Min CC 12/04/1980 CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, DECEMBER 4, 1980 1. CALL TO ORDER: John A. Sippel, Mayor 7:00 P.M. 2 . QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Sippel, Councilmembers: Nirider, Smith, Wiederstein, Swenson & Thurman; Chief of Police Jeronimo Marin,Jr., Clerk Iva Ama�ker, & City Sec . Barbara Glenewinkel . 3 . _ INVOCATION: Bill Wiederstein 4. MINUTES: Sig Swenson (Marge Smith) moved the minutes of the previous meeting (Nov. 20) be approved. All approved. Sig Swenson (Gerald Thurman) moved the minutes of the special meeting with auditor Steve Cage (Nov. 25) be approved with the minutes amended to state that the Council did not decide on a tax increase. All approved. 5. NEW BUSINESS:A.Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Nichols attended the Council meeting to request permission to replace their trailer home on their lot with a pre-fab house. The lot is on the corner of Pecan & F.M. 78. Mr. Nichols explained the type house and had material to show the council. The house is approved by the Southern Building Code Congress. Mr. Nichols will be required to take out a building permit application, furnish the Building Inspector with a plot plan showing where the new home will be located, and furnish foundation plans . Sig Swenson (Bill Wiederstein) moved the Council grant the request contingent upon building permit and other property restrictions . ,t All approved. B.The Tax Rate was discussed. Marge Smith (Jo Nirider) moved the tax rate for the year 1980 be set at .5665. All approved. Mayor Sippel signed Ordinance # 282 establishing this tax rate. The rate remains the same as the year 1979. C.January Council Meeting Dates Due to'ithe fact that the 1st Thursday in January is on New Years Day, the Council discussed changing the dates of the January meetings. Gerald Thurman (Sig Swenson) moved the January Council meetings be changed from Jan. 1 and Jan. 15 to Jan. 8 and Jan. 22 . All approved. D.The Alamo Area Council of Governments ballot for the position of representative to the Board. The Council cast their vote for Mayor Al- Koebig of Seguin. 6. OLD BUSINESS: A.The Cibolo North thru street Buffalo Trail was discussed. Mr. Sippel explained the location of the street now and the drainage ditch, and where the new location would be if Vaughan Crest & the Bowling Club decide on a trade out . B.The drainage problem on F.M. 78 between S.Main & To-vu Creek was dis- cussed. Barbara was instructed to write the Texas Highway Dept : requesting the ditches & culverts be cleaned to eliminate water back up. (This letter was written, Mr. Wood came to Cibolo, looked over the drainage ditches & said, yes, as soon as possible, his crew would be sent to Cibolo .) C.The Council was informed of the December 16, 8:00 P.M. meeting at the Schertz City Hall. This is a joint meeting with the representative _ of the area towns along F.M. 78 and a representative of the Railroad Oommission to discuss track maintenance and speed limits on trains going through the towns . 7. BILLS TO BE APPROVED: Jo Nirider (Sig Swenson) moved the bills be approved for payment. All approved. 8. ADJOURNMENT: 8:17 P.M. S JOIW . SIPPEL, MAYOR l / t BARBARA L. GLENEWINKEL, SECRETARY