Min CC 08/10/1982 - Emergency SPECIAL EMERGENCY COUNCIL MEETING, CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL 8/10/82 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 p.m. IIayor Ling 2. QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Ling; Councilmembers: Swenson, Smith, Nirider, Little,Niemietz; Barbara. Glenewinkel, City Secy. 3. INVOCATION: Mayor Ed Ling 4. BUSINESS AT HAND: A. The purchase of a new 5-ton heat pump unit for the city hall was the business at hand. The 3 bids that had been received by city hall were discussed. A�copy of the bids is attached to the minutes. It was decided by the council to let Bill Little have his employee check out the unit before notifying the company to install the new condenser. Sig Swenson (Jo Nirider) moved the Council accept the bid of Arnold Moos Co. for a, 5 ton heat pump at $2300.00. Motion carried with 4 for (Smith, Swenson, Nirider, Niemietz) and 1 abstaining (Bill Little). 5. ADJOURNMENT: 7:35 p•m• ED LING, M.&YOR BARBARA L. GLENEW KEL, CITY SECRETARY CITY O.F ,CIBOLO P. O.BOX 156 GUADALUPE COUNTY CIBOLO,TEXAS 78108 Arnold Moos - 2300.00 - 5 ton unit installed Andrew Hillett - 206.00 - - condenser, thermostat, installation, dryers need changing. Mr. Hillert stated that the first time he contacted GE the man there said that the thermo- stat should be changed too, but the second time he - contacted them he talked with another man and he said that that was not necessary; Andrew told him who he had spoken with before and what he had said so the second man said that the first man had been there for a number of years and knew what he was talking about and if he felt the thermostat should be- changed, then he would go along with that. Kibler - 2505.00 - condenser - He said he had spoken with GE and the man had said the thermostat Hid' not necessarily need replacing, but he (Kibler) could include it in the bid price.