Min CC 06/19/1980 REGULAR CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JUNE 195 1980 1 . CA.LL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.m-) John A. Sippel, Mayor 2. QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Sippel, Marge Smith, Bill Wiederstein, Sig Swenson, Gerald Thurman- Councilmembers; 3. INVOCATION: Bill Wiederstein 4. MINUTES: Gerald Thurman (Bill Wiederstein) moved the minutes of the June 5 meeting be approved with the deletion of Section A paragraph 3 under New Business . All approved. 5. NEW BUSINESS: A. Ordinance ##278 The Mayor read the ordinance setting July 3rd, 6:30 p.m. as the day and time for a public hearing on the proposed budget for the Fiscal Year Oct. 1 , 1980, to Sept. 30, 1981 . Marge Smith (Sig Swenson) moved the ordinance be approved. All approved. B. Bill Wiederstein (Gerald Thurman) moved the council appoint Claude Smith, Sylvia Strey and Leora Swenson to the Board of Equalization. C. Gutierrez Disposal Contract was discussed. Henry Gutierrez was to attend but did not . The council tabled the matter. D. Ordinance ## 279 and ## 280 was read for the first time. E. 'nheel chair ramp requirements were discussed. Specifications are to be drawn up for a possible amendment to the subdivision ordinance or a separate ordinance in itself. F. The council decided a letter be sent to State High- way Dept . thanking them for the Cibolo exit sign at IH 35 and FM 3009 . Barbara was instructed to call Mr. Ehlers to get list of those to whom thank you letters should be sent. 6. OLD BUSINESS: A. Sig Swenson and Mayor Sippel will go to Bob Dale's home sometime during the next week to talk with Mr. Dale about his requirements for a building permit on the house Mr. Dale has on his property. The house is in the flood plain and will need an engineer certification that it is 1 foot above flood level The house was moved in without a signed permit. B. Park Policy. Sig Swenson (Gerald Thurman) moved the council adopt the park policy as amended. All approved. 7. BILLS TO BE APPROVED: Marge Smith (Sig Swenson) moved the bills be approved. All approved. 8. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p .m. P ® JO SIPPEL, MATOR BARBARA L. GLENEWINKE L, SECRETARY BILLS TO BE APPROVED JUNE 19 1980 TELEPHONE Southwestern Bell Telephone Calls 3-L'.87 CITY TRUCK Cibolo Self Serve City Truck & Letbetter Truck - Gas 112 .1 CITY HALL Coca-Cola Bottling Co . Drinks for City Hall 24.05 Wiest Grocery Supplies for City Hall 4•56 SALARIES Gladys S. Pfeil, Bookkeeper 311-2hrs. "108.28 TAX Ralph Giles Tfansf er Slips 1.00 STREETS Renco Supply Inc . Signs, etc. 316.00 PARK Cibolo Self Serve Gasoline,fsuppfiiesTractor,Lawn Mc-",Ter 31.07 MACTOR & LAWNMOWER G sol:ne & oil 16.97 Cibolo Self Serve Gasoline & Oia 16.95 BOND PAYMENT Frost National Bank Coupons due 1,665.00 WATER & SEVER Cibolo Self Serve Roger's car 6.00 Trans-Tex Supply Supplies 57.60 Helping Hand Hardware Supplies 8.78 Timber Tech Contract (60% of Sales Tax-1082 -03) 649 .22 N CITY ()F jguTig � o== - T!ot'ice it Y err:b iv ri n.i' the poRulor. 1 i eL:ing of -.the Cou-rlc l of the City - (, 'r.:. of C:i.Y;olo ,' Te&b� ;, t,c 1: l:r-:.i.r.i J'rt L}r' C-1I •/ l'',)l I. ri ('flJol r Was o� , L'hc 19th dsy of June _--_- --' �i_� 80 at 7 n 'cJ.oc:l: p.m , at r lch tire• t, le f.(il.lO'�l]Ti€f items UT ;)uNiness will be corlcidcrcd'� ]_. Oeb Public Wring a)rttcs for Propoue;d Budget lnPIit . appoint Board of Equalization MFmbers 3, C., ati.r:i'rou I.)a,spooal. Conkraet Nc�nc;wal 1( , pending- of Ordinances pertaining; to Public Utilities /Qurb Cuttings in City,etc- 7 certify that the above notice of Meeting was posted 'on the DOSelin Board at the City Ball n.f the City of,Cibol_o , Texas, on day of the 16th J pe 19 80J at 8-:30 oIclock °a �m