Min CC 01/08/1981 CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, JANUARY 8, 1981 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pro-tem Marge Smith; 7:00 p.m. 2 . QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Pro-tem Marge Smith, Councilmembers Nirider, Wiederstein, Thurman & Swenson; Police Chief Jeronimo Marin,Jr.; City Secretary Barbara Glenewinkel. 3. INVOCATION: Bill Wiederstein 4. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: Bill Wiederstein (Gerald Thurman) moved the minutes of the Dec. 18 meeting be approved with the rewording of New Business Section E to read "Andrew Tolle will be asked to use a maintainer on the gravel streets to smoothe out the rough spots." All approved. 5. NEW BUSINESS: A. CIBOLO NORTH UNIT I. Mr. C.P.Vaughan and Mark Vaughan of Vaughan-Crest, Inc. and Vaughan Co . appeared before the Council to request approval of the Cibolo North Unit I plat and approval of requested variances to the Sub- Division Ordinance . Letter detailing variances is attached to minutes . Jo Nirider (Sig Swenson moved the plat and variances be approved. All approved with Bill Wiederstein abstaining due to family inter- est in subdivision property. The 23 lots nearest Cibolo Bowling Club will be developed first. The homes will be 32,000 to 35,000 dollar homes . Mr. Vaughan went on to explain that Mr. Odo Riedel will be develop- ing the remainder of the subdivision plat originally submitted for preliminary approval. Mr. Vaughan will buy 40 lots from Mr. Riedel and build the homes on the developed lots. Mr. Vaughan expressed the hope that all development in other sections of the subdivision will be in accordance with Unit I. B. STREET IMPROVEMENTS A discussion of street improvements was held. Bill Wiederstein suggested using the city sales tax for priorities after the Timber Tech sewer line is paid for. (As of January 9, 1981, $1812 .17 is owed on contract. January payment to Timber Tech is $1707.20 - 60/ of 2845.3 ; leaving a balance of 101 .97.) C. POLLING PLACE - CITY ELECTION Sig Swenson (Gerald Thurman) moved the polling place for the April 4, 1981 City Election be the City Hall, 109 S. Main. All approved. D. CITY ELECTION JUDGE Jo Nirider (Bill Wiederstein) moved that Fred Wiedner be appoint- ed election judge for theApril 4. 1981 city election. All approved. E. S.A.F.E.S. AMBULANCE - SHARE OF OPERATING EXPENSES A letter from City of Sche rtz explaining Cibolo 's share in cost of operating expences for SAFES AMBULANCE SERVICE for year 1980 wase read and approved for payment. F. PAY INCREASE - CITY EMPLOYEES 1. Sig Swenson (Bill Wiederstein) moved that Barbara Glenewinkel, City Secretary be given a $50.00 per month raise . All approved. 2 . Sig Swenson (Jo Nirider) moved that Iva Amacker, Clerk; and Gregory Russell, Maintenance be given a pay raise in accordance with-minimum pay raise hipe of 25¢ per hour. Their hourly wage will now be $3.35. All approved. 3. Jo Nirider (Bill Wiederstein) moved that Bookkeeper Gladys Pfeil be given a raise from $1 .00 per hour to $6.00 per hour. The motion carried. • Ayes: Bill Wiederstein, Jo Nirider, Gerald Thurman Naes: Sig Swenson 6. BILLS TO BE APPROVED: Jo Nirider (Bill Wiederstein) moved the bills presented for approval be paid with the inclusion of the S.A.F.E.S. bill. All approved. 7. ADJOURNMENT: Gerald Thurman (Sig Swenson) moved the meeting be adjourned at 8:30 p .m. All approved. k1 '3 CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JANUARY 8, 1981, CONTINUED MARGE SM;TH, MAYOR FRO-TEM CITY OF CIBOLO a BARBARA L. GLENEWINKEL, CITY SECRETARY City Planning Commission City of Cibolo Cibolo , Texas 78108 R(, : Cibolo North Unit I Gentlemen : li Please find attached to this letter 2 Original Plats and 8 copies of the Plats of the above captioned . Also enclosed is our check in the amount of $110 . 00 which -i , in compliance with section 2 . 3 - A3 of the City Ordinances . fol_low.ing W1r'_i,.lnec,c in �lccordancc with Article VT : vt 1 . Page 15 , 5 . 3 - Sidewalks to be deleted for 'the above captioned . 2 . Page 24 , T. 6B - Delete lenght of blocks wording" or be less than five hundred( 500) feet" since we have blocks less than 500 feet in lenght . 3 . Page 25 , 7 . 7 B-la -Delete the 70 ' width lot to variable lot f'ronl_s as shown on the plat . 4 . Page 27 , 7 . 8 E-3 - Change side yard setback to "10 feet total, with a minimum dimension ,on one side of 5 feet" . 5 . Page 30 , 8 . 3 - Delete section on planting of trees on each lot . The above variances are for the above captioned development only and do not effect anyother development at this time . 