Min CC 07/03/1980 REGULAR CTBOI.,O CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JULY 3, 1980 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 p.m., John A. Sippel, Mayor 2. QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Sippel, Josie Nirider, Marge Smith, Bill - Wiederstein, Sig Swenson, Gerald Thurman-Councilmembers; Police Chief Jeronimo Marin, Jr.; Secretary Barbara Glenewinkel, Clerk Iva. Ama.cker 3. INVOCATION: Bill Wiederstein 4. MINUTES: Bill Wiederstein (Marge Smith) moved the minutes of the June 19 meeting be approved. All Approved. 5. OLD BUSINESS: A. The subject of the house being moved onto his property by Bob Dale wa.s discussed. Mayor Sippel and Councilman Swenson will have a, meeting with Mr. Dale as soon a.s can be arra.nged to discuss Flood Plain requirements. 6. N.09 BUSINESS: A. Sig Swenson (Gerald Thurman) made the motion the Council approve Ordinances 279 and 280 pertaining to Utilities and Curbeuts. All approved. B. Mayor Sippel read and signed the revised park policy, C. Mr. Thurman suggested the city use Borax to rid the park of some of the fire ants. D. The council instructed Barbara. to have someone give the park building a. thorough cleaning. E. The contract with Gutierrez Disposal was tabled. F. Jo Nirider (Bill Wiederstein) made the motion the Council allow Andrew Tolle to check the fire plugs a.nd do necessary maintenance. All approved. G. Jo Nirider (Bill Wiederstein) made a. motiob the charter of the Randolph Region Cable Television Access Advisory Board be approved as amended.. H. The Zoning Map a•s revised by the Zoning Board was discussed by the Council. The Council ha.d some suggestions which will be given to the Zoning Board. I. Sig Swenson(Marge Smith) moved Barbara, be authorized to attend the Court Clerk Workshop to be held 24 and 25 July in Sam Antonio. 7. BILLS TO BE APPROVED: Marge Smith (Josie Nirider) moved the bills be approved for payment. All approved. 8. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Z -/0' t JOH 'IPPEL, MAYP BARBARA L. GLENEtnTINKEL City Secretary BILLS TO BE APPROVED, JULY 3, 1980 UTILITIES: CITY OF CIBOLO CITY HALL WATER & SEWER 23 .00 CITY OF CIBOLO CI'T`Y PARK - WATER 27.82 G_dV1°E.C. CITY HALL 61 .27 G.V.E.C. CITY PARK 66.89 G.V.E.C. COMMUNITY BLDG 31 .27 GUTIERREZ DISPOSAL GARBAGE'PICKUP 12 .00 CITY HALL: SIPPEL TRUE VALUE SUPPLIES 4.99 MR PENCIL OFFICE SUPPLIES - SUPPLIES 28.05 TOWN & COUNTRY FLORIST FLOWERS 20.00 CITY TRUCK: CIBOLO SELF SERVE GAS & OIL 87.60 TRACTOR & LAWNMOWER: CIBOLO SELF SERVE (TRACTOR) GAS & OIL 34.28 CIBOLO SELF SERVE ( L.M.) CAS & OIL 5.86 STREETS CIBOLO LUMBER CO MATERIAL FOR INTERSECTION 95.77 ALAMO IRON WORKS 86.�5 DUES: G.R.A. Chamber of Commerce DUES 144.00 WATER & SEWER TRANS-TEX SUPPLIES 179.51 SIPPEL TRUE VALUE WATER SHUT OFF KEY 5.19 GREEN VALLEY WATER-WATER PURCHASED 32.87 CITY OF SCHERTZ WATER PURCHASED 871 .70 CIBOLO SELF SERVE GAS t;@&&,p ;'a C.C.M.A. SEWER 763.58 • CITY OF CIBOLO P. O. BOX 156 PHONE 658-9900 CIBOLO, TEXAS 78108 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby posted of a public hearing to be held at 6:30 p.m., July 3, 1980, at City Hall, 109 S. Main St., Cibolo, Texas, giving all interested citizens the right to appear and be heard on the planning of the proposed annual budget and use of Revenue Sharing Funds for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1i80 and ending September 30, 1981. Posted at City Hall, 8:30 a .m., June 25, 1980. BARBARA L. GLENEWINKE L, CITY SECRETARY 6/25/80