Min CC 06/05/1980 .4 L CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JUNE 5, 1980 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 p.m., Mayor John A. Sippel 2 . QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Sippel, Councilmembers Smith, Nirider, Swenson, Thurman and Wiederstein. Chief of Police Jeronimo Marin, Building Inspector Andrew Tolle, and Barbara Glenewinkel, Secretary . 3 . INVOCATION: Bill Wiederstein 4. MINUTES: Marge Smith (Josie Nirider)moved the minutes of the previous council meeting be approved. All approved. 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: None 6. NEW BUSINESS: A. C.P. Vaughan, developer of Five Leaf Park, attended the council meet- meeting to request final- approval of the plat of Five Leaf Park Sub- division, which is located on North Main St. Mr. Vaughan presented the plat that he had did.cussed in detail with Andrew Tolle, prior to the Council meeting. Mr. Tolle stated the plat complied with the specifications of the city ordinances . A discussion on ullether or not to designate the utility easement as an alley, right-of-way or easement. It was decided not to designate the strip of land at this time. The natter of the easement was tabled. Marge Smith(Josie Nirider) made a motion the Council approve the Five Leaf Park Subdivision plat as presented to the Council by C.P. Vaughan. All approved. The council decided f=-the future development in the area, a letter �r be written to any developer desiring to put in a new subdivision in t,-;20 the area, that drainage will have to be diverted to the north side of the Bowling Alley instead of down the Five Leaf Park Subdivision street B. The pro-rata share on tie-ins to water & sewer lines in Four Leaf Park was discussed. Mr. Norman Drisco (owner of property corner of Pfeil & Elm in Four Leaf Park) is interested in tying in__to the lines being put in by Maughan Crest & Vaughan Co . Mr. Drisco was not able to attend the meeting. The council decided any property owner desiring to tie in to existing lines should be informed of the rebate system. Mr. Drisco's cost to tie in would be $2700.00 ..he-ties in now as the lines to Vaughan property is laid, with a portion of this ($325.) going to City to cover C.C.M.A. fees & deposit . Mr. Drisco is out of town at the present time, but the council decided to turn the variance request over to the ,Planning & Zoning Board for their opinion. The variance request if granted would allow Mr. Drisco to put his warehouse closer to the lot line than the subdivision ordinance requires . The ordinance requires 35' , Mr. Drisco is requestin, 181 : Plat is attached to minutes. C. Ordinance to require construction companies laying utilit-T-, Iine in city limits to backfill ditches properly and leave streets in proper condition-compacting ditches so that cave-ins do not develop -wae discussed and Barbara was instructed to obtain copies of ordinances pertaining to this and write one for the city. D. An ordinance regulating sub-contractors and requiring them to take out permits and be subject to inspections was discussed. Barbara is to gather information on this ordinance too . E. North Main St. was discussed. There has been a problem with