Min CC 02/05/1981 --•---- - CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, FEBRUARY 5, 1981 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7-:00 p .m. Mayor Sippel 2 . QUORUH CHECK: Mayor Sippel, Council-members: Smith, Nirideer, Taederstein, Swenson, & Thurman9 Clerk Iva Amacker; Chief of Police Jeronimo Marin, Jr. & Barbara Glenewinkel, Secretary. 3. INVOCATICN: Bill aederstein 4- MINUTES: Gerald Thurman (Bill Wiederstein) moved the minutes of the pr6rious meeting (Jan.22) be approved as read. All approved. 5. OLD BUSINESS: A. LEFT TURN LANE Left-turn lane and plant entrance signs that had been requested of the highway dept. were discussed. Mayor Sippel reported nn his talk with Walter Ehlers, Residnet Engineer. Mr. Ehlers stated he would do all he could to get a left turn lane for Cibolo . The turn lane would extend from Deitz Creek Bridge to F.M. 1103 . i Mr. Ehlers stated the plant entrance sign should be put up either by the City of Timber Tech, Inc. It has not been the practice in this district for the state to put up the plant entrance signs . 6. NEW BUSINESS: A. Mr. Ed Cullivan presented a subdivision plat to the Council for preliminary approval. Mr. Cullivan owns a piece of property on Green Valley Rd. in the Cibolo E.T.J. The Planning & Zoning board approved the preliminary plat on Feb. 3, 1981. Mr. Cullivan proposes to have a street straight through his subdivision. The subdivision would be using Green Valley Water. Mr. Cullivan will be furnishing the City with the subdivision restrictions (comparable to Garden Ridge) as soon as t}heyfare drawn up . Bill Wiederstein (Gerald Thurman) moved the preliminary plat be approved. All approved. B. Gary Weaver, Vice - Prs . and General Manager of Timber Tech, Inc . and Laura Bockenfeld, Timber Tech, Inc . Secretary, attended the council meeting. Mr. Weaver accepted a proclamation of appreciation from Mayor Sippel and the Council for the contribution Timber Tech, Inc. has made to the economy of the city. This contribution is made through the city sales tax generated by Timber Tech and also fTrom the seiaer line ex- pansion financed by the firm. 'the proclamation designated Sat . Feb . 7, 1981 as "Gary Weaver and Timber Tech, Inc . Day" in the City. After the presentation there was a recess in the meeting. A buffet was :prep6red; everyone enjoyed food and refreshments . Special guest at the meeting and reception was Fritz Schlather, former mayor of Cibolo, who was instrumental in Timber Tech, Inc. locating a plant in the city. Mr. Weaver expressed his appreciation for the framed proclamation and the reception. C. COURT DATE Marge Smith (Jo Nirider) made a motion the Municipal Court Day be moved from the 3rd Tues. of each month to the 2nd Tues. of each month. This will begin with the March court date. All approved. This change was necessitated by the fact that John Hrncir, city attorney has a prior commitment to the City of Windcrest for their court day on the 3rd Tues . D. SCHOOL BOARD ELECTION POLLING PUCE Gerald Thurman (Jo Nirdier) moved the Council grant the School Dist . permission to set up a polling place in the City Hall for their school board election on April 4. All approved. E. CITY ELECTION The mayor and 2 council places are up for election on April 4. Mayor Sippel took this opportunity to announce that he will not be a candidate for re-election. F. PRIORITIES The council members had been asked to list thbir priotities as to what improvements should be made in the City. The water supplier and water lines headed the list of all meilbers, in- cluding the Mayor. Other priorities included: drainageA olice car, PAGE 2 COUNCIL MINUTES, FEBRUARY 5, 1981 - CONTINUED annexation, high-way-by-pass, park clean-up on creek front, City truck, employee work program, hospital & retirement program, storage building V for city equipment. 7 . BILLS TO BE APPROVED: Jo Nirider (Marge Smith) moved the bills be approved for payment. All approved. 8. SPECIAL MEETING: The council decided to call a special meeting for Wednesday, Feb. 11, 1981 at 7:00 P .m. at thich time the Cibolo North Unit 2 Subd. Plat will be discussed. 9 . ADJOURNMENT: 9:45 p.m. A JOHN I PEL, 0 BARBARA L. GLENEWINKEL, CITY SECRETARY • BILLS TO BE APPROVED - CITY OF CIBOLO - FEBRUARY 5, 1981 UTILITIES CITY OF CIBOLO CITY HALL WATER & SEWER 23 .00 CITY PARK WATER 18.50 G.V.E.C. CITY OF CIBOLO 52 -03 CITY PARK 11 .60 COMM. BLDG 25.42 OFFICE AlMINISTR&TION SO. TEXAS PRINTING SUPPLIES 78.45 HART GRA PHI CS ELECTION SUPPLIES 7.11 DONALD CA LE COPIES 44.25 (295 @ .15 ea) IVA AMA CKER T�T PRO�I j 2 .94 TAMARA C SUPPLIES 14-45 WUEST SUPPLIES 211..32 TRI-CITY INS. AGENCY INSURANCE 180.00 CITY TRUCK WILLIE'S GARAGE REPLACE FUEL PUMP & FUEL LINE 19.09 CIBOLO SELF SERVE GAS & OIL (DEC & JAN) 105.11 STREETS GIFFORD HILL & 00. ASPHALT 187 .22 POLI CE CITY OF SCHERTZ DISPATCHER 150.00 GASOLINE 137 . 5 CIBOLO SELF SERVE BATTERIES 5.539 WATER & SEWER CITY OF SCHERTZ PURCHASED -VATER 661 .09 GREEN VALLEY WATER PURCHASED WATER 38.89 G.A. POWERS 6- 3/4 in bray adapters 25.71 (Supp ies C.:C.M.A. SEWER 924.36 •