Min CC 11/19/1981 CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - 19 NOVEMBER 1981 1 . CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Ling 2. INVOCATION: Mayor Ling 3. QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Ling, Councilmembers Nirider, Smith, Niemietz, Swenson, and Thurman; Chief of Police Jeronimo Marin-, Jr. and Barbara Glenewinkel, City Secretary. 4. MINUTES: The minutes of the November 5, 1981 meeting were read and approved. 5. BUSINESS AT HAND: A. F.S. S CHLATHER PROPERTY 1 . F.S. Schlather attended the council meeting to request approval by the Council to sell a portion of the Schlather property adjacent to Verde Growers to John Boehm. The property is 1 .775 ac. and is in the flood plain so it could only be used as a front yard. Mr. Boehm is aware of this. Jo Nirider (Gerald Thurman) made a motion the variance request be approved. All approved. 2. F. S. Schlather also explained his plans to sell his mother, Mrs. Elaine Schlather, .688 ac. of his farm on FM 1103. Mrs. Schlather would be using the property to build a house and the road easements of F.S. Schlather would be used by her as well. Mr. Schlather stated he would abide by the subdivision ordinance if in the future the property is developed into a subdivision. Fred Niemietz (Marge Smith) moved the request of F.S. Schlather be granted. All approved. 3. F.S. Schlather also explained that T&F Construction has decided to purchase 3.07 ac. of property on N. Main next to Verde Growers. This property belongs to Ernst and F.S. Schlather and does not have the sewer lines to it. Cost of laying the sewer line would exceed the cost of the land. Mr. Schlather is requesting a variance to subdivision ordinance that requires the laying of sewer lines and manholes. Gerald Thurman (Fred Nieni.etz) moved the variance be granted. All approved. B. CIBOLO-SCHERTZ DEVELO-1 ANT CORPORATION Cibolo-Schertz Dev. Corporation is requesting approval of three (3) lots being designated on unplatted land in the Schneider Industrial Park. A description of lots is attached. They are also designating streets. These will be Industrial Dr. and Guadalupe Dr. Jo Nirider (Gerald Thurman) moved the plat be approved. All approved. C. CITIZEN VISIT Stanley Shipman attended themeeting to question the new houses being put in across from-his home. He felt that in the future the houses will not be kept up and it gill make the value of his property go down. Mr. Shipman was • told that the Farmer's Home Administration would do everything possible to make the home-owners keep the homes in good condition. Also, the city has ordinances concerning trash, weeds, junk cars which will help control the area. PAGE 2 - Cibolo City Council Minutes - 19 November 1981 D. INTERSECTION N. MAIN AND BORGFELD RD The intersection at N. Main and Borgfeld road was discussed. Several ways to try to eliminate the destruction on the traffic control devises at the intersection were debated. Jo Nirider (Fred Niemietz) made a motion the city install poles with clamps tomorrow and proceed with future plans (armadillo buttons) when possible. All approved. E. COMPUTERIZE TAX RECORDS The possibility of having the tax rolls and statements done by the computor at the County Appraisal Office was discussed. Mr. Norris Hall had stated it would probably cost $300 . to $400. to have this done. The council stated it would have this done for the tax department if the cost would stay within range quoted. F. REPRESENTATIVE TO SCHOOL BOARD COMMITTEE The committee suggested by the School Board was discussed. Supt. Block had sent a letter asking the city to appoint a member to serve on this committee made up of a representative from each city within the school district and a representative from the school district. Marge Smith (Gerald Thurman) made a motion that the city appoint Sig Swenson to act as City's representative. All approved. (School supt. was notified 11 -20-81 ) 6. BILIS TO BE APPROVED: Marge Smith (Sig Swenson) moved the bills be approved. All approved. 7. ADJOURNMENT: 9:45 by Mayor Ling. ED LING, MAYOR, ITY OF CIBOLO BARBARA GLENEWINKEL, CITY SECRETARY • CITY OF CIBOIO BILLS TO BE APPROVED 19 Nov 1981 UTILITIES SOUTHWESTERN BELL 49.83 SOUTHWESTERN BELL INSTALIATION OF PHOTS) 86.00 AT FRED'S BARBER SHOP OFFICE AND ADMINISTRATIVE BARBARA GLENEy=L REIMBURSEMENT MILEAGE FOR TAX SCHOOL (6 TRIPS) ATTENDANCE AT TAX MEETING _ SEGUIN (1 TRIP)= 7 x 40 mi round trip x .23 per mile) 64.40 REIMBURSEMENT - LAW BOOK (VEHICLE) 2.50 TAMARAC SUPPLIES 14.89 HARTG APHICS DEL. TAX RECORD 23.63 STREETS GIFFORD-HILL & CO. INC 10.25T (HOT MIX COLD LAY) 189.63 PARK SCHLATHER'S INC. 10 lb AMDRO 60.00 POLICE CAR CIBOLO SELF SERVE TIRE REPAIR, TRANS. FLUID 21 .75 TRUCK CIBOLO SELF SERVE TIRE REPAIR, GAS & OIL 37.72 MOWER CIBOLO SELF SERVE GAS & OIL 15.72 TRACTOR CIBOLO SELF SERVE GAS & OIL 26.46 OTHER EXPENSES CIBOLO SELF SERVE ICE .60 WATER & SEWER GARCIA & WRIGHT GREEN VALLEY WATER SERVICE AGREEMENT 226.00 INFO ITEM: C.C.M.A. SEWER CONNECTIONS PAID 11 -13-81 FOR THE $3,600.00 FOLLOWING ADDRESSES: 597 N. Main, 599 N. Main 605 N. Main, 105 and 109 South Street 203 and 205 Pecan, 101 Buffalo Trail, 102, 103, 164, 105, 106, 107, 108, 111 Apache Cirdle