Min CC 08/19/1982 CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 19, 19d2 1 . CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. Mayor Ling 2. QUORUM DHECK: Mayor Lang, Council-members Jo Nirider, Marge Smith, Fred Niemietz, Sig Swenson, Bill Little; City Attorney Larry Brockman, Asst Iva Amacker 3. INVOCATION: Mayor Ed Lang 4. MINUTES: Minutes of August 5, 1982 meeting were approved with one change. Item 7B change Marge Smith to Jo Nirider. 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: Mrs. Sandy Bauder presented a petition containing 59 signatures requesting that Jeronimo Marin, Jr. be reinstated with various benefits, i.e. increase in salary, vacation, etc. Mayor Lang stated "We will take-i+ -under -consideration and will let you know at the next meeting." 6. OLD BUSINESS: A. Streets and Paving Mr. Brockman reported that he talked with the owners of the property (formerly Watson, Steves & Flannery property) and that a copy of the easement was mailed 4 Aug 82) . Mr. Carlos Pena requested that contract be sent to his attorney in San Antonio . Owner's attorney approved contract with one minor change (regarding workman's comp.) the contract was forwarded to Laredo for signature. Sig Swenson (Jo Nirider) made motion to tell our engineer to proceed with specifications for paving and drainage. All approved. B. Update of Police Protection Situation Mayor Lang reported to citizens that they may still call Schertz in an emergency. We are presently being covered by Constable Ackerman and Guadalupe County Sheriff's Dept. The State Highway Department has given traffic tickets on FM 78 in city limits. 7. NEW BUSINESS: A. Resignations (1) City Attorney John Hrncir submitted his resignation due to the fact that he has moved his law offices out of our area. Marge Smith (Bill Little) made a motion that we accept Mr. Hrncir's resignation. All approved. (2) City Secretary Barbara Glenewinkel submitted her resignation. Marge Smith (Jo Nirider) moved we accept Barbara's resignation. Bill Little and Fred Niemietz voted against. Sig Swenson, Marge Smith and Jo Nirider voted For. Motion carried. B. Texas Municipal League fight against Southwestern Bell telephone rate increase. Jo Nirider (Marge Smith) made the motion that we join TML in their fight to prevent a rate increase. All approved. C. Mr. Swenson reported on meeting with School Board regarding listing furnished by County Appraisal District. D. Identification Stickers Mr. Little introduced the idea of purchasing stickers to be placed on cars of all Cibolo residents. Stickers can be purchased from State Penal Institute for approximately 18/20 cents each. It was agreed to wait and see if local citizens are agreeable. Pg 2 - Minutes of August 19, 1982 Mtg E. Veterans Day Celebration Mrs. Nirider gave report on Veteran's Day Celebration. The City of Cibolo had tentatively accepted the chili cook-off. Mr. Swenson said he had had no response to his inquires and that it was too late to start now. Marge Smith (Jo Nirider) moved that we do not have the chili cook-off. We will participate in all events to the ma±imum extent possible with the other cities. All approved. F. Fred Niemietz (Marge Smith) moved we set date for Budget Workshop as August 23, 1982 . All approved. G. Marge Smith (Jo Nirider) moved we set date for Public Hearing on Budget for September 16, 1982, at 6:30 P.M. All approved. Meeting adjourned to reconvene in Executive Session pursuant to ART. 6252-17 Sections 2(f) and 2(g) . Open meeting reconvened after Executive Session. Action taken follows: (1) Citizens were informed that any council-member was free to put - the matter of re-hiring Jeronimo Marin, Jr. on the agenda. (2) Sig Swenson (Bill Little) moved that Iva Amacker be hired as City Secretary, working 40 hours per week at a salary of $800.00 per month, and that we advertise for part time clerical help, 20 hours per week at minimum wage. All approved. H. BILLS APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: Jo Nirider (Marge Smith) moved bills be approved for payment. All approved 8. ADJOUR=: Meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. � / ED LING, MKYOR IVA R. ANACKER, CITY SECRETARY BILIS TO BE APPROVED -19 AUGUST 1982 UTILITIES SOUTHWESTERN BELL 658-9900 54-77 658-8735 16.27 OFFICE AND ADMINISTRATIVE t. UTEX DEVELOPER & MASTERS FOR COPIER 100.00 UTEX SERVICE AGREEMENT 150.00 BARBARA GIENEWINKEL REIMBURSEMENT - 2 trips Schertz @ 6 mi. ea trip 2.76 2 trips to Seguin @ 20 mi. ea. 9 .20 11 .96 WUESTS SUPPLIES 6.81 POLICE PROTECTION AND COURT ED KNEUPPER REIMBURSEMENT FOR ATTENDANCE AT TEXAS MUNICIPAL JUDGE SEMINAR DUES 15.00 HOTEL 7g.98 Com,ao 9 PARK AYERS DISTRIBUTING CO. TOWED & TISSUE 57.30 i REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE ARNOID MOOS & CO. HEAT PUMP FOR A/C 25300.00 WATER & SEWER. C.0.M.A. SEWAGE TREATMENT 1 $196.47 BENNIE BOCK II RELEASE OF LIEN & 30.00 RECORDING FEES (ROBT HIERHOLZER)