Min CC 04/03/1980 CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, APRIL 32 1980 1 . CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M., Mayor John A. Sippel 2 . QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Sippel, Councilmembers Smith, Wiederstein, Swenson and Thurman, Bldg. Insp. Andrew Tolle, Chief of Police Jeronimo Marin, Jr., City Secretary Barbara Glenewinkel. 3 . INVOCATION: Bill Wiederstein 4. MINUTES: Bill Wiederstein (Marge Smith) moved the minutes of the March 20 th meeting be approved as read. All approved. 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: None 6. OLD BUSINESS: A. PAVING OF NORTH MAIN Henk Paving Co . advised they would do the paving on North Main on Monday, April 7th, weather permitting. 7. NEW BUSINESS: A. Mrs. Wallace, representing the Randolph Region Cable TV Advisory Board attended the meeting to discuss the T.V. Studio for the 8 area cities utilizing Cable TV. The advisory board is requesting funding from these cities. The studio would be open to citizens of these 8 cities for their use, to present their own television programs . The board now being used is a temporary one, and requests are now being made for members from each town - 1 board mem- ber and 1 alternate member - with.l vote per city. No action was taken at this time. B. FOUR LEAF PARK - WATER & SEWER, EXPANSION Mr. C.P. Vaughan and Mr. Mark Vaughan, developers of Four Leaf Park Subdivision, attended the council meeting to discuss Water & Sewer Expansion for the subdivision. Andrew`.LTolle, Building Insp. discussed the plans presented with the deve- lopers. A variance was requested. 1. Sig Swenson (Gerald Thurman) made the motion the Couaicil grant the following variances to the subdivision ordinance with a 1 year inspection requirement% a/ Change 8" sewer to 6" SDR 35 sewer b/ Omit manhole at end of sewer and change to clean out w/cast iron fittings. c/ Approve single coat penetration vs. asphalt paving. All approved. 2 . Bill Wiederstein (Sig Swenson) made a motion the City Council agree on a rebate arrangement with Mr. C.P. Vaughan on Water & Sewer expansion. All approved. C. "911" Emergency Phone Number Bill Wiederstein (Marge Smith) moved the Cicy renew the "911" contract with the provision the City may drop the contract if they decide it is not in the best interest of the city to continue. All approved. D. The Council decided to have a special meeting Monday, April 7 at 5:30 p.m., to canvass the votes of the April 5th election. E. CHECMRITER: Sig Swenson (Bill Wiederstein) moved the council authorize the purchase of a Paymaster Checkwriter from Donald Cale to be used at City Hall for the sum of $85.00. All approved. F. The Guadalupe County Advisory Board meeting, attended by Barbara and Iva on March 26 in Seguin was discussed. The Advisory Board had a proposed 6-mo . budget, which they discussed with the taxing units present at the meeting. Each taxing unit was given a breakdown of the budget with their share in percentage and dollars to help set up a County office. Bill Wiederstein (Sig Swenson) moved the city contribute its share of the 6 mo . budget as present by the advisory board. All approved. If the budget has to be revised as suggested, the advisory board will notify the city of the extra amount . Council minutes, April 3, 1980, continued. . ., 8. BILLS TO BE APPROVED: Marge Smith (Bill Wiederstein) movo.d the bills be approved for payment. All approved. 9. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p .m.; a short executive meeting followed. JOHN SI EL, &YTR- dI1YPF IBOLO 4-51 BARBARA L. GLENEWINKEL, SECRETARY BILLS TO BE APPROVED, APRIL 3, 1980 UTILITIES CITY OF CIBOLO CITY HALL W & S 23.00 CITY OF CIBOLO CITY PARK W & S 18.50 G.V.E.C. CITY HALL ELECT. 62 .71 G.V.E.C. CITY PARK ELECT. 6.12 G.V.E.C. COMM. BLDG. ELECT. 