Min CC 05/01/1980 CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, MAY 19 1980 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 p.m., Mayor John Sippel 2. QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Sippel, Josie Nirider, Marge Smith, Bill Wiederstein, Sig Swenson; Jeronimo Marin, Jr. Police Chief; Barbara Glenewinkel. 3. INVOCATION: Bill Wiederstein 4. MINUTES: Marge Smith (Jo Nirider) moved the minutes of the previous council meeting be approved as read. All approved. 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: None 6. NEW BUSINESS: A. The Cable T. V. Access Adivsory Board was discussed. Sandy Schlather attended the Council meeting to give a report on the Access Advisory Board meetings she has attended. She explained the purpose of the board in detail; .explaining why it was es- tablished. The 8 cities involved in U.A. Columbia Cable TV will have the use of an "access channel." The channel would be available to Cibolo even if Cibolo did not pay its share. Sig Swenson (Marge Smith) made the motion the City join the Cable TV Access Advisory Board contingent on the approval .of their Charter and that the Council_ appoi-t Sandra Schlather as representative from Cibolo with Jo Nirider as alternate . All approved. B. Richard Analla attended the Council meeting to request a specific use permit to build furniture at his home on L1 e corner of Sippel and Wiederstein St. Mayor Sippel informed Mr. Analla the Planning & Zoning Commision would be notified to set up a meeting with him. C. Building Permit Refund. Marge Smith (Josie Nirider) moved a refund be given Delbert Hardiman with $25.00 being retained to cover expenses . All approved. Mr. Hardiman had to cancel his plans for building a home in Town Creek due to being transfered overseas . D. Mayor Sippel proclaimed the Month of May as "Free the Fifty Flag Days" in support of the hostages being held in Iran. E. The Guadalupe County United Fund was discussed. Barbara was instructed to inquire about a county doctor or pre natal care for those not able to see a regular doctor. 7. BILLS TO BE APPROVED: Marge Smith (Sig Swenson) moved the bills be approved for payment with the exception of the bill from Garcia & Wright . All approved. 8. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. by Mayor Sippel. r J7 A. SIPPEL, YOR BARBARA L. GLENEWINKEL, SECRETARY • BILLS TO BE APPROVED MAY 1 1980 UTILITIES: G.V.E.C. CITY PARK ELECTRICITY 6.12 G.V.E.C. CITY HALL ELECTRICITY 32.11 G.V.E.C. COMMUNITY BLDG. ELECTRICITY 17.72 CITY OF CIBOTO CITY PARK WATER & SEWER 18.50 CITY OF CIBOLO CITY HALL WATER & SEWER 23.00 TAX DEPARTMENT: GUADALUPE COUNTY APPRAISAL BOARD CIBOLO SHARE OF EXPENSES 183.5 RALPH GIIES TRANSFER SLIPS .75 POLICE DEPARTMENT: JAMES KIETH WARRANTS- SERVED (17) 170.00 WILLIES GARAGE INSPECTION 5.00 SIG SWENSON REIMBURSEMENT 1.05 STREETS: SERVETEX MATERIALS GRAVEL 12 -40 ROLAND ELBEL HAULING (7 loads) 84.00 AMFAC ELECTRIC PIPE FOR STREET SIGNS 65.50 WATER & SEWER: GARCIA & WRIGHT STUDY OF SERVICE GREEN VALLEY WATER SUP. 1015-00- T. & F. CONSTRUCTION SERVICES FOR BMX & VAUGHAN CO. 17.25 CITY OF SCHERTZ PURCHASED WATER 619 .23 CIBOLO LUMBER 00. WATER DEPT. SUPPLIES a2 .77 FINANCIAL REPORT FOR APRIL 1980 BINGO INCOME: Regular cards $ 87.00 Special cards 6.50 Extra Special cards 7.25 Early Bird Special 7.00 Beer 6.60 Kitchen 18.05 Soda 6.20 8138.60-Income from April 12 Bingo +150.00-Change for redeposit 6288.60LDEPOSIT BINGO EXPENSES: Prizes $100.00 Groceries 13.66 Beer 5.80 Soda 3.40 T122.86-Expense for April 12 Bingo ADDITIONAL INCOME: 6.00-Income from cookbook sale v 1.50-Income from raffle tickets ADDITIONAL EXPENSE: None--------------- SIJZ�N.ATION: $146.10-Total Income -122.86-Total Expense 23.24-Profit r FINANCIAL REPORT FOR MARCH 1980 BINGO INCOME: Regular cards $110. 00 Special cards 25. 00 Extra Special cards 11. 25 Early Bird Special 11. 25 Beer 11. 35 Kitchen 29. 45 Soda 7. 15 $205. 45-Income from March 8 Bingo= 150. 00-Change for redeposit $355. 45-DEPOSIT BINGO EXPENSES: Prizes $100. 00 Groceries 16. 85 Beer 17. 40 Soda 7. 40 $141. 65-Expense for March 8 Bingo ADDITIONAL INCOME: None---------------------- ADDITIONAL EXPENSE: None---------------------- SUMMATION: $205. 45-Total Income -141,.65-Total Expense $63. 80-Profit FINANCIAL REPORT FOR FEBRUARY 1980 BINGO I-NCOME: Regular cards $83. 00 Special cards 9. 50 Extra Special cards 6. 75 _Early Bird Special 7. 00 Beer 6. 70 Kitchen 26. 20 Soda 4..70 $143.85-Income from February 9 Bingo 150. 00-Change for redeposit $293. 85-DEPOSIT BINGO EXPENSES: Prizes $100. 00 Groceries 15. 22 Beer 11. 60 *126. 82-Expense for February 9 Bingo ADDITIONAL INCOME: None---------------------- -DDITIONAL EXPENSE: $21. 25-Paid to Miguel Troncoso for water line repair. $19. 37-Paid -to State Treasurer for sales tax. $40.62-Total additional expense SUMMATION: *143. 85-Total Income -167. 44-Total Expense -*23. 59-Loss