Min CC 11/05/1981 CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 5 NOVEMBER 1981 = 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7 P.M. Mayor Pro Tem Sig Swenson 2. QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Pro Tem Swenson, Councilmembers Nirider, Smith, Niemietz and Thurman. Building Inspector Andrew Tolle, Chief of Police Jeronimo Marin, Jr., Asst Iva Anacker, City Secretary Barbara Glenewinkel 3. INVOCATION: Joe Nirider 4. COUNCIL GUESTS: Margie Sales, Terry Theisen, Erik Mulloy, Lynn Iovelady, David Sekula, Michele Morris, Leslie Lloyd who are members of Ms . Joyce Briscoe's government class at Samuel Clemens High School. 5. MINUTES: Jo Nirider (Marge Smith) moved the minutes be approved. All approved. 6. NEW BUSINESS: A. CIBOLO NORTH UNIT 2: C.P. Vaughan and Mark Vaughan attended the meeting to present the revised, plat of Cibolo North Unit 2 and request variances . A copy of requests are attached. (Attachment 1) Mr. Vaughan explained the reasons behind the requests. Jo Nirider (Marge Smith) moved the following requests be granted to C.P. Vaughan and Mark Vaughan: 1 . Cancellation and removal of the Cibolo North Unit 2 Master Plan dated Nov. 20, 1980. 2. Cancellation and removal of the Final Plat dated June 24, 1981 . 3. Approval of the New Master Plan of Cibolo North Unit 2, with variances to Subdivision Ordinance #60 as follows: a,. Page 1 y, 5.3; Page 29 - 8.2A; Page 23 - 7.5A - Sidewalks to be deleted. b. Page 24, 7.6B - Delete length of blocks wording "or be less than five hundred (500) feet" since we have blocks less than 500 feet in length. c. Page 25, 7.7B-1a - Delete the 70' width lot to variable lot fronts as shown on the plat: d. Page 27, 7.8E-3 - Change side yard setback to "10 feet total, with a minimum dimension on one side of 5 feet" . e. Page 30, 8.3 - Delete section on planting of trees on each lot . All approved. Mr. Vaughan requested the Council approve the plat of Buffalo Trail which is an exact duplication of Master Plan. Jo Nirider (Marge Smith) made a motion the Council approve the final plat of Buffalo Trail subject to the approval of P & Z Board. All approved. Page 2 - Council Minutes, 5 Nov 81 B. ANNEXATION ORDINANCE #288 Annexation, Ordinance #288 was read for the third and final time . A copy of this ordinance annexing 46.074 acres is attached to minutes (Attachment 2) . Fred Niemietz (Marge Smith) moved that Ordinance #288 be approved by council. All approved. C.. GUADALUPE COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT The ballot for the Guadalupe County Appraisal District Board of Directors was read to the Council. Fred Niemietz (Marge Smith) moved a resolution be passed stating the city casts all 20 votes it is entitled to for Theo Reinhard. All. approved. D. PHONE FOR COUNCILMAN NIEKIETZ A city phone for Councilman Niemietz was again discussed. Marge Smith (Gerald Thurman) moved a "measured business phone" be installed at Fred's Barber Shop and the city be responsible for the minimum bill and all city related long distance calls for as long as Mr. Niemietz remains a councilman or the phone is necessary. The motion passed with Fred Niemietz abstaining. E.- TRASH BURNING Mrs . Nirider brought the subject of trash burning in the city limits . The possibility of an ordinance prohibiting burning was discussed. It was suggested that trash burning that became offensive be reported and the police talk to the offenders about the problem. Another suggestion was compulsory trash pickup with the garbage fee added on to the water and sewer bill. No further action was taken. F. FIRE PHONE The possibility of a fire phone in City Hall was discussed. Gerald Thurman (Jo Nirider) made a motion that the Cibolo VFD be allowed to install a phone if they so desire. Motion passed with Fred Niemietz abstaining. G. SPEEDING TRAINS Speeding trains in Cibolo was again discussed. , The speed limit in Converse is 40 MPH for trains and their,ordinance regulating speed limits has been in effect since 1979 and this ordinance was discussed. The council read the ordinance prepared and passed said ordinance as an emergency measure on the first reading. Marge Smith (Jo Nirider) made a ;v motion the city pass Ordinance #290 (Attachment 3) and declaring an emergency-. All approved. H. INTERSECTION N. MAIN AND BORGFELD The intersection of N. Main and Borgfeld Rd. was discussed. The traffic control posts are constantly being knoeked down and taken away. Mrs. Nirider suggested that a street light be installed and it was decided to look into the matter. Gerald T1lurman (Jo Nirider) moved the street light be requested from G.V.E.C. All approved. I. RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT TRAFFIC MARKINGS Gerald 'Thurman (Fred Niemietz) moved a resolution be passed accepting the traffic markings on FM 78 between FM 1103 and Dietz Creek bridge. All approved. 