61 i.r'tae1. th-_It yoi) w_i.11 ( _i.nd L1-le enclosed plats to your satisfaction, hoviever ; if you should have any questions , please let us know. Sincerely yours , VAUGHAN CRIES DEV PMENT, INC . C. P . Vaughan , President BILLS TO BE APPROVED - JANUARY 8, 1981 UTILITIES G.V.E.C. COMM. BLDG 21 -41 PARK 9.52 CITY HALL 12 .07 CITY OF CIBOLO CITY HALL (WATER & SFIER) 23 .00 CITY PARK (WATER:) 18.50 OFFICE ADMINISTRATION DONALD CALE 331 copies @ .15 ea. 49 .65 SO. TEXAS PRINTING SUPPLIES 8.50 HERALD PUBLISHING CO. PUBLISHING 4.00 RALPH GILES TRANSFERS 1 .50 FRANK SCHMIDT POSTING NOTICE OF MEETING CHANGE 2 .00 A.A.C.O.G. DUES 133 .00 J. WUESTS SUPPLIES 5.23 TAMARA.C SUPPLIES 3.58 COCA-COLA BTLG CO 26.95 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION DUES TO JAN 11.4, '82 25.00 OF SMALL CITIES STREETS RENCO SUPPLY, INC. CENTER MOUNT DELINEATORS 40.00 POLICE PAUL ANDERSON 500 SETS COURT SUMMONS 2014.30 RANDALL A. JENKINS RADIO MAINTENANCE 26.75 TEXAS COURT CLERKS ASSOC. DUES 10.00 WATER & SEWER C.C.M.A. EhKT--SEWER CONNECTIONS 1800.00 E�RAM13MV00D CIRCLE C.C.M.A. SEWER PROCESSING 8514.014 VAUGHAN CO. REFUND ONE SEWER CONNECTION 25.00 VAUGHAN CREST REFUND SEVEN SEWER. CONNECTIONS 175.00 CITY OF SCHERTZ PURCHASED WATER 5146.86 June City Planning Commission City of Cibolo, Cibolo, Texas 8 , Rc,: Cibolo North Unit 2 Gentl.en-an : Pleasis find .attached to this letter 2 original plats and F3 copies of the plats of the above captioned . Also enclosed is our check in the amount of *R8 . 00 which ii, i_n compliance with Section 2_ . 3 - A3 qt the City Ordinances . In regard to the above captioned , we respectively request: the following Variances in accordance with Artecle Vl . 1 . rage 15 , 5 . 3 - Sidwalks jo be de=leted 2 . Page 211 , 7 . GB - MUM lenght: of bl ockL . 3 . Page 25 , 7 . 7 B-la Delete the 70 ' width lots . 4 . Page 27 , 7 . 3 E-3 - Mope .,.i_dw yard ,yet back to Nut . 5 . Page 30., £3 . 3 - Delete t;r•ct. ion on planting of f_r"u5 . The above variance are for. the ,a nvo captioned dovplopmen t only and do 'not effect any other development at thij Qme . Wo trust t that you w:i.11. find thn "nel pn"d plats lo your :,n t i ; J n, I �ry , 1 u4ufer; H you should have any questions , plc.dne lot ud ]''ilow . S:ineprel.v yours , VAM-1,11/1 PJ J C . P . Va,r1,h ay , President t CIBOIO CITY OOUNCIL MINUTES, DECEMBER 18, 1980 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 p.m. Mayor John Sippel 2 . QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Sippel, Councilmembers: Nirider, Smith, Wiederstein, Swenson, & Thurman; City Sec . Barbara Glenewinkel. i 3. INVO CA TION: Bill Wie der st ein 4. MINUTES: Jo Nirider (Sig Swenson) moved the minutes of the meeting of Dec. nth be approved. All , approved. 5. NEW BUSINESS: A. GUADA LUPE VALLEY ELECTRIC CO-OP RATE INCREASE Doyle Hines, General Manager and Leon Netardus, business manager of G.V.E.C. attended the Council meeting to discuss the utility rate increase. Mr. Hines explained that the Co-op had not had a rate increase in 39 months - since 1977 . The G.V.E.C. represent- atives had material explaining the percentage of increase for the different categories of electricity users. The rate increase has been approved by the Texas Utility Commission (Dec . 18,1980) . The rate increase is to be effective with the February 1981 billing . Mr. Hines had copies of an Ordinance approving the rate increase. This ordinance 4283) was read by Mayor Sippel. Bill Wiederstein (Jo Nirider) moved the Council approve--the rate`-` increase Ordinance #283 . All approved. Councilman Wiederstein in making the motion, stated the G.V.E.C. - has always been very responsive to the needs of the rural and urban areas. He also felt they had made improvements that wo uld benefit the present as well as the future residents in the areas served by them. B. CIVIL PREPAREDNESS ORDINANCE The Council reviewed an Ordinance prepared by the County Attorney and brought to City Hall by Homer Spellman, director of Civil Defense in this district. The ordinance establishes the Mayor as chief coordinator. Marge Smith (Bill Wiederstein) moved the Council approved Ord- inance #284. All approved. C. TAX RO LL The changes made to the City tax roll were presented to the Council for approval. The changes occurred with the re platting of Four Leaf Park. There was a difference of $108.00 in value with a tax levy of 61 cents . Jo Nirider (Marge Smith) moved the certificates of error be approved. All approved. D. TRA.ILER HOME ON DOBIE CAMPUS Mayor Sippel explained a request by the S.C.