Min CC 09/18/1980 CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING - SEPTEMBER 18, 1980 1 . CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 p.m. Mayor John A. Sippel 2. QUORUM CHECK: Mayor John A. Sippel, Councilmembers Nirider, Smith, Thurman, Swenson, Wiederstein; Chief of Police Jeronimo Marin., Jr., City Clerk Iva Amacker 3. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: None 4. INVOCATION: Josie Nirider 5. MINUTES: Sig Swenson (Bill Wiederstein) moved the minutes of the September 4, 1980, meeting be approved. All Approved. 6. OLD BUSINESS: None 7. NEW BUSINESS: A. Sig Swenson (Bill Wiederstein) moved that we approve Mr. Robert Koennecke, Public Accountant, to be our auditor for the coming year. All approved. B. Mayor Sippel discussed the tax rate and pointed out that one of our present obligations, the Timber Tech sewer contract, would soon be paid in full, therefore, we would like to keep our tax rate as low as possible. Sig Swenson (Gerald Thurman) moved we keep the rate used for 1979 taxes . All approved. C. Mayor Sippel had a call from the school district regarding the trees on Werner St. hanging over the streets and interfering with progress of school buses . Discussion followed as to whether or not to let Greg cut off the branches or get Mr. Tolle to do the job. People on the street will have to be notified that we intend to cut off limbs . Sig Swenson will investigate feasibility of Greg cutting off branches . D. Mayor Sippel read letter Mr. Tolle had written to Vaughan Inc . concerning water leaks in water line in Five Leaf Park. E. City Clerk instructed to send bills to: (1 ) Mr. Ramirez (for laying sleeve under street) $18.00 labor plus material, plus 10%. (2) A. White (for moving water meter) $18.00 labor, plus material, plus 10%. (3) Vaughan Inc . (for repairs on water line at Bramblewood and North Main) $99.00 labor, plus parts, plus 10%. F. Drainage Problem: Josie Nirider again emphasized that the drainage problem in her area is very serious . The problem was discussed. No solution was immediately forthcoming. Our engineer will be asked to look at the area. The Highway Dept will be asked to clean ditch along FM 78 by the church. G. Letter from SAFES Ambulance Service was read indicating their rates are being raised from $35.00 per trip to $ 5.00. 8. BILLS TO BE APPROVED: Marge-Sm th (JosiewNirvider)�) moved the bills be approved for payment. All approved. 9. ADJOURNMENT: Sig Swenson (Gerald Thurman) moved the meeting be adjourned at 8:45. Executive session followed. • I J A-. SIPPEL . 111 0 OF CIBOLO IVA R. AMACKER, CITY CLERK BILLS TO BE APPROVED - 18 SEPTEMBER 1980 UTILITIES SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE 34.86 STREETS T & F CONSTRUCTION LABOR & REPAIR 486.01 TAX DEPT SCU.0 TAX DEPT. TAX ACCOUNTS 97.50 39 @ 2 .50 ea. EQUIPMENT REPAIRS T & F CONSTRUCTION Truck 11 ,87358 TRACTOR 1 11,291.68 GENERAL SUPPLIES 14.24 (Par�t� , or truck &.t actor 231 . 0 an a or o repair 5 OFFICE & ADMINISTRATIVE BEXAR COUNTY COUNCIL OF MAYORS Increased adm. expenses 15.00 TAMARA C Forms 1.96 INSPECTION T & F CONSTRUCTION BLDG INSP 610.00 WATER & SEWER T & F CONSTRUCTION LABOR & SUPPLIES 2,730.75 HELPING HAND HDWE SDPpi-FES FOR FIRE PLUGS 35.94 C.C.M.A. SEWER CONNECTIONS 900.00 106 & 108 Rhea 113 & 115 Elm SALARIES - CITY EMPLOYEES 8/29/80 ROGER NIEMIE TZ - Meter Reader 8 hrs @ 3 .10 2)I.80 ss T.52 23.28 8/29/80 BAj?B,A GLENEWINKEL 500.00 ss 30.65 wh 50.00 419.35 8/29/80 CLIFF LETBETTER 22 hrs @ 3 .10 68.20 ss 4.18 wh 6.80 57.22 8/29/80 JERONIMO MARIN, JR. 825.00 ss 71 -10 wh 50.57 703.33 8/29/80 IVA AMACKER 53 2 hrs @3.10 165.85 1 Council Meeting 5.00 ss 10.47 wh 17.00 143.38 9/12/80 IVA AMACKER 56 hrs @ 3.10 173.60 1 Council Meeting 5.00 ss 10.95 wh 15.00 152 .65 PAST GREd RUSSEL - TIME SHEETS AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW • 9/19/80 GREG RUSSELL 38 hrs @ 3.10 117.80 ss 7.22 GLADYS PFEIL wh 11 .70 98.88 7/3/80 thru 9/16/80 33 hrs @ 4.00 132 .00 ss 8.09 wh 20.00 103.91