Min CC 11/06/1980 CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL_MEETING, NOVEMBER 6, 1980 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 p.m., Mayor John A. Sippel 2 . QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Sippel, Councilmembers: Nirider, Smith, Wiederstein, Swenson, and Thurman. Police Chief Jeronimo Marin, Jr.; City Clerk Iva Amacker; City Secretary Barbara Glenewinkel. 3. INVOCATION: Josie Nirider 4. MINUTES: Marge Smith (Josie Nirider) moved the minutes of the previous meeting be approved. All approved. 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: A. Mrs . Carmen Young,, a teacher in Seguin School Dist . attendedl attendedthe council meeting to discuss the possibility of using the City Park for a day camp during the 3 summer months of 1981. Mrs . Young has had experience running a camp, having been employed by the City of San Antonio for thepast two years in their youth program. She would like the use of the park building, paying the city for the use of the building. Mrs. Young proposed to be able to care for approx- imately 100 children, ages 6-12; with camp hours 8:00 am -4pm.; with her hours 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p .m. . There would be paid employees to care for the children - 1 adult and 2 younger helpers per- 20 chil- dren. She proposes to have a variety of activities for the children including transportation to - and from the swimming pool and different activities in the area. She would require the kitchen facilities for cooking classes and the use of the ball diamond. She would furnish all of her supplies. The council asked questions of Mrs. Young and discussed insurance coverage which she said would be her responsiblity. Mayor Sippel stated an answer could not be given at the meeting but that- the question of insurance and a commercial operation in a City facility would be looked into and the City Sec . would be in contact with her as soon as possible. 6. NEW BUSINESS: A.Railroad Problems Councilman Sig Swenson brought up the condidtion of the railroad track'-within the city and also the sp_�.eds of the trains as they pass through town. Barbara was instructed to contact the area towns - Schertz, Universal City, Converse & Marion to see if they have had any problems with track conditions and/or speeding trains. A _joint session with a railroad representative is a possibility, if other cities have had problems. If not, Cibolo would contact them on its own. B.Ordinances: 1. Amendment to Ordinance #279: Sig Swenson (Josie Nirider) moved the ordinance amendment re- quiring a $25.00 permit fee for cutting of curbs be approved. All approved. 2 . Amendment to Ordinance #280: Marge Smith (Josie Nirider) moved the amendment to Ordinance #280 requiring boring under paved streets and a penalty for violation be approved. All approved. 3. Amendment to City Code 55-91 Gerald Thurman (Sig Swenson) moved the amendment adding Bramblewoo_d Circle to the list of streets with 20 M.P.H. speed limits be approved. All approved. 4. Amendment to City Code 55-74 Sig Swenson (Gerald Thurman) maove r the amendment adding Bramble- wood Circle to the list of stop intersection streets be approved. All approved. 5. Fence Ordinance Sig Swenson (Marge Smith) moved the fence ordinance establishing requirements of fencing in city be approved. All approved. D.Parking lot Sign Post Josie Nirider ( Bill Wiederstein) moved the Donald Cale Realty be allowed to use the sign post in the City Hall Parking lot for a Realty sign. All approved. E.Street Lighting Barbara- was instructed to write G.V.E.C. requesting street signs on both streets in Town Creek Sub . and one at the corner of F.M.1103 and North Main intersection. Page 2 November 6, 1980 Minutes, Continued F. Copy Cost Cost of copies made on Cale Realty machine was discussed. It was decided to let Mr. Cale set a price per copy to cover ex- penses and cost of repair of machine. 7. BILLS TO BE APPROVED: Josie Nirider (Marge Smith) moved the bills be approved for payment. All approved. 