Min CC 11/20/1980 CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING - NOVEMBER 20, 1980 1 . CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. Mayor John A. Sippel 2 . QUORUM CHECK: Mayor John A. Sippel, Councilmembers Nirider, Smith, Swenson, Thurman, Wiederstein; Chief of Police Jeronimo Marin, Jr; Building Inspector Andrew Tolle; Clerk Iva Amacker 3 . VISITORS: C. P. Vaughan, Mark Vaughan and Bill Little 4. MINUTES: - Josie Nirider (Marge Smith) moved the minutes of the November 6, 1980 meeting be approved. All approved. 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: None 6. NEW BUSINESS: CIBOLO NORTH SUBDIVISION A. Mayor Sippel read minutes of Planning and Zoning Meeting (19 Nov 80) . B. Mr. Vaughan explained drainage problem on preliminary plat. After completion of engineering report, final plat will be revised to include recommendations of Craig Hollmig. C. Mrs. Nirider stated that she had talked with Mr. Bernard, GVEC, and that GVEC would prefer to go underground with utility lines and "that it mould not cost that much more." Mr. 7-aughan stated that in his experience placing utility lines underground costs almost four times as much as placing utility lines overhead; however, he will talk to Mr. Bernard. D. Mr. Vaughan explained that it will be impossible to develop entire subdivision at one time. It will be developed in sections as money becomes available. The final plat will be signed by Mr. Riedel and Mr. Wiederstein as property owners . E. The Council discussed the drainage problem in the City of Cibolo and various ways of alleviating this problem. One possible way would be to rework Santa Clara St. and use it for drainage. It will be approximately two years before the tax base will increase enough to allow . any extensive work. Mrs . Nirider wanted reassurance that drainage in old part of town will be taken into consideration. G. The question of responsibility for installation of street and traffic signs was raised. In order to insure uniformity of signs in the city, it was suggested by Mr. Vaughan, that the city install the street signs and bill the contractor. H. Sig Swenson (Gerald Thurman) moved we approve the preliminary plat subject to our engineer's approval. 4 Ayes and 1 Abstention. Bill Wiederstein abstained due to fact that his family has an interest in property involved. I. Mr. Vaughan, Mr. Tolle and Mr. Sippel will meet at 2:00 p .m. Friday, Nov 21 , 1980 to discuss city grievances in construction of Four and Five Leaf Park Subdivisions . 7 . OLD BUSINESS A. Mayor Sippel explained Mrs . Young's request to use City Park to Mr. Little. Mayor Sippel will have answer from Mr. Hrncir soon as to whether or not we can rent park for a moneymaking venture. Mr. Tolle suggested that a representative of the City and Mrs . Young's representative tour the facility for damages and repairs so if there are damages we can pin point who is responsible,. Council members would like to see park used. They will discuss the question with citizens of Cibolo and get their opinion. r B. Mayor Sippel talked to Mayor Stomackin Schertz, about railroad problems . It was thought tM Marion, Schertz and Cibolo should get together with representative of railroad and see what can be done. C. Permission was granted to close City Hall on 28 November 1980 (day after Thanksgiving) . City Clerk will not be -paid for this day. D. At the request of the City, Mr. Vaughan installed an oversized culvert at Five Leaf Park Subdivision (Bramblewood Circle at N. Main) . City will reimburse Mr. Vaughan for added cost by refunding $25.00 per sewer connection. Mayor Sippel signed agreement so stating. 8. BILLS TO BE APPROVED: Gerald Thurman (Marge Smith) moved the bills be approved for payment . All approved. 9. ADJOURNME,''NT: _ Sig Swenson (Gerald Thurman) moved meeting adjourn. All approved. J0 A. PEL, MAY � ITA AMACKER, CITY CLERK • CI'T'Y OF CIBOLO - BILLS TO BE APPROVED NOVEMBER 20 1980 UTILITIES SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE 36.53 PROFESSIONAL FEES JOHN HRNCIR LEGAL FEES 195.00 OFFICE ADMINISTRATION AURIC UNITED CORP. COPIES 19.70 RALPH GILES PROPERTY TRANSFERS .90 POLICE NEWSHIRE FORMS INC . INCIDENT REPORT FORMS 33 .28 TEXAS TEX-PACK EXPRESS FREIGHT CHARGES 7 .15 (TRAFFIC CONES, ETC) TRUCK & TRACTOR WUESTS 3 GALS ANTI FREEZE 14.55 WATER & SEWER TIMBER TECH REIMBURSEMENT ON SEWER 1 ,205.48 GREEN VALLEY WATER PURCHASED WATER 176.88 C.C.MA. PAYMENT 9SEWER CONNECTIONS 2,025.00 (105,107, 117 ELM; 103, 1055 1075 109, 111 , 113 BRAMBLEWOO D) VAUGHAN CO. REIMBURSEMENT 6 SEWER 150.00 CONNECTIONS ($25.00) each ON BRAMBLEWOOD G. A. POWERS SUPPLIES 152 -47