly. r CITY OF CIBOLO P. O.BOX 156 GUADALUPE COUNTY CMOLO,TEXAS 78108 BILLS TO BE APPROVED, NOV. 15, 1979 TELEPHONE: SO UTHWES TERN BELL TEL. CO. 3 3.60 CITY TRUCK: CIBOLO SELF SERVE GAS/BRAKE FLUID 28 .47 INSURANCE: TRI-CITY INS. POLICY RENEWAL (2nd TIME ON BILLS) 283 .00 TRI CITY INS. 2 POLICY RENEWALS 727.00 OFFICE: AURIC UNITED CORP. COPIES 2 .70 SOUTH TEXAS PRINTING SUPPLIES 11.19 FRANK SCHMCDT, COUNTY CLERK RECORDING OF SCHNEIDER PARK PLAT,! 10.00 MERCANTILE NAT. BANK AT DALLAS BOND COUPONS DUE 100 .00 DONALD CALE COPIES FOR SEPT., OCT., & NOV. 44.20 POLICE: 142- @ .10 1 WILLIES GARAGE REPAIR ON PATROL CAR 189 .53 CITY OF SCHERTZ GASOLINE 115.31 CITY OF SCHERTZ DISPATCHER 200.00 TRACTOR: 1 EWA LF FORD TRACTOR CO. MUFFLER 14.00 CIBOIO SELF SERVE GASOLINE, CHARGING OF BATTERY, 22 .63 OIL CHANGE FLEA MARKER: THE VALLEY NEWS AD 24-00 , HERALD PUBLISHING CO . AD 14.80 WATER AND SEWER.: C.C.M.A. SEkER TREATMENT 721-40 TRANS TEX SUPPLY SUPPLIES WATER DEPT. 7.30 CIBOIO SELF SERVE GAS. FOR METER READER 5.00