Min CC 03/20/1980 CIBOIO CITY OOUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 20,1980 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor John A. Sippel, 7:00 P.M. 2. QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Sippel, Councilmembers Nirider, Smith, Swenson, Wiederstein, Thurman; Police Chief Marin; City Secretary Glenewinkel . 3. INVOCATION: Councilman Wiederstein 4. MINUTES: Sig Swenson (Josie Nirider) moved the minutes of the March 6 Council meeting be approved. All approved. 5. CITIZENS TO BE APPROVED: None 6. OLD BUSINESS: A. Paving of North Main St. Mr. Sippel reported that Henk Paving Co . informed him they in- tend to start paving on Wed. March 26th, weather permitting. 7. . NEW BUSINESS: A. Sig Swenson reported on the repair of lawn mowers by Cliff Letbetter. There were several lawn mowers left at the utility yard, Mr. Letbetter has been repairing them and those beyond repair he has used for parts. B. "911" Program was discussed. The Council was asked to re- view it again with the possibility of renewing it again, C. Marge Smith (Gerald Thurman) moved the amendment to the traffic ordinanc, passed at the March 6,1980 meeting be amended again to read NO THROUGH TRUCK TRAFFIC on Main Street from Schaefer Road to Borgfeld Road. All approved. D. An ordinance concerning Mutual Fire Aid between the fire departments of Cibolo and Schertz was discussed. Barbara was instructed to give the agreement and ordinance to Fire Chief Higginson for his decision. If the fire dept. agrees to the agreement the Council will vote on it at a later meeting® E. Texas Department of Commu pity Affairs grants for personnel was discussed. Barbara was instructed to learn more about the grants available before a decision could be made. 8 . BILLS TO BE APPROVED: Marge Smith (Josie Nirider) moved the bills be approved. 9. ADJOURNMENT: Sig Swenson (Josie Nirider) moved the meeting be adjourned at 8:20 p.m. All approved. JO!T SIPPEf MA OR P BARBARA L. GL 41 L, SECRETARY BILLS TO BE APPROVED, MARCH 20, 1980 TELEPHONE SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE TELEPHONE 34.08 CITY HALL DONALD CALE REALTY COPIES 332 @.10 33.20 TAMARAC OFFICE PRODUCTS SUPPLIES 12.66 BOB COOK/DONALD CALE CITY HALL SIGN PAINT & LABOR 45.00 BARBARAGLENEWINKEL REIMBURSEMENT FOR OFFICE SUPPLIES 7.16 W.S. DAR LEY & CO. DOG TAGS & LICENSE 42 .84 TAX DEPT. RALPH C. GILES TRANSFER SLIPS 1.50 INS URAN CE TRI-CITY INSURANCE EQUIPMENT POLICY RENEWAL 102 .00 STREETS SERVTEX MATERIALS GRAVEL 11.83 THE LAWN SHOP REPAIR OF OLD LAWN MOWERS 27.00 WATER & SEWER DEPT. MERCANTILE NATIONAL BANK/DALLAS COUPONS DUE 1550.00 f March 12, 1980 City of Cibolo Cibolo, Texas Re: Varations for Four Leaf Park Subdivision, Gentlemen: We hereby respectively request the following two variances on the above captioned ; subdivision: 1. Reduce the lot widths to 60 feet. 2. Reduce the side yard set back to 5 feet. We trust that you will find the above satisfactory; hgwever, if you should need any additional information, please let us know. Sincerely yours, VAUGHAN CREST, INC. C. P. Vaughan a