Min CC 06/04/1981 ---------- CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JUNE 4, "19131 ---------- 1 . CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. 2 . QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Ling; Council-members: Nirider, Smith,_Niemietz, Swenson, and Thurman. Clerk Iva Amacker; Chief Jeronimo Marin, Jr.; and Barbara Glenewinkel, City Secretary. 3. INVOCATION: Mayor Ed Ling 4. MINUTES: Approved as read by Mayor Ling. 5. NEW BUSINESS: A. The U.A. Columbia Cable TV Public Access Board was discussed. According to the Franchise Section 21g the Franchisee N.A. Columbia) shall appear at public hearings called by the Franchisor (City) to discuss and evaluate the performance of the Franchisee. Such meetings should be held at least every two years. The Council decided to hold the public hearing at 6:30 P.M. June 18, 1981 if arrangements could be made with U.A. Columbia . B. Fire Department. Fred Niemietz (Jo Nirider) moved the Fire Dept and Ladies Aux. be allowed to use the park facilities without charge for their four main functions: Fire Dept Supper, Christmas Party, Turkey Bingo and Fire Dept Picnic. All approved. 6. OLD BUSINESS: A. Cullivan - Cher Ron _Subdivision. Mayor Ling reported on the status of the subdivision of Ed Cullivan. Mr. Cullivan is going to attend the Planning and Zoning Board meeting Monday night with his plat and restrictions and a letter to the Planning & Zoning Board requesting certain variances to the ordinance . B. Water and Sewer Lane Expansion.- Update. Mayor Ling reported to the Council on his telephone calls this week with Billie Gonzales in Austin and Tom Edelen of Farmers Home Administration of Seguin. The Council decided to pursue the matter with the Loan/Grant Applications and further information from the agencies suggested by Ms . Gonzales . A discussion was held on cleaning out the ditches so that water will drain off faster. The Council all agreed that something should be done. It was decided Andrew Tolle be consulted and asked to shoot grades to determine the best way to alleviate the water. C. Sig Swenson (Marge Smith) made a motion Jesse Serrano be employed as general maintenance employee with starting hourly wage at $3.35. All approved. D. Gerald Thurman (Jo Nirider) made a motion George Sassman, Sr. be employed as part-time help (for the city park) at $3 .35 per hour. All approved. E. A sprayer for the city was discussed. Mr. Swenson will contact Schlather's Inc . about borrowing a sponge applicator. Roundup herbicide will kill weeds on contact and that was suggested as a possible weed killer, even though it is expensive. F. S.A.F.E.S. ambulance increase in ambulance calls was discussed. A letter from SAFES was read by Mayor Ling. SAFES ambulance fees for transporting patients has increased from $ 5.00 to $50.00 effective June 1 , 1981 . G. Marge Smith (Jo Nirider)made a motion City Secretary Barbara Glenewinkel be authorized to attend a Tax Workshop in San Antonio July 15, 1981 . All approved. S H. Sig Swenson (Gerald Thurman) moved Barbara purchase a new calculator for City Hall. All approved. I. Council approved a certificate of appreciation to be presented to Greg Eu1, Non-Commissioned Officer in charge of Security Operations at Randolph A.F.B. He is being transfered to Alaska and is being honored on June 12, at Randolph Area Elks lodge #2 .60 in Cibolo . The certificate names Greg Eul as an Honorary Policeman. 7. BILLS TO BE APPROVED: Marge Smith (Fred Niemietz) made a motion the bills be approved for payment. All approved. 8. ADJOURNMENT: Fred Niemietz (Jo Nirider) moved the meeting be adjourned at 8:00 P.M. All approved. p ! EDWARD LING, MAYOR BARBARA GLENEWINKEL CITY SECRETARY • BILLS TO BE APPROVED ----- JUNE 4, 1981 UTILITIES GUADA LUPE VALLEY ELE CrRI C COOP. PARK 121 .19 COM BLDG. 25.50 CITY 53.16 CITY OF CIBOLO CITY HALL (Tn&S) 23-00 CITY PARK (W) 23.30 OFFICE AND ADMINISTRATIVE TERESA SCHNEIDER PROPERTY TRANSFERS 3.60 SO. TEXAS PRINTING SUPPLIES, 59.10 TYPEWRITER MAINTENANCE WUESTS SUPPLIES 16.83 CITY TRUCK CIBOLO SELF SERVE GAS & OIL 43.97 G-0 AUTO REPAIR ADJ. CLUTCH 4.00 LAWNMOWER CIBOLO SELF SERVE GAS & OIL 17.71 TRACTOR T & F CONST. CO. FIX FLATS 21 .00 CIB010 SELF SERVE GAS & OIL 24.90 G-0 AUTO REPAIR DRAIN GREASE PROM 52.80 TRANSMISSION, FLUSH AND REFILL STREETS T & F REPAIR CULVERT,RELOCATE 78.77 OIL BLL, 1�T,85 TONS MATER HA - BUILDING INSP. DEPT. T & F INSPECTIONS (12/19/80 thru 5/21/81) 235.00 POLICE CIBOLO SELF SERVE BRAKE FLUID 1 .19 CITY OF SCHERTZ GASOLINE 200.23 DISPATCHER 150.00 PARK ZWICKE BROS REPLACE CIRCUIT BREAKER 47.26 WATER AND SEWER CITY OF SCHERTZ PURCHASED WATER 1 ,003.88 GREEN VALLEY WATER PURCHASED WATER 100.62 G. A. POWERS SUPPLIES 25.58 T & F CONSTRUCTION REPLACE METERS, W&S TAPS FOR VAUGHAN, FIX WATER LEAKS 868.93 SO. TEXAS PRINTING WATER CARDS 48.00 C.C.M.A. SEWAGE TREATMENT 1 ,011 .81