Min CC 04/02/1981 MINUTES OF CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MEETING - APRIL 2, 1981 1 . CALL TO ORDER: Mayor John A. Sippel, 7:05 p.m. 2. INVOCATION: Bill Wiederstein 3. QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Sippel, Councilmembers: Smith, Wiederstein, Swenson and Thurman; Bldg Inspector Andrew Tolle, Clerk Iva Amacker, Chief of Police Jeronimo Marin, Jr., and Barbara Glenewinkel, Secretary. 4. MINUTES: Marge Smith (Sig Swenson) made the motion the Council approve the minutes of the March 19, 1981 meeting. All approved. 5. VISITORS: Two students from Samuel Clemens High School were introduced to the Council by Mayor Sippel. The students are Tammy Moore and Sabrina McKaskle who are members of the "Government in Action" class instructed by Mrs . Joyce Briscoe. They are visiting the council meetings in the area to learn first hand how the meetings are conducted. 6. NEW BUSINESS: A. Andrew Tolle, Bldg Inspector discussed the payment of the sewer and water development expenses to C.C.M.,, contractor. C.C.M. is asking for a payment of 90% of cost. This is for water and sewer lines in Cibolo North Unit I. Mr. Vaughan had made a check to C .C.M. for 90% of expenses ($22,666.46) and a check for 10% ($2,518.19) payable to City to be held until final inspections are done with final "as is" drawn plans as per specs . and engineers approval of 90% compaction test. The water and sewer lines will be dedicated to City by Vaughan Crest Development, Inc . It was decided that rather than sign over the check made to City to C.C.M. the check would be deposited in water and sewer account and when the final tests are made the City would pay C.C.M. the final 10%. B. Mr. Tolle discussed the possibility of using Polybutlene tubing instead of copper tubing for use in the -water systems - hot and cold - in the new homes . Mr. C. P. Vaughan the developer is requesting approval to make this change. The Council and Bldg Inspector discussed the quality of the new tubing. It was decided to let Mr. Tolle inquire of the surrounding towns using -- polybutlene tubing to see if any problems have resulted. C. Ord. #220 Amendment The use of P.V.C. Schedule 40 pipe and fittings for sewer connections was discussed. Gerald Thurman (Sig Swenson) moved Ordinance #220 be amended to allow P.V.C. Schedule 40 pipe and fittings only with glue joints in the laying of sewer lines on private property only. All approved. D. Special permit for park Concession. Sig Swenson ( Bill Wiederstein) moved the request by Ed Feehan to sell beer at the Concession building at the park during his softball tournament be denied as it is in violation of Ord. ##236. All approved. E. Mayor Sippel gave an update one the Lease Agreement between the City of Cibolo and Mrs. Carmen Young for her Summer Day Camp. The agreement to be drawn up by the City's lawyer John Hrncir. 7. BILIS TO BE APPROVED: Marge Smith (Bill Wiederstein) moved the bills i be approved for payment. 8. ADJOURNMENT: Bill Wiederstein (Gerald Thurman) moved the meeting be adjourned at 9:10 p.m. All approved. A J A! IPPEL, OR I OF CIBOLO, TEXAS BARBARA L. GLENE L, SECRETARY CITY OF CIBOLO CITY OF CIBOLO - BILLS TO BE APPROVED - APRIL 2, 1981 OFFICE ADMINISTRATION DONALD CALE COPIES - FEB 508 MAR. 540 TOTAL 10 .8 @ .15 ea. 157.20 HARTGRAPHICS ELECTION SUPPLIES 58.21 "VOTED" STAMP 1 .72 SO . TEXAS PRINTING SUPPLIES 55.90 UTILITIES CITY OF CIBOLO CITY HALL (W&S) 23.00 CITY PARK (W) 18.50 G.V .E.C. CITY HALL 60.53 PARK 11 -78 COM. BLDG 31 -39 CITY PARK TRU VALUE HARDWARE KEYS (CONCESSION STAND) 2 .76 GRAVELY SALES & SERVICE 3 " MOWER, TRACTOR & SULKEY 1 ,395.00 TRUCK G-0'S AUTO REPAIR IGNITION SWITCH 22 .65 POLICE SO. TEXAS PRINTING IMPOUNDMENT SLIPS 18.00 WATER & SEWER CITY OF SCHERTZ PURCHASED WATER 674.36 MERCANTILE NATIONAL BANK AT DALLAS 5,530.00 (GUAD. CO. WATER CONT & IMP DIST AC-37210 •