- U.C. ISD. for per- mission to -place a trailer home on the school campus . An employee of the School District would live in the home. The purpose of the trailer on campus would be to discourage would be burglars at the school. Dobie M.S., being situated so far fo m any populated area is a prime target for vandals . Bill Wiederstein (Sig Swenson) moved the Council grant the school permission to place a trailer home on Dobie M.S. Campus with a 1 year temporary permit subject to renewal. All approved. E. STREETS ' The condition of the gravel streets was discussed. The Council decided to ask Andrew Tolle to maintain the streets . F. RENTAL OF BALL PARK & CONCESSION BUILDING The request of the area Church League to rent the ball diamond and concession building on a contract basis for the late spring and summer months was discussed. The Council felt the building should • be used. Rev. M. Creamer of Victory Assembly of God Church, U.C. had inquired about renting the concession bldg. with the City gettin€ a percentage of their profits . The Council decided to rent the bldg. to the league without taking; a percentage of profits. The reni would be determined by the electricity used. The league would be in charge of cleaning the bldg,. & rest rooms after use. Page 2 DECEMBER. 18 1980 COUNCIL MINUTES CONT. G. UNEMPLOYMENT CCKPENSATION ACT (SENATE BILL 2) Sig Swenson (Gerald Thurman) moved the Council pass a resolution supporting Senate Bill 2 . This bill to be introduced in January _ by Roy Blake would amend the Unemployment Comp. Act and eliminate much of its abuse . All approved. 6. BILLS TO BE APPROVED: Jo Nirider (Marge Smith) moved the bills to be approved for payment . All approved. 7. ADJOURNMENT: 10:00 p.m. Mayor Sippel. JOHN A.%SIPPEL, MAYOR, CITY OF CIBOLO BARBARA L. GLENEWINKEL, SECRETARY i CITY OF CIBOIO BILLS TO BE APPROVED - 18 DECEMBER. 1980 UTILITIES SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE 33.76 OFFICE ADMINISTR.A.TIONUNIVERSITY TER FOR SS��77pp TT�� COMMUNITYFSERVICES ELE� WS TEXAS 10 .00 HERALD PUBLISHING CO PUBLISHING ORDINANCES 66.20 & AMENDMENTS REIMRflRMT SECRETARY'S (BLG & IRA) 9.96 WUEST'S SUPERMARKET SUPPLIES 11 .10 T & F CONSTRUCTION COPY OF ORDINANCE # 61 6.00 STREET DEPARTMENT T & F CONSTRUCTION TRIM TREES 103.50 CLEAN MUD OFF STREET DEPOSITED BY SCHUETZ BROS. 1 .88 BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT T & F CONSTRUCTION BLDG INSPECTIONS 230.00 POLICE DEPARTMENT CITY OF SCHERTZ GASOLINE 128.38 DI SPAT CHER 150.00 AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY IDEAL CLAMPS 28.00 TRI CITY INSURANCE NOTARY BOE 48.00 TAX DEPT. TAgO DUES 25.00 IRTER & SEWER. T & F CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE 567.55 GREEN VALLEY WATER PURCHASED WATER 41 .89 HELPING HAND HARDWARE SUPPLIES 5.86 FROST NATIONAL BANK COUPONS DUE 1,665.00 Guadalupe Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc. Gonzales, Texas SECTION TITLE: Section No. III RATE SCHEDULES G-1 Sheet No. 7 Effective Date Revision No. 2 APPLICABILITY: Page 1 of 1 All Territory G-1 SINGLE-PHASE - AVAILABILITY Available to single-phase consumers. TYPE OF SERVICE Single-phase, 60 Hertz, at available secondary voltage. Frequency and voltage shall be subject to reasonable variation. GROSS RATE Customer Charge: $ 7.50 per consumer per month Demand & Energy Charge: 2.6085G per kWh MINIMUM CHARGE The minimum charge per month shall be $7.50, or the amount specified in the contract, whichever is higher. ADJUSTMENTS The foregoing charges shall be adjusted in accordance with the pro- visions on Sheet No. 6A and Sheet No. 6B. TERMS OF PAYMENT Each bill for utility service(s) , regardless of the nature of the service(s) , is due 15 days after issuance unless such day falls on a holiday or weekend, in which case payment is due on the next work day. If full pay- ment is not received in the office of the Cooperative on or before the date such bill is due, the customer's account will be considered delinquent and subject to disconnection in accordance with the rules of the appropriate Guadalupe Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc. Gonzales, Texas l SECTION TITLE: Section No. III RATE SCHEDULES G-2 Sheet No. 8 Effective Date Revision No. 2 APPLICABILITY: -- _ All Territory Page 1 of 3 G-2 ALL-ELECTRIC — AVAILABILITY Available to All-Electric residences and Electric Brooder installations which conform to the specifications stated below. TYPE OF SERVICE Single-phase, 60 Hertz, at available secondary voltage. RATE Customer Charge: $ 8,50 per consumer per month Demand $ Energy Charge: 2.085 per kWh MINIMUM CHARGE A. For All-Electric residences: $ 8.50 per month B. For Electric Brooder Installations: 100.00 per year C. The amount specified in the contract if it is larger than A or B. CONDITIONS OF SERVICE A. For All-Electric Homes: 