Min CC 02/11/1981 - Special CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING - FEBRUARY 11, 1981 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 p.m. - Mayor John A. Sippel 2. QUORUM'SCK: Mayor Sippel, Councilmembers: Nirider, Smith, Wiederstein, Swenson, and Thurman; Chief of Police Jeronimo Marin, Jr. and Barbara Glenewinkel, Secretary. 3. INVOCATION: Bill Wiederstein 4. MINUTES: Jo Nirider (Sig Swenson) moved the minutes of the Feb. 5, 1981 regular council meeting be approved as read. All approved. 5. BUSINESS AT HAND: A.Odo J. Riedel attended the Council meeting to submit his Cibolo North Subdivision Unit 2 plat (preliminary) for approval. After a lengthy discussion, the Council informed Mr. Riedel that he would have to re-submit his plat to the Planning and Zoning Board due to the fact that the Planning & Zoning Board was not asked to approve the same plat as the Conncil. Mr. Riedel had attended the Planning & Zoning Board Meeting on February 3, 1981. The Planning & Zoning Board was asked to approve his preliminary plat with the triangle section around Mohawk Circle (lots 42-47) deleted from the plat . Craig Hollmig, engineer (New Braunfels) had a utility plat showing water lines extending only to the edge of the proposed subdivision houses which conflicts with the plat submitted on Nov. 20, 19803 whereby a water line was drawn to F.M. 1103 along Buffalo Trail. B.ORDINAN CE AMENDMENT An amendment to Ordinance #280 was discussed. An amendment will be drawn up stipulating that all provisions made in previous agreements still in effect with utility companies will not be invalidated by this ordinance . The amendment arises because Ordinance #280 requiring utility companies to : obtain a permit and pay a permit fee conflicts with an ordinance the City has with Southwestern Bell Telephone Co . whereby the telephone co . is not required to obtain a permit. �3. ADJOURI�'T1WgT: 10:30 P .m. - Mayor Sippel JOHN PPEL, OR CI F CIBOLO, TEXAS r �� Lc�/-�_�fs_.�� ,CJS BARBARA L. GIENEWINKEL, SECRETARY