Min CC 04/07/1981 - Special APRIL 7, 1,981 SPECIAL MEEPING CIBOIA CITY COUNCIL 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor John A. Sippel 2. QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Sippel, Jo Nirider, Marge Smith, Bill Wiederstein, Sig Swenson,Gerald Thurman; Asst. Iva Amacker, City Sec. Barbara Glenewinkel, Police Chief Jeronimo Marin,Jr. 3. BUSINESS AT HAND: The Council reviewed the election results. It was discovered that there was a one vote difference in the signature list and the tally. The tally wall vote over. After cross checking the signature list with the poll list, the Mayor suggested the election envelopes be turned over to the election judge Fred. Wiedner, to be reviewed. 4. ADJOURNMENT s 8:00 P.M. c jq# A. SIPPEL, YOR CIYY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS s BARBARA GLENEWINKEL, CITY SECRETARY CITY OF CIBOLO P. O.BOX 156 PHONE 658-9900 CIBOLO, TEXAS 78108 THE ELECTION JUDGE HAS GONE OVER THE LIST AND SIGNATURE LIST OF THE VOTERS IN THE APRIL 4 ELECTION AND HAS COME TO THE CONCLUSION THAT IT WAS TALLIED WRONG. THEREFORE THE TOTAL VOTES CAST WAS 136 AND SINCE IT DOES NOT AFFECT THE OUTCOME OF THE ELECTION I WILL ACCEPT A MOTION THAT WE ACCEPT THE ELECTION JUDGE'S CONCLUSION. 16.4136—BILINGUAL ORDER FOR CITY OFFICER ELECTION (1176) Hart"Graphics,Austin,Texas i ORDER FOR CITY - OEF-ICERS' ELECTION THE STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF CIBOLO I_ JOHN A S IPPEL m my capacity as Mayor of the City of CIBOLO Texas, do hereby order that an election be held in said City on the Z day of APRIL 191, for the purpose of electing the following officials for said City: c - MAYOR2 2 Aldermen? Two Commissioners2 (Number of) r - 'That in accordance with an order adopted by the City Council/Commission' of said City, said election shall be held at the following place— in said City, and the following named persons are hereby appointed officers for said election. In Election Precinct No." 1 at- CITY HALL . Building, in•said City, with FRED WI EDNER as Presiding judge, and ELLA SASSMAN as Alternate Presiding judge, and said Presiding judge shall appoint the necessary clerks to assist him which shall not exceed —2— clerks.$ In Election Precinct No. at Building, -in said City, with as Presiding judge, and as Alternate Presiding judge, and said Presiding judge shall appoint the necessary clerks to assist him which shall not exceed clerks.$ In Election Precinct No., at Building, in said City, with as Presiding judge, and as Alternate Presiding judge, and said Presiding judge shall appoint the necessary clerks to assist him which shall,not exceed clerks.3 In.Election Precinct No. at Building, in said City, with as-Presiding judge, and as Alternate Presiding judge, and said Presiding judge shall appoint the necessary clerks to assist him which shall not exceed clerks.3 The polls at each of the above designated polling places shall'.61i said election day be'.open from o'clock a.m. to o'clock p.m.4 is hereby appointed Clerk -for absentee voting, and- and are hereby appointed Deputy Clerks for absentee voting. The absentee voting for the above designated election shall be held at Sibolo Ely Hall within said City and said place of absentee voting,shall remain open for at least eight hours on each day for absentee voting which is not a Saturday, a Sunday, or'an official State holiday, beginning on the 20th day and continuing through the 4th day preceding thedateof said election. Said place of voting shall-remain'open between the hours Of 8:30 a,m. and 5:`00 p.m. on each day for said absentee voting. The above described place for absentee voting is also the absentee clerk's mailing address to which ballot applications and ballots voted by mail may be sent. In accordance with previous order wherein it was determined that the electronic voting system/voting machines' shall be used in the above mentioned,election for absentee voting by personal. appearance, and in accordance with .said order and the Election Code,. as Presiding judge, and as Clerks, are hereby appointed the Special Canvassing Board for said election.2 Absentee-voting, both by personal appearance and by mail,"shall be by paper ballots and shall be canvassed by a special canvassing board, and as Presiding judge, and as Clerks, are hereby appointed the Special Canvassing Board for said election.2 That said election shall be held in accordance with the Election Code of this State and only resident qualified voters of said city shall be eligible to vote at.said election. Notice of said-election will-be given in accordance with the terms and provisions of Article 4.05 of the Election Code and Art 29e and the City Secretary/Clerk is hereby instructed to have said notice posted and/or published in accordance with said Articles 4.05 and 29e. That immediately after said election is held, -the officers holding the same shall make returns of the result thereof to the Mayor of this city as required by the Election Code of this State. A copy-of this order shall also serve as a writ of election which shall delivered to the above appo' ted Presiding judge—, for said election. 