1. The consumer shall notify the Cooperative in writing that he has an All-Electric home and request to be put on this rate. 2. The home shall be equipped with one or more electric water heaters of one of the following specifications: a. A minimum of a 30 gallon insulated tank, equipped with two heating elements, thermostatically controlled, and so connected that only one element may operate at a time. b. A minimum of a 50 gallon insulated tank, equipped with one low density heating element, thermostatically controlled, with a minimum of 2,500 watts capacity. Guadalupe Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc. Gonzales, Texas SECTION TITLE: Section No. III RATE SCHEDULES G-2 Sheet No. 9 Effective Date Revision No. 2 APPLICABILITY: Page .— of 3 All Territory CONDITIONS OF SERVICE (Continued) - 3. In order to be eligible for this rate, the home shall contain permanent type electric'range, heaters, and water heater. Also, at least 5 kW of total calculated heat loss of the structure shall be permanently installed and at least fifty percent of the electric heating equipment installed as indicated by the calculated heat loss. House wiring, appliances and thermal insulation of the house shall be inspected and approved by the Cooperative before the consumer becomes eligible for the application of this rate. B. For Electric Brooder Installations: 1. Service shall be supplied under this schedule to electric brooders and associated equipment only, such as a water pump, automatic feeders, poultry house lighting and any other uses which are directly connected with the operation of the brooders. 2. Consumer's electric wiring shall be inspected and approved by the Cooperative before the consumer becomes eligible for the applica- tion of this rate. 3. The consumer shall notify the Cooperative in writing that he has an electric brooder installation and that he wishes to obtain service to same for a period of not less than one year. 4. There shall be no other type of utility available for use in brooding. BILLING ADJUSTMENTS The foregoing charges shall be adjusted in accordance with the pro- visions on Sheet No. 6A and Sheet No. 6B. Guadalupe Valley Electric Cooperative., Inc. - Gonzales, Texas SECTION TITLE: Section No. III RATE SCHEDULES G-2 " Sheet No. 10 Effective Date Revision No. 2 APPLICABILITY: Page 3 of 3 All Territory TERMS OF PAYMENT Each bill for utility service(s) , regardless of the nature of the service(s) , is due 15 days after issuance unless such day falls on .a holiday or weekend, in which case payment is due on the next work day. If full pay= - ment is not received in the office of the Cooperative on or before the date such bill is due, the customer's account will be considered delinquent and subject to disconnection in accordance with the rules of the appropriate regulatory authority. Guadalupe Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc. Gonzales, Texas SECTION TITLE: Section No. III RATE SCHEDULES G-3 Sheet No. 11 Effective Date Revision No. 2 APPLICABILITY: Page 1 of 2 All Territory G-3 SINGLE-PHASE COMMERCIAL WITH ELECTRIC HEAT AVAILABILITY Available to single-phase, commercial consumers with electric heating. TYPE OF SERVICE Single-phase, 60 Hertz, at available secondary voltage. Frequency and voltage shall be subject to reasonable variation. RATE Customer Charge: $15.00 per consumer per month Demand & Energy Charge: 2.23¢ per kWh MINIMUM CHARGE The minimum monthly charge shall be the highest one of the following: (1) The minimum monthly charge specified in the contract for service. (2) A charge of $1.00 per kVA of installed transformer capacity. (3) A charge of $15.00. CONDITIONS OF SERVICE 1. The consumer shall have permanently installed space electric heating equipment totaling 10 kW capacity or more. 2. The consumer shall notify the Cooperative in writing that electric heating has been installed and request to be placed on this rate schedule. 3. Installation of all equipment and electric wiring shall/ comply with the requirements of the National Electrical Code and Specifications of the Cooperative and must be approved by the Cooperative prior to being billed under this rate. Guadalupe Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc. Gonzales, Texas SECTION TITLE: Section No. III RATE SCHEDULES G-3 Sheet No. 12 Effective Date Revision No. 2 APPLICABILITY: Page,— of 2 All Territory BILLING ADJUSTMENTS The foregoing charges shall be adjusted in accordance with the pro- visions on Sheet No. 6A and Sheet No. 6B. TERMS OF PAYMENT The above rates are _net; the gross rates being five percent (5%) higher. Each bill for utility service(s) , regardless of the nature