40.65 GUTIERREZ DISPOSAL TRASH PICK UP 12 .00 CITY HALL EMPLOYEE REIMBURSEMENT SECRETARY LUNCHEON 9.44 Barbara &- Iva CIBOLO LUMBER CO. MATERIAL FOR SHELVES 50.10 TAX DEPARTMENT RALPH GILES PROPERTY TRANSFERS .50 CITY TRUCK CIBOLO SELF SERVE GAS/OIL/BRAKE FLUID 114.36 WILLIES GARAGE TRUCK REP. & INSPECTION 13.00 PARK CIBOLO SELF SERVE LAWN MOWER & TRACTOR GAS 22 .51 POLICE WILLIES GARAGE WATER PUMP & REPAIR 57.68 ELECTION EXPENSES HARTGRAPHICS BALLOTS 52.05 SUPPLIES /CITY HALL TAMARA C OFFICE PRODUCTS SUPPLIES 12 .66 SOUTH TEXAS PRINTING SUPPLIES 21.43 DUES AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF SMALL CITIES 25.00 PUBLISHING EXPENSES THE VALLEYNEWS ORDINANCES PUBLISHED 23.68 STREET/EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES SIPPLE TRUE VALUE HARDWARE GRFASE GUN & CARTRIDGES 11.96 CIBOLO LUMBER CO. TOOLS 46.11 WATER & SEWER DEPT. CITY OF S CHERT Z PURCHASED WATER 709 .91 GREEN VALLEY WATER PURCHASED WATER 11.09 CIBOLO LUMBER CO. SUPPLIES 8.17 CIBOLO SELF SERVE METER READER GAR GAS 7.00 • ALAMO IRON WORKS WATER DEPT. SUPPLIES 20.57 CIBOLO CREEK MUNICIPAL AUTHORITY SEWER TREATMENT 698.76 PARK POLICY 1. There will be no electrical power furnished to anyone who wants to operate a radio or television at the flea market or any other party not paying for the utilities . 2 . Chairs will not be furnished to anyone at the flea market or any other party that is held outside. No chairs will be taken out of the building except by the Fire Dept. 3. Tables at the flea market when rented will be put back under the shed by the person in charge of the flea market or by the renter. 4. Trash will be picked up and the area will be left clean by the person in charge. . 5. The restrooms and the building will be left clean by the person in charge. 6. Sellers should not have the use of picnic tables to display their goods or to block them from picnickers who wish to use them. 7. The park buildings and premises shall not be used for storage of any items overnight. We will not be responsible for any thefts . 8. When selling and have a selling position in the area of the sw=ings and either side of the shed, only vehicles that are selling will unload their merchand- ize at their selling position; then they shall move their vehicles into the parking area. The only time vehicles will be permitted to drive in this area is when loading or unloading. 9. For your safety, under no circumstances will any nails be driven into the posts under the shed or any other place on the premises. 10. Any person renting the building or any area in the park will clean up their trash in the area they occupy. 11. No dancing will be permitted in the recreation building. 12 . Any person renting any of the park buildings will be responsible for cleaning the building or there will be a $6.00 cleaning fee. 13 . There will be no tampering with any utilities within the park. * 14. For further rules and regulations, the Park Ordinance is posted by the ball park building and the Recreation Building. 9-1 c_c& :1�1 Fred Niemietz, Park Co sioner Cibolo Recreation DepaMent NOTICE OF REGULAR METING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE-CITY, OF CIBOLO Notice is hereby given of the Regular Meeting of the- Council of the City of Cibolo,' Texas, to be held in the City Hall in Cibolo, Texas on the 3rd day of April 19,7 80, at 7:00 o 'clock P.M., at which time the following items of business will be considered: 1. Citizens to be heard 2. John Zoborosk�, Candidate for County Sheriff 3. Review of 11911" Program 4. Committee mEmber for Cable TV 5- Set special meeting to canvass votes 6. C. P. Vaughn/Jim Wundt - Extension of water and sewer lines in - --- -- Four Leaf Park Sub-division 7• _ 8. Executive Session I certify that the above notice of Meeting was posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall of the City of Cibolo, Texas, on the 28th day of March 197 80, at 12:00 o 'clock P.M. By