Min CC 05/21/1981 CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, MAY 21, 1981 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 p.m. Mayor Ed Ling 2. INVOCATION: Mayor Ed Ling 3. ,QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Ling, Councilmembers: Nirider, Smith, Niemietz, Swenson, Thurman; Chief Jerry Marin; Clerk Iva Amacker and Barbara Glenewinkel, City Secretary. 4. MINUTES: Sig Swenson (Gerald Thurman) moved the minutes of the May 6th Council meeting be approved as read. All approved. 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: A. Agnes Schraeder, a resident on South Main St. attended the meeting to voice her opinions on several matters. They are: 1. The septic tank on the property next door owned by Charles Mulkey. Ms. Schraeder says the septic tank has not been filled in and when It rains heavily the tank fills with water and runs over onto the carport next to her house and into her driveway. Mr. Mulkey had only covered the tank before with a lid instead of filling it tup. Ms. Schraeder was told that Chief Marin will contact Mr. Mulkey about the matter since he is in vilation of City Ord. #38 and he will-,be given a certain number of days to comply. 2. Ms. Schmaeder also had complaint about thetype of people allowed to rent houses in thearea. She was refering specifically to a rent house 2 doors south of her. The renters, according to Ms. Schraeder, play the radio/stereo too loud and are up quite late disburbing some of the neighbors. She suggested an ordinance be passed prohibiting house owners from renting to undesirable renters. Ms. Schraeder was told that this could not be done - a house owner can not discriminate. 3. Ms. Schraeder also claimed her property boundary markers have been moved by Mr. Mulkey idmhen he put_ in a small drainage ditch between their property. Also, she had pictu^ s showing the,�fence line and boundary markers. She was advised to contact County Atty. Jandt about this matter. 4. Ms,,:,Schraeder also was concerned about dogs being allowed to run loose by ,H.the owners and allowed to mess up other people's yards. Complaints may be filed against the dog owners and they will be fined," 6. OLD BUSINESS: A. The request by Richard Palmer to put a pin in the edge of city proper- ty by his property corner (Bee Alley / Lieck) was discussed. Sig Swenson (Gerald Thurman) made a motion the council deny per- mission to Mr. Palmer to put a in in City Property. All approved. B. Chief Marin reported on the recent traffic study done in front of Timber Tech, Inc. on F.M. 78. The study did not proved the need for lowering the speed limit so the speed limit will remain. the same. 7. NEW BUSINESS: A. Ed Cullivan attended the meeting to give an update on the new sub- division he is developing on Green Valley Rd. Mayor Ling asked if he was building his subdivision in accordance with the City Ord. and when told Mr. Cullivan was riot aware that he had to abide by j City Ord., Mr. Ling stated he would contact the City's lawyer. to determine whether or not the subdivision was in fact in the city's E.T.J. B. Council decided not to pursue collection of Mixed Drink Taxes owed by John Yost when he was managing Circle K Steakhouse. The amount owed is $30.48. C. Sig Swenson suggested the city adopt an ordinance similar to one in San Antonio concerning tax collection on Mobile Home parks. Barbara was instructed to obtain a copy of S.A. ordinance if possible, so the council may study it. D. Tax Collection = A report on Delinquent taxes was,,-,given. The total amount over the past 10 years is $7,662.39. Delinquent tax letters have been sent in an effort to collect these taxes before turning '.Ucythem over to the attorney. E. Checkwriter Name Plate - Gerald Thurman (Marge Smith) moved a name plate for the chee' kwriter be ordered. All approved. F. Water & Sewer Loan/Grant - There was a discussion on water & sewer expansion loans. r. Rick Montoya had met several of the Council PAGE 2 --------- MAY 21, 1981 COUNCIL MINUTES CONTINUED. members at a recent T.M.L. meeting in San Antonio, and had asked Mayor Ling and the Council to contact his office for more inform- ation concerning theee loans to small towns. G. Board of Equalization - Jo Nirider (Fred Niemietz) moved the Council appoint Claude Smith, T.J. Harris and Leora Swenson to the Board of Equalization for the Tax Year 1981. Motion passed with Sig Swenson abstaining. H. City Hall Telephone Extension - Sig Swenson (Gerald Thurman) made a motion an extension phone be installed in City Hall," All approved. S. Copy Machine - Dgmonstration copy machines were viewed. Sig Swenson (Gerald hurman) made a motion the City purchase a new Sharp 741 with service contract in the amount of $2745.00 for the copy machine. The service contract will be a separate billing. All approved. 7. BILLS TO BE APPROVED: Jo Nirider (Fred Niemietz moved the bills be approved for payment. All approved. 8. ADJOURNMENT: Marge Smith (Jo Nirider) moved the meeting be adjourned at 10:15 p.m. All approved. A ED LING, MAYOR, ITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS BARBARA L. G WIN L, CITY SECRETARY L_ 5-21-81 BILLS TO BE APPROVED TELEPHONE SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO. TELEPHONE BILL 41.61 CITY TRUCK RUBEN'S AUTO REPAIH STATE INSP. & LABOR 26.90 CITY HALL WUEST GROCERY FIRST AID SUPPLIES 2.91 COCA COLA BOTTLING CO. SOFT DRINKS 25.75 AMERICAN DATA PRODUCTS OFFICE SUPPLIES 72.61 TAX DEPT. Theresa Schneider Property Transfers 1.80 Barbara Glenewinkel Reimbursement for milegge to 54.00 6 weeks tax- school. STREETS 270 mi. @ 200 ROLAND ELBEL HAULING 14.00 SARGENT SOWELL INC. STREET SIGN SUPPLIES 205.10 PARK SCHLATHERS INC. Fin ANT POISON 26.00 WATER AND SEWER DEPT. G.A. POWERS CO . SUPPLIES 1454.91 THE ROHAN CO. SUPPLIES 11.39 GREEN VALLEY WATER SUPPLY PURCHASED WATER 140.63. (2 months billing) CITY OF SCHERTZ EQUIP.USAGE & LABOR FOR 222.00 SEWER PROBLEM ON PECAN ST. 12 & 13 May, 1981.