of the service(s) , is due 15 days after issuance unless such day falls on a holiday or weekend, in which case payment is due on the next work day. If full payment is not received in the office of the Cooperative on or before the date such bill is due, the gross rate shall apply, and the customer's account will be considered delinquent and subject to disconnection in accordance with the rules of the appropriate regulatory authority. Guadalupe Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc. Gonzales, Texas SECTION TITLE: Section No. III RATE SCHEDULES G-4 Sheet No. .13 Effective Date Revision No. 2 APPLICABILITY: Page 1 of 2 All Territory G-4 THREE-PHASE UNDER 50 KW AVAILABILITY Available to three-phase consumers up to 50 kW of billing demand (also single-phase consumers who were on the "LP" rate as of 6-30-74) . TYPE OF SERVICE Three-phase, 60 Hertz, at standard voltages. Frequency and voltage shall be subject to reasonable variation. RATE Customer Charge: $30.00 per consumer per month Demand Charge: First 25 kW of Billing Demand No Charge All over 25 kW of Billing Demand $2.75 per kW Energy Charge: 2.43 per kWh DETERMINATION OF BILLING DEMAND The billing demand shall be the maximum kilowatt load used by the consumer for any period of fifteen (15) consecutive minutes during the month for which the bill is rendered as indicated or recorded by a demand meter and adjusted for the power factor hereafter specified, but in no event less than 70% of the highest demand established in the preceding eleven (11) months. POWER FACTOR The consumer agrees to maintain unity power factor as nearly as practicable. Demand charges will be adjusted for consumers with 50 kW or more of measured demand to correct for average power factor lower than 9A and may be so adjusted for other consumers if and when the Cooperative deems necessary. Such adjustment will be made by increasing the measured demand one percent (1%) for each one percent by which the average power factor is less than 90% lagging. Guadalupe Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc. Gonzales, Texas SECTION TITLE: Section No. III RATE SCHEDULES G-4 Sheet No. 14 Effective Date Revision No. 2 APPLICABILITY: _ Page 2 of 2 All Territory MINIMUM CHARGE The minimum monthly charge shall be the highest one of the following charges as determined for the consumer in question: 1. The minimum monthly charge specified in the contract for service. 2. A charge of $1.00 per kVA of installed transformer capacity. 3. The Customer Charge. BILLING ADJUSTMENTS The foregoing charges shall be adjusted in accordance with the pro- visions on Sheet No. 6A and Sheet No. 6B. TERMS OF PAYMENT The above rates are net, the gross rates being five percent (5%) higher. Each bill for utility service(s) , regardless of the nature of the service(s) , is due 15 days after issuance unless such day falls on a holiday or weekend, in which case payment is due on the next work day. If full payment is not received in the office of the Cooperative on or before the date such bill is due, the gross rate shall apply, and the customer's account will be considered delinquent and subject to disconnection in accordance with the rules of the appropriate regulatory authority. Guadalupe Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc. Gonzales, Texas SECTION TITLE: Section No. III RATE SCHEDULES G-5 Sheet No. 15 Effective Date Revision No. 2 APPLICABILITY: , Page 1 of 2 All Territory G-5 LARGE POWER OVER 500 KVA AVAILABILITY Available to consumers with over 500 kVA of installed demand located on or near power facilities having adequate capacity and correct voltage to serve load in desired capacity. TYPE OF SERVICE Three-phase, 60 Hertz, at one of the Cooperative's standard secondary voltages. Frequency and voltage shall be subject to reasonable variation. RATE Customer Charge: $150.00 per consumer per month Demand Charge: $ 3.00 per kVA of Billing Demand Energy Charge: , l.Ogp, per kWh DETERMINATION OF BILLING DEMAND The billing demand shall be the maximum kilovoltampere (kVA) load established by the consumer for any period of fifteen (15) consecutive minutes during the month for which the bill is rendered, but in no event less than 700 of the highest demand established in the preceding 11 months. The kVA demand may be recorded by a kVA meter or calculated from recordings of kW and kVAR meters or other meters which may be used at the discretion of the Cooperative. Guadalupe Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc. - Gonzales, Texas SECTIOR TITLE: Section No. III RATE SCHEDULES G-5 Sheet No. 16 Effective Date Revision No. 2 APPLICABILITY: Page 2 of 2 All Territory MINIMUM CHARGE The minimum monthly charge shall be the highest one of the following charges as determined for the consumer in question: 1. The minimum monthly charge specified in the contract for service. 