8 . ADJOURNMENT: 8:50 p .m. 0 4 JOHN P EL, ITAYOR CI F CIBOLO, TEXAS BARBARA_L. GLENEWINKEL, CITY SECRETARY AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING RULES AND REGUTA'TIONS PERTAINING TO THE BUILDING OF FENCES WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF CIBOLO, TEXAS AND PRESCRIBING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS: 1 . A permit is required for any fence erection. by property owner or contractor in accordance z:yth the Southern Building Code . Fee depending on cost of construction. 2 . Fences shall be constructed so as not to enclose Public Utilities meters (water-meters, electricity meters, gas meters, etc .) making them inaccessible to meter readers . 3. A chain-link or similiar open type fence, where obscured traffic is not a factors, may be extended at its maximum height undiminished to the front or side street property lines . 4. No fence, shrub, hedge or other growth within a yard shall be allowed to obstruct the view at traffic intersections. Trees having a single trunk and pruned from the ground to seven (7) feet above the ground are accepted. 5. These specifications and/or dimensions do not apply to or necessarily meet the fence requirements separating commercial or industrial property from adjoining residential property. 6. The minimum 25' front yard set back does not apply for existing structures situated less than this distance from the front property line. Front corners of house (not to include open porches, etc .) determine point at which fence height must be reduced if carried to front property line . 7. For corner lots, the side street set back distances must be observed in the -same manner as the front . 8. The portion of a solid fence from the front or rear corners of the house may extend to the side yard fence at the maximum height. Solid fences are described as such: masonry, brick, stone, board, grapestake and chainlink type in which enameled aluminum or plastic or wood filler strips are inserted; this also includes any other structure or hedge, shrub or other growth within a front yard which may obstruct the view. 9. Any violation of this ordinance is punishable by a fine of not more than $200.00. for each offense. Every day any such violation shall exist shall be deemed to constitute a separate offense. 10. If any phrase, word, sentence, section or portion of this ordinance shall be held to be void, unconstitutional, illegal, or un-enforceable, such holding shall not affect the validity of any portion of this ordinance and it is the intention of the Council that each and every word, sentence, section or clause of the ordinance would have been adopted regardless whether or not any other word, phrase, clause or section has been held unconstitutional, void, illegal or un-enforceable . 11 . Dimensions of fences are given on attached sheet. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE DAY OF �' 1980. � I e A. SIPPEL,, MA-MR BARBARA L. GLENEti+IINKEI� CITY SECRETAR�.Y ,I � =_.: =2 Cm I y�° P KOPE Rz"Y L iN F r CITY OF CIBOLO - BILLS TO BE APPROVED NOVEMBER 6, 1980 UTILITIES: CITY OF CIBOLO WATER & SEINER (CITY HALL) 23.00 WATER (CITY PARK) 18 ,50 G.V.E.C. CITY HALL 65.68 PARK 6.12 COMM. BLDG. 2 ..50 OFFICE ADMINISTRATION Texas Surplus Property OFFICE EQUIPMENT 42 .66 CITY CLERKS & SECRETARIES OF TEXAS PH&RA L. GLENEWINKEL 15.00 SO. TEXAS PRINTING SUPPLIES 7.20 TAMARAC OFFICE SUPPLIES 19 .59 WUEST SUPERMARKET WINDEX 1 .88 SUPPLIES 4.95 HERALD PUBLISHING 4.40 STREETS RENCO RED & .AMBER CENTER MOUNTS 88.00 STOP SIGN: TRAFFIC CONES TEXAS CORRUGATORS 1 ea. 1811 20' CGMP 198.20 OTHER EXPENSES ACU BUTANE CO TESTING-MERCURY GAUGE 32'.90 CITY PARK GREGORY RUSSELL KEYS 3.40 CIBOLO SELF SERVE GAS &. OIL (LAWNMOWER) 9.52 MOWING CIBOLO SELF SERVE GAS & OIL (TRACTOR) 28.07 TRUCK CIBOLO SELF SERVE GAS & OIL 73.52 TAXES RALPH GILES PROPERTY TRANSFERS 3.60 POLICE ED KNEUPPER SALARY 20.00 CITY OF SCHERTZ DISPATCHER 150.00 GAS 170.92 WATER & SEWER C.C.MA. SEWAGE TREATMENT 1 ,101 .73 CITY OF SCHERTZ PURCHASED WATER 750.18 _ TRANS-TEX SUPPLIES 53.31