7. BILLS TO BE APPROVED: Marge Smith (Gerald Thurman) moved the bills be • approved for payment. All approved. s Page 3 - Council Minutes, 5 Nov 81 8. ADJOURNMENT: Marge Smith (Gerald Thurman) moved the meeting be adjourned at 9:45 P.M. SNIMON MA OR PRO TEN! BARBARA GLENEWINKEL CITY SECRETARY ATTA CfRMTS: 1 . Vaughan Ltr, 27 Oct 81 , Re: Cibolo North Unit 2 (Riedel Acres) 2 . Ordinance #288, Annexation Ordinance 3. Ordinance #290, Setting speed limit of 45 MPH for trains in City Limits • BILLS TO BE APPROVED -.5 NOVEMBER 1981 UTILITIES CITY OF CIBOLO CITY HALL (W&S) 23.00 CITY PARK (W) 18.50 G.V.E.C. COMM. BLDG 40.22 —j M PARK 15.92 CITY 104.01 OFFICE & ADMINISTRATIVE SO. TEXAS PRINTING SUPPLIES 31 .45 WUESTS SUPPLIES 6.56 COCA-COL& BOTTLING CO DRINKS 34.10 S.A.F.E.S. CITY OF SCHERTZ CIBOLO'S SHARE OF AMBULANCE SERVICES FOR FY 80-81 - OPERATING COST 190.43 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 259.61 450.04 POLICE DEPARTMENT SARGENT-SOWELL INC. SUPPLIES 107 .05 JOHNNY'S GARAGE TOWING POLICE CAR 24.00 TRUE PERFORMANCE POLICE CAR MAINTENANCE 15.80 CITY OF SCHERTZ DISPATCHER 150.00 GASOLINE 112.84 CITY OF SCHERTZ IMPOUNDING FEES 3 Dogs @ 7.50 22 .50 STREETS & PARK BRAUNTEX MATERIALS INC. 108.31 (IF PAID BY 10TH) DISCOUNT - 12 .31 96.00 WATER & SEWER CITY OF SCHERTZ PURCHASED WATER 1 ,045.18 G. A. POWERS SUPPLIES 4.80 HELPING HAND HARDWARE SUPPLIES 18.14 CIBOLO CREEK MUNICIPAL AUTHORITY SEWAGE TREATMENT 1349.56 TRUCK G-0"S AUTO REPAIR CLUTCH 81 .21 CK TRANS & REAR END, GREASE, 21 .55 BELT REPAIR BRAKES 20.00 TRACTOR G-0'S AUTO REPAIR REPLACE DISTRIBUTOR CAP 10.65 r October 27 , 1981 City Planning Commission and City of Cibolo Cibolo , Texas 78108 Re : Cibolo North Unit 2 (Riedel Acres) Gentlemen: Due to certain street layouts , we were unable to receive a favorable review from the Farmers -Home Administration ' s State Office at Temple , Texas on our existing layout for the above captioned . Their new program requires that the majority of streets run East and West so that houses can be faced North and South ' for least exposure to the sun. As houses are constructed, no windows should be installed on the East or West sides of the homes and only windows that can be shaded by a (+) 300 over- hang are to be placed on the South. Their reasoning is that the sun will not heat up the house in the summer, therefore; cooling will be easier and less ex- pensive . Heating will also be less in the winter because the sun will be lower and will then come through the windows below the (+) 300 overhang . With the above features added into the developments , they say that it will create less utility bills , therefore; the owners will save money and not be delinquent on their monthly payments . Also, the savings on energy over the entire state of Texas willebe "astronomical . " Because of the above unfavorable acceptance from F.m:H.A. , we request the following : 1 . Cancellation and removal of the Cibolo North, Unit 2 , Master Plan dated November 20 , 1980 . 2 . Cancellation and removal of the Final Plat dated June 245 1981 . 3 . Approval of the New Master Plan of Cibolo North. We trust you will find the enclosed satisfactory, however; if there should be any changes , please let us know. Sincerely yours VAUGHAN CREST D LOPMENT, INC. C. P . Vaughan, President • ATTACHMENT 1 - Council Minutes 5 Nov 81 .October 27 , 1981 City Planning Commission and City of Cibolo Cibolo, Texas 78108, Re : Cibolo North Unit 2 (Riedel Acres) Gentlemen: Please find attached to this .letter 2 Original Plats and '-8 copies of the Plats of the above captioned . Also enclosed is our check in the amount of $125 . 00 which is in compliance with section 2 . 2-A5 of the City Ordinances . In regard to the above captioned' we respectively request the following Variances in accordance with Article VI : 1 . Page 15 ,5 . 3 - Sidewalks to be deleted for the above captioned. 2 . Page 24 , 7-. 6B - Delete length of blocks wording "or be less than five hundred( 500) feet" since we have blocks less than 500 feet in length. 3 . Page .25 , 7-.7B-la - Delete the 70 ' width- lot to variable lot .fronts as shown on the plat . 4 . Page 27 , 7 . 8E-3 - Change side yard setback to 1110 feet - total ; with' a minimum dimension .on one side of 5 feet" . 5 . Page 30 , 8 . 3 - Delete section on planting of trees on each lot . The above variances are .for -the above captioned development only and do ,not effect any other development at this time . We trust that you will find the enclosed plats to your satisfaction, however; if you should have any questions , please let us know. Sincerely yours , VAU.GHAN CREST DEVELOPMENT, INC. C . P . Vaughan, -President