2. A charge of $3.00 per kVA of installed transformer capacity. 3. The Customer Charge. BILLING ADJUSTMENTS The foregoing charges shall be adjusted in accordance with the pro- visions on Sheet No. 6A and Sheet No. 6B. TERMS OF PAYMENT The above rates are net, the gross rates being five percent (5%) higher. Each bill for utility service(s) , regardless of the nature of the service(s) , is due 15 days after issuance unless such day falls on a holiday or weekend, in which case payment is due on the next work day. If full payment is not received in the office of the Cooperative on or before the date such bill is due, the gross rate shall apply, and the customer's account will be considered delinquent and subject to disconnection in accordance with the rules of, the appropriate regulatory authority. Guadalupe Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc. Gonzales, Texas SECTION TITLE: Section No. III RATE SCHEDULES G-7 Sheet No. 18 Effective Date y Revision No. 2 y [APPLICABILITY: page 1 of 1 All Territory G-7 IRRIGATION AVAILABILITY Available to Irrigation consumers of 10 horsepower or larger. RATE Demand Charge: $1.22 per HP payable monthly Energy Charge: 1.10¢ per kWh MINIMUM CHARGE The annual minimum charge shall be $13.80 per horsepower nameplate rating of motors per year or the amount specified in the contract for service, whichever is the higher. BILLING ADJUSTMENTS The foregoing charges shall be adjusted in accordance with the pro- visions on Sheet No. 6A and Sheet No. 6B. CONDITIONS OF SERVICE Consumer agrees that each term of service under this rate shall be for not less than one year. TERMS OF PAYMENT The above rates are net, the gross rates being five percent (50) higher. Each bill for utility service(s) , regardless of the. nature of the service(s) , is due 15 days after issuance unless such day falls on a holiday or weekend, in which case payment is due on the next work day. If full payment is not received in the office of the Cooperative on or before the date such bill is due, the gross rate shall apply, and the customer's account will be considered delinquent and subject to disconnection in accordance with the rules of the appropriate regulatory authority. Guadalupe Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc. Gonzales, Texas SECTION TITLE: Section No. III RATE SCHEDULES Security Lights Sheet No. 19 Effective Date Revision No. 2 APPLICABILITY: Page 1 of 2 All Electric SECURITY LIGHTS AVAILABILITY Available to municipalities, political subdivisions, corporations, associations of a public or quasi-public nature, organized public bodies or to individuals. TYPE OF SERVICE Unmetered, individually controlled for dusk to dawn operation by automatic device, using standard fixtures and equipment, gaseous discharge lamps and standard mounting height. RATE (Per Month) Class A Lights - $4.95 each Class B Lights - $3.80 each Class C Lights - Rate to be determined from analysis of requirements. CLASSES DEFINED ' Class A: Installations not exceeding 500 watts, where investment by Cooperative does not exceed $225.00 per light. Class B: Installation not exceeding 300 watts, where investment by Cooperative does not exceed $175.00 per light. Class C: Special effect lighting. CONDITIONS OF SERVICE The Cooperative will furnish, own and maintain all equipment used under this schedule, and will exercise reasonable diligence in replacing lamps and equipment. However, the responsibility rests with the consumer to report the need for same. � 4 Guadalupe Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc. Gonzales, Texas SECTION TITLE: Section No. III RATE SCHEDULES Security Lights -- Sheet No. 19A Effective Date Revision No. 2 APPLICABILITY: Page 2 of 2 All Electric CONDITIONS OF SERVICE (Continued) If the cost of installation exceeds the _above specified amounts, consumer shall contribute the excess cost toward the installation, but title to all equipment shall remain in the Cooperative. If underground service is desired by consumer, .it is his responsibility to furnish, own and maintain such underground equipment. BILLING ADJUSTMENTS The foregoing charges shall be adjusted in accordance with the provisions on Sheet No. 6A and Sheet No. 6B. In computing billing adjustments the following monthly average kWh values are assumed: Class A: 162 kWh per month Class B: 72 kWh per month TERMS OF PAYMENT Each bill for utility service(s) , regardless of the nature of the service(s) , is due 15 days after