Min CC 11/27/1979 - Special J CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING November 27, 1979 1. CALL TO ORDER.: 6:30 p.m., Mayor John A. Sippel 2. QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Sippel, Councilmembers Smith, Wiederstein, Nirider. Bprbara Glenewinkel, Secretary Steve Cage,Jr. Auditor 3. BUSINESS: A. After the meeting was called to order, the meeting was turned over to Mr. Cage, who then went over the audit with the members of- the council present. Mr. Cage explained the audit and answered questions concerning audit. He stated the books and accounting of the city were in excellent condition, but that day-to-day records could be better maintained, but he understood it was due to lack of time and staff-He was especially concerned about the vendor files and tax redemption certificates . Mr. Cage was asked questions during the review of the audit by councilmembers and he explained anything that was not clear. B. Marge Smith (Bill Wiederstein) moved the audit presented by Mr. Cage for the City be approved and acFepted as presented. All approved. 4. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. JO SIPPEL, MA R BARBARA L. GLENEW NKEL, SECRETARY 4 FINANCIAL REPORT FOR NOVEMBER 1979 BINGO INCOME: Regular cards $190. 00 Special cards 84050 Extra Special cards 36. 80 Early Bird Special 18. 85 Beer 39. 85 Kitchen 36. 45 Soda 19. 20 Daubers 1. 50 $427. 15-Income from November 10 Bingo +291. 00-Change for redeposit 718. 15-DEPOSIT BINGO EXPENSES: Turkeys $190. 39 Groceries 13. 05 Beer 23420 Peanuts 9. 00 Soda 10020 Prizes{consolation} 9. 00 *254" 814-Expense for November 10 Bingo ADDITIONAL INCOME None------------------------ . ADDITIONAL EXPENSE: $10. 00-Paid to Black Hawk Enterprises for paint & materials. SUMMATION: *427. 15-Total Income -264. 84-Total Expense $162 31-Profit 8 „