Min CC 07/16/1981 CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, JULY 16, 1981 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 p.m. _ Mayor Ed Ling Z. INVOCATION: Jo Nirider 3. QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Ling, Councilmembers: Nirider, Smith, Niemietz, Swenson & Thurman; Asst Iva Amacker; Police Chief Jeronimo Matin; Barbara Glenewinkel, Sec. 4. MINUTES: The minutes of the previous meeting (July 2, 1981) were approved as read. 5. NEW BUSINESS: A. Update of Cable TV access channel was given by Councilmember Nirider. Mrs. Nirider explained the availability of the channel to the part- icipating cities. There are forms to be filled out if a city or organization wishes to use the "free" access channel and copies of these were given to the city secretary by Mrs. Nirider. The channel is open to clubs, organizations, individuals, etc. B. Salary increases: Sig Swenson (Jo Nirider) made a motion the salaries decided upon at the executive session be effective in Auguet. All approved. C. Farmers' Home Administration load for Water & Sewer Line Expansion ��vswas again discussed. Mayor Ling gave the council an update on the status of the talks with Mr. Edelen and Garcia & Wright. D. Money Market Certificate Compilation Mayor Ling gave the council an :,update on the compiliation of the various C.D.'s held by the city at the Cibolo State Bank. Mayor Ling had asked Mrs. Dietz at the bank to calculate how much the ciyt would lose in interest on the C.D.'s for cashing them in before maturity. Money Market Certificates were purchased in the amounts of $25,000. Water & Sewer and $30,000. General Fund. Mayor Ling stated he had intended the certificates to be $30,000 and $35,000 instead of $25,000 and $30,000. Barbara was instructed to chedk on the possibility of putting up $5,000 in a Water & Sewer Savings Acct. and $5,000 in a General Fund Savings ;:Acct. and to check on penalty for early withdrawal. E. The Mayor discussed his meeting with Andy Anderson of the Soil Cons. Service who was in Cibolo Wed. July 15 and went on a tour of Cibolo with Andrew Tolle, Commissioner Ackermann and Mayor Ling. Mr. Anderson stated he would shoot grades and make a report on cost and needs for better ftla.inage to Town Creek. F. Barbara was instructed to check on the possibility of a Cibolo Cookbook reprint. G. Fred Niemietz (Sig Swenson) made� a motion a public hearing be set for 6:30 p.m. Aug. 6 for input into the 1981-82 city budget. All appr. H. The C.C.M.A. sewer line smoke test was discussed again. Sig Swenson asked Barbara to find out from Mr. Sippel the status on the smoke test. (Mr. Sippel was called. He stated the smoke tests had been included in a C.C.M.A. grant request and to his knowledge that part of the grant had been deleted. ) I. Sig Swenson .(Jo Nirider) made a motion the city tractor be taken to Bielke's garage in Marion for an overhaul. All approved. 6. BILLS TO BE APPROVED: Sig Swenson (Marge Smith) moved the bills be approved for payment. All approved. 7. ADJOURNMENT: 8:15 p.m. Fred Niemietz(Gerald Thurman) moved the meeting b€ adjourned. All approved. ED LING, MAYOR ` BARBARA L. GLENS INKEL, CITY SECRETARY BILIS TO BE APPROVED - JULY 16, 1981 UTILITIES SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE 71 .43 FLEA MARKET HERALD-ZEITUNG AD 13.72 VALLEY NEWS AD 23.40 OTHER. EXPENSES S.A.F .E.S AMBULANCE 99.00 1 @ 9:00; 2 @ 45.00 9. 80 94R13!}RA Cj,EnlEWlwxE� /�E1m 8cJP—SEr17CAJ CITY TRUCK CIBOIO SELF SERVE GAS & OIL 65.2 TRA CTOR L CIBOLO SELF SERVE GAS & OIL 46.01 LAWNMOWER CIBOLO SELF SERVE GAS & OIL 14.71 POLICE DEPT CITY OF SCHERTZ IMPOUNDING FEE 5.00 CITY OF SCHERTZ GASOLINE 184.97 DIS PAT CHER 150.00 CIBOLO SELF SERVE BATTERIES 3 .90 RANDALL A. JENKINS REPAIR PORTABLE RADIO 41 .8o PARK SCHLATHER'S INC. ANT POISON 138.00 WATER AND SEWER C.C.M.A. SEWAGE TREATMENT 1 ,300.29 17 ORDINANCE NO: o�rSlS CITY' OF CIBJ LO AN ORDINANCE, SETTING A DATE, TIME AND PLACE _ FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNUAL 'BUDGET = s FOR =THE CITY OF CIBOTO,- TEXAS FOR ,THE FISCAL YEAR.-BEGINNING OCTOBER" 1 ,1981 ._ AND ENDING. SEPTEMBER' 30,- 1982 . ' ' BE IT ORDAINED BY. THE CITY., COUNCIL,OF;,THE "CITY OF* CIBOLO, TEXAS: On the 6th_Day of August;, 1981 at .6:30: P.M. o'clock at the,City'Hall; " 109' S. Main St . Cibolo; .Texas, -the -City .Council will 'hold. a: public" E hearing giving all interested persons the. right to appear and be heard on the planning of the proposed.-annual budget and, use of Revenue Sharing funds Passed and Approved this the - day' of agLg, 1981 . EDWARD LING MAYOR f. BARBARA L. GLENEWINKEL CITY SECRETARY f