issuance unless such day falls on a holiday or weekend, in which case payment is due on the next work day. If full payment is not received in the office of the Cooperative on or before the date such bill is due, the customer's account will be considered delinquent and subject to disconnection in accordance with the rules of the appropriate regulatory authority. Guadalupe Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc. Gonzales, Texas SECTION TITLE: Section No. III RATE SCHEDULES G-8 Sheet No. 20 Effective Date Revision No. Original APPLICABILITY: Page 1 of 1 All Territory G-8 THREE-PHASE OVER 50 KW AVAILABILITY Available to three-phase consumers from 50 kW up to 500 kW of billing demand. (Also single-phase consumers who were on the "LP" rate as of 6-30-74.) TYPE OF SERVICE Three-phase, 60 Hertz, at standard voltages. Frequency and voltage shall be subject to reasonable variation. RATE Customer Charge: $50.00 per consumer per month Demand Charge: $ 3.00 per kW of Billing Demand Energy Charge: 1.081 per kWh DETERMINATION OF BILLING DEMAND The billing demand shall be the maximum kilowatt load used by the consumer for any period of fifteen (15) consecutive minutes during the month for which the bill is rendered as indicated or recorded by a demand meter and adjusted for the power factor hereafter specified, but in no event less than 70% of the highest demand established in the preceding eleven (11) months. POWER FACTOR The consumer agrees to maintain unity power factor as nearly as practicable. - Demand charges will be adjusted for consumers with 50 kW or more of measured demand to correct for average power factor lower than 90% and may be so adjusted for other consumers if and when the Cooperative deems necessary. Such adjust- ment will be made by increasing the measured demand one percent (1%) for each one percent by which the average power factor is less than 90% lagging. Guadalupe Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc. Gonzales, Texas SECTION TITLE: Section No. III RATE SCHEDULES G-8 - Sheet No. 20A Effective Date Revision No. Original APPLICABILITY: Page 2 of 2 All Territory MINIMUM CHARGE The minimum monthly charge shall be the highest one of the following charges as determined for the consumer in question: 1. The minimum monthly charge specified in the contract for service. 2. A charge of $1.00 per kVA of installed transformer capacity. 3. The Customer Charge. BILLING ADJUSTMENTS The foregoing charges shall be adjusted in accordance with the pro- visions on Sheet No. 6A and Sheet No. 6B. TERMS OF PAYMENT The above rates are net, the gross rates being five percent (5%) higher: Each bill for utility service(s) , regardless of the nature of the service(s) , is due 15 days after issuance unless such day falls on a holiday or weekend, in which case payment is due on the next work day. If full payment is not received in the office of the Cooperative on or before the date such bill is due, the gross rate shall apply, and the customer's account will be considered delinquent and subject to disconnection in accordance with the rules of the appropriate regulatory authority. 1 G-1 SINGLE-PHASE SLE-PHASE EXISTING RATE QC:HEDULE FIRST######## kWh/MONTH @ . 015620 $/F Wh Minimum=$ 6. 00, Includes . 00 kWh CUSTOMER CHARGE $ 6. Oo PROPOSED RATE SCHEDULE FIRST******** kWh/MONTH @ . 026085 $/kWh Minimum=$ 7. 507 Includes . 00 kWh CUSTOMER CHARGE $ 7. 5o COMPARISON OF RATE SCHEDULE E Wh EXISTING PROPOSED INi_REA.`_';E 50 8. 06 9. 76 1 . 70 21 . i 9 100 10. 12 12. 04 1 . 92 18. 97 200 14. 24 16. 57 2. 3'3 16. 36 coo 18. 37 21 . 11 2. 74 14. 92 400 22. 49 25. 64 3 . 15 14. 01 500 26. 61 30. 17 17 = . 56 13. 3,,::: 750 36. 91 41 . 51 4. 60 12. 46 1 000 47. 22 52. 85 5. 63 11 . 92 2000 88. 44 9;_ . 20 9. 76 11 . 04 3000 129. 66 143. 55 13. 89 10. 71 Fuel /PCA . 0255990 . 0192670 7 $/kWh 564 29.25 33.08 3.83 13.09 Average 0-2 ALL ELECTRIC EXISTING RATE SCHEDULE FIRST######## kWh/MONTH @ . 012670 $/kWh Minimum=$ 8. 50, Includes . 00 kWh CUSTOMER CHARGE $ 8. 50 PROPOSES RATE SCHEDULE FIRST######## kWh/MONTH @ . 020850 $/kWh Minimum=$ 8. 50, Includes . 00 kWh CUSTOMER CHARGE $ 5. 50 COMPARISON OF RATE SCHEDULES kWh EXISTING PROPOSED INCREASE USAGE $ $ $ % 50 10. 41 10. 50 0. 09 0. 86 100 12. 38 12. 51 0. 18 1 . 46 250 18. 07 18. 58 0.46 2. 55 500 27. 68 28. 55 0. 92 g. 88 750 97. 20 38. 59 1 . 89 5. 74 1000 46. 77 48. 62 1 . 85 3. 96 3000 123. 31 128. 85 5. 54 4. 49 5000 199. 84 209. 08 9.24 4. 62 7500 295. 51 809. 87 18. 86 4. 69 10000 591 . 19 409. 67 18. 48 4. 72 ,Fuel /PCA .0255990 . 0192670 , $/kWh 1713 74.05 77,22 3.17 4.28 Average 0-3 COMMERCIAL ALL ELECTRIC - SUMMER EXISTING RATE SCHEDULE FIRST##**###* KWh/MONTH @ . 