Min CC 05/06/1981 CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 6, 1981 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Ed Ling, 7:00 p.m. 2. INVOCATION: Councilmember Jo Nirider 3. QUORUPTFCHECK: Mayor Ling, Councilmembers: Nirider, Smith, Niemietz, Swenson and Thurman; Clerk Iva Amacker; Chief of Police Jeronimo Marin, Jr. and City Secretary Barbara Glenewinkel. 4. MINUTES: Marge Smith (Sig Swenson) made the motion the minutes of the April 16 Council meeting be approved as read. All approved. 5. NEW BUSINESS:_. A. MAYOR PRO-TEM Marge Smith (Jo Nirider) made a motion that SigSwenson be appointed Mayor Pro-Tem. All was in agreement. Marge Smith (Gerald Thurman) moved Sig Swenson be appointed by acclam- ation. All approved. B. CULVERT REQUEST- SHIPMAN Stanley Shipman's request for permission to put in a culvert at his driveway on the East*ide of N. Main;was discussed. The Council decided to ask Andrew Tolle and W.H. Mullins their opinion as to the size of the culvert needed,and`°vh6t-_type of edging and finishing needed. Mr. Tolle does not feel a culvert is needed at the location. C. PLANNING do ZONING COMMISSION REPRESENTATIVE Jo Nirider was appointed to represent the Council along with Marge Smith at the Planning and Zoning meetings. Mrs. Nirider replaces Bill Wiederstein. D. SEWER LINE EXTENSION REQUEST Mr. k Mrs. Emeterio Perez, who live on Haeckerville Rd. have request- ed information on�_a the possibility of having a sewer line laid to their property from the city line running from Timber Tech, Inc. along F.M. 78 to the lift station at Town Creek. The Council decided to have Andrew Tolle do a survey on the slope of the land to see if there would be enough slope to alloq for free flow. E. PALMER PROPERTY CORNER L1ECK/BEE ALLEY Mr. Richard Palmer, who has recently purchased the Stapper property on the corner of Bee Alley and Lieck St. hasrequested permission to put a post in the edge of eity T. rgpe ty on the corner of his property. He has had the lot surveyed and wants to fence in his property. The corner of his property has been rounded off over the years by vehicles cutting the corner. The possibility of closing Bee Alley to through traffic was also discussed. Sig Swenson (Jo Nirider) moved thematter be turned over to City Atty. John Hrncir for his opinion. All approved. 'F.,_:ELKS LODGE MEMORIAL Jo Nirider explained to the Council the request of the Elks Lodge and Elkettes to place a memorial at the City Park to-,,honor Scott French, a boy scout who was accidently run over and killed on a hay rade. The Elks Lodge sponsors the Scout troop. The Lodge had in mind a covered picnic table on a cement slab with a plaque inset on the awning,post. They would also like to plant some trees around the picnic table area. Jo Nirider (Marge Smith) made a motion the City Council approve the request with the approval of the ,perk commissioner as to placement. All approved. G. THE U.A. COLUMBIA CABLE TV ACCESS ADVISORY BOARD Sandra Schlather has asked to be replaced as Bawd member ori the access advisory board from Cibolo. Sylvia Strey has agreed to serve on the board. Marge Smith (Gerald Thurman) moved the Council approm',the appointment of Sylvia Strey to the T.V. Access Advisory Board. All approved. H.4REEN VALLEY WATER SUPPLY SERVICES Water services from Green Valley Water Supply Corp. were discussed. Mayor Ling stated he will get in touch with Green Valley W.S. and set rup a joint meeting between the City and G.V.W.S. to discuss future water needs. I. COPY MACHINKFOR CITY .HALL Coy mach nnfs fo City Hall wos dis�rusped. Barbara was instructed to ge more orma ion on severs brans or rev ewa . PAGE 2 COUNCIL MINUTES MAY (i,._-1981 CONTINUED J. CITY STREET FUND Barbara was instructed to contact (by letter) Sen. John Traeger and ( Rep. Bennie Bock to inform them the City is in favor of House,,Bill 1960 City Street Fund Program which if gassed will helpfinance -.City-..street. improvements. K. STREET SIGNS GeraldThurman Sig Swenson) made a motion the dead-end street sign on Meek St. be moved closer to F•M. 78 and the "No-Thru Truck Traffic" sign on S� Main be moved closer to F.M. 78. (Another "No-Thru Truck Traffic"Sign will also be installed on S. Main across from City Hall.) All approved. 6. BILLS TO BE APPROVED: Marge Smith (Jo Nirider) moved the bills be approved for payment. All approved. 7. ADJOURNMENT: 10:38 p.m. by Mayor Ling. t ED LING, MAYOFV- CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS 1619 G uz/�S 7 o-P_..1 BARBARA L. GLENEWINKEL, SECRETARY CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS • CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS BILLS TO BE APPROVED 6 MAY 1981 UTILITIES CITY OF CIBOLO CITY HALL (W&S) 23.30 CITY PARK (W) 18.50 G.V.E.C. CITY 35.44 PARK 21 -53 COMM BLDG 21 -97 OFFICE AND ADMINISTRATIVE AURIC UNITED CORP COPIES 30.70 SO. TEXAS PRINTING INC. CLEAN AND REPAIR (2 TYPEWRITERS) 57 .50 TAX CHARTS 62 .50 SUPPLIES 5.00 TEXAS ASSOC. OF ASSESSING MEMBERSHIP - IVA A14ACKER 25.00 OFFICERS BARBARA L. GLENEWINKEL REIMBURSEMENT (1 ) PICTURE 111 .97 FRAME AND (2) SECRETARY's LUNCHEON (IVA & BARBARA) THERESA SCHNEIDER PROPERTY TRANSFERS 2.40 WUESTS SUPPLIES1 .80 DONALD CALE COPIES 5.25 *TRACTOR SIPPEL HARDWARE GREASE CARTRIDGES 4.98 CIBOTA SELF SERVE BATTERY 33.62 TAX--DEP' GAS & OIL 18.23 # GO�ALUPE COUNTY APPRAISAL DIST. QUARTERLY PAYMENT 367.93 CIBOLO SELF SERVE GAS & OIL 19.51 CITY TRUCK CIBOIO SELF SERVE TIRE REPAIR 7.50 GAS & OIL 49.84 PARK SUPPLIES CIBOLO SELF SERVE GAS FOR ANTS 18.02 SCHLATHER'S INC. ANT POISON 32 .50 *ALL MOWING FOR PAST MONTH WAS DONE IN CITY PARK. POLICE CITY OF SCHERTZ IMPOUNDING 3 DOGS @ $5.00 ea 15.00 CITY OF SCHERTZ DISPATCHER 150.00 GASOLINE 173.66 WATER AND SEWER CITY OF SCHERTZ PURCHASED WATER 1 ,062.3 . C.C.M.A. SEWAGE TREATMENT 895.65 • BOECK EQUIPMENT CO HOSE 41 -41 ACE PLUMBING OFF SET UIENCH & PLIER 26.41 TRANS-TEX SUPPLY WATER DEPT. SUPPLIES 256.19 91A ;9