0– n- 0 � (1) Strike one not applicable. Mayor 42) Strike if not applicable. (3) Art. 3.01(b) of the Election Code provides'for the appointment of a presiding Judge and alternate p1 Ing Judge and fixing the minimum number of c erks which shall be not less than two. (4) Art.2.01 of the Election Code provides that polls shall be open from 7:00 a.m.to 7:00 p.m.,provided at by order of Commissioners'Court In counties of 1,000,000 or more,palls may be open one hour earlier. ` (Vea al lado reverso para la traduccibn al Espanol) 16.4136—BILINGUAL ORDER FOR CITY OFFICER ELECTION (1176) Hart Graphics,Austin,Texas ORDEN DE ELECCION DE FUNCIONARIOS DE LA CIUDAD EL ESTADO DE TEXAS CIUDAD DE C IBOLO Yo, JOHN A•. SIPPEL en mi capacidad de Alcalde de la Ciudad de CIBOLO , Texas, ordeno'por la presente que se lleve a Cabo una election en dicha Ciudad el dia de ABRIL de 19, con el prop6sito de elegir los siguientes funcionarios para dicha Ciudad: ALCALDE2 2 Concejales2 Dos Comisionados2 Que de acuerdo con la 6rden adoptada por el Consejo de la Ciudad/Corte de Comisionadosl de dicha Ciudad, dicha elecci6n debera llevarse a cabo en el siguiente lugar/los siguientes lugaresl en dicha Ciudad, y las si- guientes personas son nombradas por la presente oficiales para dicha elecci6n. En el Precinto Electoral Num. 1 , en el Edificio CIBOLO de dicha Ciudad, con FRED WIEDNER como Juez Presidente, y ELLA SASSMAN como Alterno al Juez Presidente, y el nombrado Juez Presidente debera nombrar un numero necesario de escribientes que to asistan no siendo mas de 2' escribientes.3 En el Precinto Electoral Num. , en el Edificio de dicha Ciudad, con como Juez Presidente, y como Alterno al Juez Presidente, y el nombrado Juez Presidente debera nombrar un numero necesario de escribientes que to asistan no siendo mas de escribientes.3 En el Precinto Electoral Num. , en el Edificio de dicha Ciudad, con como Juez Presidente, y como Alterno al Juez Presidente, y el nombrado Juez Presidente debera nombrar un numero necesario de escribientes que to asistan no siendo mas de escribientes.3 En el Precinto Electoral Num. , en el Edificio de dicha Ciudad, con como Juez Presidente, y como Alterno al Juez Presidente, y el nombrado Juez Presidente debera nombrar un numero necesario de escribientes que to asistan no siendo mas de escribientes.3 Los sitios de votaci6n en Cada uno de los lugares designados se mantendran abiertos en dicho dia de elecci6nes de las 8-'30 a.m. a las 5:00 p,m,4 A se le nombra Secretario de votaci6n ausente, y y se les nom- bra por esta como Diputados del Secretarios para votaci6n ausente. La votaci6n ausente para la elecci6n ar- riba designada se llevara a cabo en C TTY 'NA T T, dentro de la Ciudad y dicho lugar de votaci6n ausente se mantendra abierto por to menos durante ocho Boras en cads dia de votaci6n ausente no siendo sabado, domingo o dia festivo oficial del Estado, principiando 20 dias y continuando hasta el cuarto dia anteriores a la fecha de dicha elecci6n. Dicho lugar de votaci6n se mantendra abierto de las 8:30 a-m,a las 5.00n-m- horas Cada dia de votaci6n ausente. El lugar arriba descrito para votaci6n es tambien la direcci6n postal del secretario de votaci6n ausente a la cull se podran enviar por°correo solicitudes de boletas y tambien las boletas con votos. De acuerdo con 6rden-previa en la cual se determin6 que se hard use del sistema electr6nico de votaci61f/de mdquinas de votaci6n' el la votaci6n ausente arriba mencionada por presentaci6n personal, y de acuerdo con dicha 6rden y el C6digo Electoral, como Juez Presidente, , y , como Escribientes, son nombrados por la presente como el Consejo Especial de Escrutinio para dicha elecei6n.2 Votaci6n ausente, por presentation personal o por correo, se hard en boletas electoras de papel y sera es- crutada por un Consejo especial de escrutinio, y como Juez Presidente, y como Escribientes, son nombrados por la presente como el Consejo Especial de Escrutinio para dicha elecei6n.2 Que dicha elecci6n se llevara a cabo de acuerdo con el C6digo Electoral del Estado y solamente votantes residentes capacitados de dicha Ciudad seran elegibles para votar en dicha elecci6n. Aviso de dicha elecci6n se hard de acuerdo con los terminos y provisiones del Articulo 4.05 del C6digo Electoral y el Articulo 29e y al Secretario de la Ciudad/Escribano se le ordena a colocar dicho aviso y/o publicar dicho aviso de acuerdo con los mencionados Articulos 4.05 y 29e. Que inmediatamente despues de haber llevado a cabo dicha elecci6n, los oficiales conduciendo la misma deberan rendir informe de los resultados de la misma al Alcalde de esta Ciudad como to requiere el C6digo Electoral de este Estado. Una Copia de esta 6rden tambien servird como 6rden judicial de elecci6n la cual sera entregada al Juez Presidente/Jueces Presidentesl arriba nombrado(s) para dicha elecci6n. lca de (See reverse side for Engl(h translation)