Min CC 12/20/1979 CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, DECEMBlR 20�. X579 1. CALL TO ORDER: JOHN A. SIPPEL 2 . QUORUM CHECK: Mayor John Sippel, Council.members: Smith, Wiederstein, Swenson, Thurman; Chief of Police Marin, City Secretary Glenewinkel. 3. INVOCATION: Bill Tnliederstein 4. MINUTES: Marge Smith (Bill Wiederstein) moved the minutes of the previous meeting be approved. 5. CITIZENS TO BE EFARD: None 6. OLD BUSINESS: None 7. NEW BUSINESS:A.Bruce Bernard, of Tri-City Insurance Co . attended the council meeting to discuss the various insurance policies held by the city. Mr. Bernard agreed to meet with the Council before Jan. 21st to discuss individual policies. Jan. 17th was set as the meeting night,,it also being the next regular council meeting. Sig Swenson (Gerald Thurman) moved all insurance policies be renewed January 21 of each year. All approved. B. Sig Swenson suggested Ralph Giles come to Cibolo and fissure license tages 2 days per--month. Mr. Sippel suggested Sig talk to -Ralph Giles about the matter. C. Mayor Sippel presented Fred Niemietz a plaque for dedicated service to the City of Cibo lo . 8. BILLS TO BE APPROVED: Marge Smith (Sig Swenson) moved the bills be approved for payment. .All approved. 9. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Jo A`. Sippel, yor 9 Barbara L. Glenewinkel, Secretary • BILLS TO BE APPROVED, DECEMBER 20,1979 !;LEPHONE: SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE 33.19 FILE: AURIC UNITED COPY CORP. COPIES 18.73 THE VALLEY NEWS PUBLISHING 11.32 Ralph Giles, Tax Assessor Transfer Slips 2.25 POLICE: CITY OF SCHERTZ GASOLINE 131.45 CITY OF SCHERTZ DISPATCHER 150 .00 JERONIMO MARIN, JR. CLEANING REIMBURSEMENT 30.05 STREETS: SERVTEX MATERIALS ASPHALT 395.99 WATER & SEWER DEPARTMENT—: HELPING HAND HARDWARE i SUPPLIES 5.66 FROST NATIONAL BANK BONDS 1,665.00 ', r