Min CC 08/05/1982 CIBOIO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 5, 1982 1 . CALL TO ORDER: 7 P.M. Mayor Ed Ling 2. QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Ed Ling, Councilmembers: Nirider, Smith, Niernietz, Swenson and Little; City Attorney Larry Brockman; City Secretary Barbara Glenewinkel and Asst Iva Amacker 3. INVOCATION: Mayor Ling MINUTES: Marge Smith (Fred Niemietz) moved the minutes be approved. All approved. 5. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD: A number of citizens attended the Council meeting to protest the resignation of Chief of Police Jeronimo Marin, Jr. and the matter of the water leak on F.M. 78. All citizens were offered an opportunity to speak and express their opinion. The remarks are too numerous to relate in the minutes but a tape was made of the meeting and is on file . 6. OLD BUSINESS: A. Patio Specifications The question of the patio specifications was again on the agenda. Jo Nirider (Marge Smith) made a motion the Council rescind the previous actions taken by the Council and abolish any control over patio construction. Andrew Tolle, Bldg. Inspector, was present and the Council asked him to discuss the problem with them. Jo Nirider (Marge Smith) made the motion to withdraw the rescinding motion until further study of the patio specifications prepared by Mr. Tolle according to Council specifications. All approved. B. Street Paving Mr. Ling reported that the Easement forms had been prepared by Mr. Brockman and forwarded to the new owners Hector Garcia, Judy Botello, Carlos Pena, Salinas Mineral Trust . (Property involved is located at end of Santa Clara St.) Sig Swenson made the motion that W.H. Mullins be instructed to proceed with plans on street paving and drainage. The motion failed for lack of a second. The council felt the easement should be completely finalized before the expense of plan preparation was authorized. 7. NEW BUSINESS: A. Resignation of Chief of Police (1 ) Sig Swenson (Bill Little) moved the Council accept the resignation of Chief of Police Jeronimo Marin, Jr. and give him his pay for August. There was some discussion concerning this motion. Mrs. Nirider felt the motion should be divided and the resignation and pay be voted on separately since she wanted to vote "no" for the resignation and that she did not wish anyone to think she was voting against the pay. (2) Jo Nirider (Marge Smith) moved to amend Sig Swenson's motion by separating the two issues. Four voted in favor of separating the issues - Sig Stenson voted against. (3) Sig Swenson (Bill Little) moved the Council accept the resignation of Jeronimo Marin, Jr. as Chief of Police. Fred Niemietz, Bill Little and Sig Swenson voted in favor of accepting. Marge Smith and Jo Nirider voted against accepting. Motion carried. (4) Sig Swenson (Bill Little) moved the Council pa Chief Marin one months' salary plus two weeks vacation. All approved. Page 2 - CC Minutes 5 Aug 82. B. Resignation of Chairman, Planning & Zoning Board Marge Smith (Sig Swenson) made the motion the Council accept the resignati6n__of Claude Smith as Chairman of the Planning & Zoning Board. All approved. Mr. Smith stated his reasons for resigning as he will be teaching three nights a week and also has the County Appraisal Board meetings to attend and feels he does not have the time to devote to planning & zoning. C. Water Leak The water leak on the Besch property was discussed; Mr. Tolle stated he would be available to work on the leak on Saturday. D. Animal Control Facility Marge Smith (Fred Niemietz) made the motion the City accept the rates set by City of Schertz for the use of the animal control facility. All approved. E. Caution Lights The Ordinance from the State Highway Dept. establishing caution lights at the intersections of F.M. 1103 and F.M. 78; and F.M. 1103 and N. Main was read by Mayor Ling. Jo Nirider (Fred Niemietz) moved the Council accept the Ordinance #295• All approved. F. Agenda Items Bill Little requested that in the future all agenda items added after the original posting be dated (date and hour) so that there can be no question as to whether or not it was posted before deadline. G. Repair of Air Conditioning Unit Repair of air conditioning unit was discussed. Fred Niemietz (Sig Swenson) made the motion Bill Little get three bids and as soon as the bids were obtained a special meeting would be held. All approved. H. Emergency Meeting An emergency meeting was set for 5:30 P.M. Friday, August 6 for the purpose of authorizing advertisement for new Chief of Police. 8. BILIS TO BE APPROVED: Jo Nirider (Marge Smith) made a motion the bills be approved for payment. All approved. 9. ADJOURNMENT: Marge Smith (Jo Nirider) moved the meeting be adjourned at 9:20. All approved. G� ED I G, MAYOR BARBARA GLENEWINEEL, CITY SECRETARY BILLS TO BE APPROVED - 5 AUG 1982 UTILITIES G.V.E.C. CITY 122.31 PARK 111 .22 COM BLDG 21 -13 254.69 CITY OF CIBOIO CITY HALL (W&S) 23.00 PARK (W) 41 .60 6 ..60 OFFICE & ADMINISTRATIVE BARBARA GLENEWINKEL REIMBURSEMENT TWO (2) TRIPS 18.40 TO TAX APPRAISAL OFFICE IN SE GUIN 8o MI @ .23 TRACTOR CIBOLO SELF SERVE CAS & OIL 14.60 TRUCK CIBOLO SELF SERVE GAS & OIL 37.28 PARK RESTROOM CIBO LO LUMBER CO MATERIALS 114.99 POLICE DEPT CITY OF SCHERTZ DISPATCHER 15 .00 POLICE CAR CITY OF SCHERTZ GASOLINE 152.99 WILLIE'S GARAGE CHANGE OIL & FILTER - 85.40 REPLACE PINION SEAL & REPLACE U JOINT WATER & SME R. T & F CONSTRUCTION CO REPAIR THREE LEAKS, WATER & SETAER 371 -30 TAP (POLIARD) CITY OF SCHERTZ PURCHASED WATER 23079.55 FRANK SCHMIDT RECORD CCMA EASEMENT 5.00