traffic cutting corners too sharp and causing gravel to be thrown onto pavement Marge Smith (Josie Nirider) made a motion Andrew Tolle, Bldg. Insp.,be authorized to erect signs directing traffic at intersection; and also do the pavement striping. ® All approved. F. Josie Nirider reported on the Cable TV advisory board meeting she attended; explaining the charter. The other members of the council decided to let Mrs . Nirider ase her own judgement about matters re- lating- to the advisory board. ,_4, page 2 June 5, 1980 7. BILLS TO BE APPROVED: Marge Smith (Bill Wiederstein) moved the bills be approved for payment . All approved. 8. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p.m. by Mayor Sippel. 1 � 154 J0 . IP L, MAY BARBARA L. GLENEWINKEL, SECRETARY ` v nctnchc.�3 avrvey r1.r hw,.r ' ' - , been reviewed by the a r'rr- nI"•Ied and rrontlltlutls :am�rn thnrr-fly nnir,l - ;` eu Hod go 00 ---- ----- --- _ —-— I r hto je 40 I r WF PLAT OF SURVEY SCALP.iFT LOT NO. BLOCK N0_I _ ADDITION OR SUBDIVISION &f ewir- ��♦1�'I'i} ,ro ' L�' ' SECTION 011 UNIT _.- N C.it NO. - VOL. RO. �? _ - •�P� t iTREETAOORESS cL-M 1i L1r� UfaCOUNTY SURVEvF01 _ REFERENCE �!`•_ BTATE OF TEXAS,COUNTY OF'BFXAR Nt�11L I MERFSY CERTIFY THAT TME U ABOVE RLA1 IS TRE AND CORRECT ACCORDING TO AN � .41,ACTUAL SURVEY MADE ON THE GROUND UNDER MY SUPERVISION AND THAT THE R,• ARE NO VISIOL E EASEMENTS OR ENCROACHMFNT,g GF BUILDING6 ON AbJOINING ►110►ERT Y AND THAT ALL BUILDINGS ARE WHOLLY LOCATED ON THIS EROFERTY k •ti ! A RNCf►T AS SMOWMABOVE CAL-TON ASSOCIATES �- A-CWT[CTI/RAL OfS1t.N 9 PLANNIN¢•PL►NNIN,-i•CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS*SUmvrvoRS 142VV RHAPSODY SAN ANTONIO TEXAS 78216 TELE','51<341 2241 LAWRENCE CALV7 TTI P TEXAS 3693E ®OO BILLS TO BE APPROVED, JUNE 5, 1980 UTILITIES GUTIERREZ DISPOSAL GARBAGE PICKUP 12.00 G.V.E.C. CITY HALL 33 .36 G.V.E.C. CITY PARK 35.15 G.V.E.C. PARK BUILDING 17.81 CITY OF CIBOLO CITY HALL W.& S. 23.00 CITY OF CIBOLJ CITY PARK WATER 148.64 CITY HALL SOUTHERN BUILDING CODE' CONGRESS PERMIT FORMS 23.50 POSTMASTER BOX RENT 8.00 VAUCHAN CREST REIMBURSEMENT FOR ORDINANCE 7 .00 AURIC UNITED CORP COPIES 67.70 BARBARA GLENEWINKEL REIMBURSEMENT SECRETARY LUNCHEON 3 .50 POLICE WILLIES GARAGE CAR REPAIR 1,66.51 WILLIES GARAGE CAR REPAIR 10.24 CITY OF SCHER.TZ DISPATCHER 150.00 CI'T'Y OF SCHFRTZ GASOLINE 146.94 ED KNEUPPER JUDGE 20.00 BUILDING INSPECTIONS T. & F. CONSTRUCTION (ANDREW TOLLE) 180.00 TAX RALPH GILES PROPERTY TRANSFERS 1.00 MISC. MRS. BEBIEDA SCHUL REIMBURSEMENT FOR PLUMBING CHARGE 10.00 STREETS CIBOLO LUMBER 00 . BROOMS, SHOVEL 22 .25 SIPPEL TRUE VALUE WEED-EATER LINE 3 .99 T. & F. CONSTRUCTION HAULING & LABOR 180.81 PARK T. & F. CONSTRUCTION REPAIR. WATER LINE 108 .00 WATER & SEWER T. & F. CONSTRUCTION WATER LINE INSTALLATION & REPAIR 578.75 C.C.M.A. SEWER TREATMENT 886.80 GREEN VALLEY WATER SUPPLY PURCHASED TATER 21.30 CITY OF SCHERTZ PURCHASED WATER 737.64 TRANS-TEX SUBPLY WATER DEPT. SUBPLIES 12 .98 SALARIES -ny, 198o Roger Niemiet z- 9 hrs . @ 3.10 - $27-90 Cliff Letbetter - 92 hrs. @ 3.10 - 285.20 Doug Letbetter-60 hrs . @ 3.10 - 186.00 Iva Amacker - 712 hrs. @ 3.10 - 221.65 Jeronimo Marin, Jr. 825.00 Barbara Glenewinkel 500.00