015600 $/kWh, Minimum=$ 15. 00, Includes . 00 kWh CUSTOMER CHARGE $ 15. 00 PROPOSED RATE SCHEDULE ILE FIRST******** kWh/MONTH @ . 022300 $/Kh Minimum=$ 15. 00, Includes . 00 kWh CUSTOMER -C:HARQE $ 15. 00 COMPARISON C iF RATE SCHEDULES kWh EXISTING PROPOSED INCREASE USAGE $ $ $ 50 17. 06 17. 07 0. 01 0. 06 too 19. 12 19. 16 0. 04 0. 21 200 23. 24 2_ 31 0. 07 0. :=0 300 27.36 27. 47 0. 11 0. 40 400 31 . 48 31 . 63 0. 15 0. 48 500 35. 60 35. 78 0. 18 0. 51 750 45. 90 46. 17 0. 27 0. 59 1000 56. 20 56. 57 0. 37 0. 66 3000 1.38. 60 1=9. 70 1 . 10 0. 79 5000 220. 99 222. 83 1 . 84 0. % Fuel /PCA . 0255990 . 0192670 2670 7 $/kWh 6522 283. 70 286.10 2.40 .85 Average G-S COMMERCIAL ALL ELECTRIC - WINTER EXISTING RATE SCHEDULE FIRST******** kWh/MONTH e . 012000 $/kWh Minimum=$ 15. 00, Includes . 00 kWh CUSTOMER CHARGE $ 15. 00 PROPOSED RATE SCHEDULE FIRST******** kWh/MONTH e . 022800 $/kWh Minimum=$ 15. 00, Includes . 00 kWh CUSTOMER CHARGE $ 15.00 COMPARISON OF RATE SCHEDULES kWh EXISTING PROPOSED INCREASE USAGE $ $ $ k 50 16. 88 17. 07 0. 19 1 . 15 100 18. 76 19. 16 0. 40 2. IJ 200 22. 52 23. 31 0. 79 3 . 51 300 26. 28 27. 47 1 . 19 4. 55 400 80. 04 31 . 63 1 . 59 5. 29 500 58. 80 55. 78 1. 98 5. 86 750 48. 20 46. 17 2.97 6. 87 1000 52. 60 56. 57 8. 97 7. 55 8000 127. 80 139. 70 11 . 90 9. 81 5000 202. 99 222. 88 19. 84 9. 77 Fuel /PCA . 0255990 . 0492670 , $IkWh 6522 260.22 286.10 25.88 9.95 Average G-4 UNDER 50 KW @ 40 KW EXISTING RATE SCHEDULE §IRST######## kWh/MONTH @ . 015000 $Z[Wh Minimum=$ 20.007 Includes . 00 kWh DEMAND CHARGE $ 22. 50 CUSTOMER CHARGE $ 20. 00 PROPOSES RATE SCHEDULE FIRST######## kWh/MONTH @ . 024800 $ZkQh Minimum=$ 80. 00, Includes . 00 kWh - DEMAND CHARGE $ 41 . 25 CUSTOMER CHARGE $ 50. 00 COMPARISON OF RATE SCHEDULES kWh EXISTING PROPOSED INCREASE USAGE $ $ $ k 2000 119. 70 158. 38 58. 68 52. 81 4000 196.90 245. 52 48. 62 24. 69 6000 274. 09 332. 65 58. 56 21 . 87 5000 051 . 29 419. 79 68. 50 19. 50 10000 428. 49 506. 92 78. 42 18. 30 12000 505. 69 594. 05 27 .86 17. 47 16000 660108 768. 52 108,24 16. 40 20000 814.48 942. 59 128. 11 15. 78 24000 968. 88 1116. 86 147. 98 15. 27 28000 1128. 27 1291 . 18 167. 86 14. 94 Fuel /PCA . 0255920 . 0192670 , $ZkQh 3423 174.62 220.38 45.76 26.21 Average '4 G-4 OVER 50 KW @ 100 KW EXISTING RATE SCHEDULE FIR=:T######## kWh/MONTH @ . 006500 06500 $/k.Wh Minimum=$ 40.00, Includes . 00 kWh DEMAND CHARGE $ 200. 00 CUSTOMER CHARGE $ 40. 00 PROPOSED RATE SCHEDULE FIR=;T###*#**# kWh/MONTH @ . 010800 $/kWh Minimum=$ 5O. 00, Includes . 00 kWh DEMAND CHARGE $ 300. 00 CUSTOMER CHARGE A 50. 00 COMPARISON i�F RATE SCHEDULES kWh EXI_:TING PROPOSED INCREASE 2000 304. 20 410. 13 105.93 34. 8 4OQO 368. 40 470. 27 101. 87 27. 65 6000 432. 59 530. 40 97.81 22. 61 000 496. 79 590.54 93. 75 18.87 10000 560. 99 650. 67 89.6 15. 99 1 000 625. 19 710. 80 85.61 13. 69 16000 753. 58 8?1 . 07 77. 49 10. 28 20000 =81 . 98 951 . 34 69. 36 7. 86 4000 1010. 38 1071 . 61 61 . 23 6. 06 28000 1138. 77 1191 . 8_; 53. 11 4. 66 Fuel /PCA . 0255990 55: 90 , 019267O 7 $/kWh 289605 1158.19 1210..07 51,88 4.48 Average G-5 @ 500 i KVA EXISTING RATE_ SCHEDULE FIRST#*###### kWh/MONTH @ . 004750 $/kWh Minimum=$ 150. 00, Includes . 00 kWh DEMAND CHARGE $ 950. 00 CUSTOMER iMER CHARGE $ 150. 00 PROPOSED RATE SCHEDULE FIRST######## kWh/MONTH @ . 010800 $/k:Wh Minimum=$ 15t . 00, Includes . 00 kWh DEMAND CHARGE $ 1500. 00 CUSTOMER STOMER i=HART E $ 150. 00 it) COMPARISON OF RATE SCHEDULES SLES kWh EXISTING PROPOSED INCREASE USAGE $ $ $ 25000 1858. 72 2401 . 67 542. 95 29. 21 50000 c 3153. 35 535. 90 75000 3376. 17 3905. 02 528. 85 15. 66 100000 4134.90 4656. 70 521 . 80 12. 62 125000 4893.62 5408. 37 514. 75 10. 52 150000 5652. 35 6160. 05 507. 70 8. 98 00000 7169. 80 7663. 40 493. 60 6. 08' 250000 8687.25 9166. 75 479. 50 5. 52 300000 10204.70 10670. 10 465. 40 4. 56. 350000)i 0 11722. 1 5 12173. 45 451. 30 3. 85 Fuel/PCA . 0255990 . 0192670 , $/kWh 188425 6818.51 7315..37 496.86 7.29 Average D-7 EXISTING RATE SCHEDULE FIRST######## kWh/MONTH @ . 010000 00)0) $/kWh Minimum=$ . 00, Includes . 00 kWh HORSEPOWER CHARGE $ 1 . 00 PROPOSED RATE SCHEDULE FIRST######## kWh/MONTH @ . O11000 VkWh Minimum=$ . 00, Includes . 00 kWh HORSEPOWER iWER C HARGE $ 1. 22 COMPARISON uF RATE SCHEDULES kWh EXISTING PROPOSED INCREASE 0 1 , 00 1 . 22 0. 22 22. 00 50 2. 78 2. 73 -0. 05 -1 . 0 100 4.56 4. 25 -0. 31 -6. 80 150 6. 34 5. 76 -0,58 -9. 15 00 3. 12 7. 27 -0.85 -10. 47 250 9. 90 = . 79 -1 . 11 -11 . 21 300 11 . 68 10. 30 -1 .38 -11 . 82 400 15. 24 12. 33 -1 . 91 -12. 52: 500 18. 80 16. :5 -2. 45 -13. 03 Fuel /PCA . 0255990 . 0192670 7 $/E:Wh 273 10.72 9.48 -1.24 -11.57 Average