Min CC 07/17/1980 CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING - JULY 17, 1980 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 p.m.- Mayor John A. Sippel 2. QUORUM CHECK: Mayor John Sippel,, Councilmembers Nirider,, Smith,, Wiederstein., Wiederstein,, Swenson,, Thurman,, ClerkIva Amacker; Chief of Police Jeronimo Marin,, Jr.; Barbara Glenewinkel,, Secretary. 3. INVOCATION: Bill Wiederstein 4. MINUTES: Marge Smith (Bill Wiederstein) moved the minutes of the Public Hearing July 33 1980 at 6:30 p.m. and the Regular CityCouncil Meeting July 3,, 1980 at 7:00 p.m. be approved as read. All approved. 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: None 6. OLD BUSINESS: A.Mr. Bob Dale's permit for repait ng house he has moved onto his property was again discussed. Mr. Dale's property where the house is located is in the flood plain and therefore comes under certain rules set up by the Federal Government. Mayor Sippel and Council- man Swenson will try to meet with Mr. Dale this week to discuss a solution to the problem. B.The new fireplugs and repair of existing fireplugs in the city was discussed. C.A letter was read from District Engineer Stotzer of the State Highway Dept. in response to a thank you letter sent to him. The thank-you letter was for the Cibolo exit sign at IH 35 and F.M. 3009. 7. NEW BUSINESS: A.Henry Gutierrez,, Jr. representing Gutierrez Disposal Inc. attended the meeting to discuss their requested raise in garbage pick-up charges. Mr. Gutierrez explained the cost of land fill required of disposal companies now,, plus general increases such as gasoline and salaries. The Council asked Mr. Gutierrez to check with Henry Gutierrez, Sr. about a possible decrease in the $1.00 increase asked by the com- pany. The council decided a special meeting could be called to sign the contract when an-answer was recieved from Mr. Gutierrez. According to Henry Gutierrez,, Jr. the City Park will recieve a garbage dumpster free of charge. B.Marge Smith (Bill Wiederstein) moved to set August 7,,1980 at 6:30 P.M. as the date and time for a public hearing on the proposed annual budget for the fiscal year beginning Oct. 1,, 1980 and ending Sept. 30,, 1981. All approved. C.The park report fxo m Park Commissioner Fred Niemietz was read and accepted. 8. BILIS TO BE APPROVED: Josie Nirider (Marge Smith) moved the bills be approved for payment. All approved. 9. ADJOURNMENT: Sig Swenson (Gerald Thurman) moved the meeting be adjourned at 9:15. All approved. B 124 JO A. S IPPE L., MA OR BARBARA. L. GLENEWINKEL, SECRETARY BILLS TO BE APPROVED, JULY 17, 1980 TELEPHONE: Southwestern Bell Telephone 38.96 CITY.;HALL: South Texa.s Printing Supplies 55.30 INSURANCE: Tri City Insurance Premium 138.00 0 PUBLISHING: The Valley News Ordinance 1 .36 O PARK: bluest Grocery Cleaning Supplies & Borax 20.97 Pay for Cleaning POL ICE: Willie's Garage Battery 53.50 City of Schertz Gasoline 128.57 City of Schertz Dispatcher 150,00 WATER & SEWER: Tra.ns-Tex. Supply Supplies 179.51 Timber Tech Sewer Contract 12526.56